HP Fic: The Comfort of Home (Drabble; PG, Remus/Sirius)

Nov 19, 2006 09:32

Title: The Comfort of Home
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Home; for sirius_remus100
Characters: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG

After the ‘prank’, Remus began dating Isabeau Laurent.

Isabeau was sweet, but when they touched, Remus’s hands couldn’t find a comfortable spot to settle. When they talked, neither ever finished the other’s sentences. When they kissed, their lips didn’t fit. Remus told her, "It’s not you...it’s me."

Soon after, Sirius confronted him. "You and Isabeau..."

"Broke up." Remus sighed. "Sirius, you..."

"Fucked up. I know. I’ll never let you down again." Sirius’s eyes welled. "I’m so..."

"Sorry. I know." Remus’s arms went around Sirius, hands settling on Sirius’s hips. Their lips pressed together and Remus felt like he’d come home.

remus/sirius, drabbles, harry potter, fic

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