HP Fic: Sheep's Clothing (Drabble; R or NC-17; Remus/Sirius)

Feb 09, 2007 16:26

Title: Sheep's Clothing
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Wool; for sirius_remus100
Characters: Remus/Sirius
Rating: R? NC-17?

It’s become an obsession, a fetish really, watching Remus walk about in only the underwear Sirius gave him. Winters are hard on Remus’s thin frame, especially after a full moon, so Sirius had bought him thermals made from the warmest, softest, finest merino wool.

The fabric moves with Remus, clings gently to his surprisingly plump bum, and it’s suddenly too much for Sirius. In a heartbeat, Remus is bent over the bedstead, his thermals pulled down mid-thigh. Sirius buries his face deep between parted arse cheeks, breathing in the enticing scent of his very own little wolf in sheep’s clothing.

remus/sirius, drabbles, harry potter, fic

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