HP Fic: Family, Love, and Loyalty (Drabble; G, Remus/Sirius)

Nov 13, 2006 08:02

Title: Family, Love, and Loyalty
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Loyalty; for sirius_remus100
Characters: Remus/Sirius
Rating: G

"You will be on your best behavior, Sirius. There will be several important guests attending, wizards who are part of a much-needed movement back to our pure-blood origins. Let me see your list." Walburga Black’s eyes carried an ominous warning.

"Potter and Pettigrew, I suppose, you may invite. This...half-blood," she said with obvious distaste, "will not step foot inside this house."

"If Remus doesn’t attend, I don’t attend."

Sirius’s father looked up in surprise. "You would miss your own family’s annual party?"

At Sirius’s curt nod, Walburga sneered. "He has no loyalty, Orion."

Only to those I love, Sirius thought.

remus/sirius, drabbles, harry potter, fic

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