HP Fic: Take the Quiz! (Drabble; G, Remus/Sirius)

Nov 03, 2006 13:46

Title: Take the Quiz!
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Lust; for sirius_remus100
Characters: Remus/Sirius
Rating: G (Which doesn't seem right for a challenge prompt like 'Lust'. I should try again!)

-Can you talk about almost anything? Check.

-Do you enjoy being together even when there’s no possibility of sex? Check.

-When your partner’s physical appearance is its worst, do you still feel attracted?

Sirius surveys Remus’s ashen complexion and gently touches the new, horrific slash traversing his face.

Embarrassed, Remus mumbles, "Madam Pomfrey says it’ll fade quickly."

"I think it’s dead sexy," Sirius says, and means it. He kisses Remus, then goes back to the Muggle girl’s magazine Lily left on the hospital bed, and the quiz, 'Is It Lust or Love?'


-Your score reveals: It’s love.

Sirius smiles.

remus/sirius, drabbles, harry potter, fic

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