Mar 31, 2008 22:04
Tomorrow is my first day back at work since having Jillian. I am only going to be working Tuesdays and Thursdays in April (essentially), so I am easing back into it, but the logistics of figuring it all out have been a bit daunting: trying to wake up earlier so I won't be shocked by leaving the house at 7; figuring out how many bottles Jillian might have during the day and reserving a conference room at work so that I can pump milk for her; trying to remember what I used to take with me to the office every day, trying on clothes to try and find something that fits me post-pregnancy; and trying to tell Jay what he will need to do. I'm pretty apprehensive about it, but I know it's time to start easing back in and taking back some of the burden that I dropped on my co-workers who have really picked up the ball while I have been out. It feels like I don't remember work all that well, and yet, I know that I will probably jump back into the office routine pretty well. But, I may be completely exhausted tomorrow. And after having basically unlimited internet time, I may also be experiencing some computer-deprivation. We'll just have to see how it goes.
Now, on to other, more fun topics: HIMYM!!! The best ending to an episode ever!!
Now, I think that any Barney-centric episode is inherently great, and if you add in the March Madness thing, it just takes it up a notch of awesome. (Side note: In my office bragging-only pool, I am currently in second place, and should UCLA and UNC make it to the final game, I have a good shot at winning. I think this is the best I have ever done. I feel so happy about that. Alright, back to your regularly scheduled tv rambling....) So, I liked the episode. I died at the fact that Barney could remember not only the 64 girls' names, but the specific lie and repurcussions of the lie which he used with them. And the drunken bickering was great. Although the seeding may have been iffy -- J wants to know how a 7 seed upset a 2 to make it to the Elite Eight.
Anyway, the best thing was at the end. J stops the DVR and says "that's the theme song to Doogie Howser" and I'm desparately trying to figure out how on earth he could possibly remember that (apparently, TWoP recently linked to a YouTube video of an episode and he clicked on it and saw the beginning), but then, Barney starts to type his blog, just as Doogie used to at the end of that show and I pretty much lost it. It's a good thing my kids can sleep through the yelling. The ellipses and all of it was just incredible. Best ending of an episode yet. LOVED IT.
Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow. Hopefully, I won't need it. Actually, J might need it more, come to think of it. Okay, wish us both luck!
baby stuff,