HP Fic: In the Hospital Wing, 8 a.m. (Drabble; G, Remus/Sirius)

Nov 11, 2006 05:31

Title: In the Hospital Wing, 8 a.m.
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Fireworks; for sirius_remus100
Characters: Remus/Sirius
Rating: G

There would be fireworks.

Sirius had been wrong many times, but never this badly. He’d thought Snivellus and Remus were sneaking around together behind his back, and in one gloriously stupid and drunken moment, all the viciousness of his Black heritage spewed forth. He’d told Snape how to get past the Willow.

Remus would explode. There would be screaming, hexing, and quite possibly, muggle-style punching, and Sirius would take it all without lifting a finger in his own defense. He deserved it.

When a silent Remus turned his tear-streaked face resolutely away, Sirius knew. Fireworks would have been too kind.

remus/sirius, drabbles, harry potter, fic

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