I’d hate to bug you in the middle of dinner… Actually, that’s a lie - Johanna/Finnick Drabble

Mar 31, 2012 14:16

Title: I’d hate to bug you in the middle of dinner… Actually, that’s a lie
Pairing: Johanna/Finnick
Slight spoilers for Mockingjay

Inspired by the prompt left by nicalyse over at the  #Girl on Fire Ficathon: Johanna (/Finnick), you oughta know
A/N: This prompt literally kept me awake all night long and in my sleep deprived haze, I wrote it on my phone at work in between customers. Johanna/Finnick never fails to forever tug at my heart strings. Le sigh.

“Thanks a lot for ruining dinner last night, Jo.” Finnick rubbed his hand tiredly over his face. “Annie mumbled about screams in her sleep all night long.”

“Awww, poor wittle Finnick.” Johanna flashed an insincere pout in his direction. “Married life getting to you already?” She leaned over and slowly traced her fingers along his jawline. “Or do you just miss making me scream all night long?” She breathed.

He let out a sharp hiss and jerked away from her reach. “Don’t.”

Johanna laughed. “Oh Finn, don’t pretend you don’t think of me when you fuck her.” Her eyes narrowed and the evil grin that was spreading across her lips grew even sharper. “Come on baby, kiss and tell. Does she speak eloquently in bed? Is she perverted like me?”

Before she could blink, Finnick had her pinned against the wall, his arm digging deeper into her throat. “Shut up Mason. Shut the fuck up.” Anger flashed in his eyes and she laughed even harder.

“Regretting your choice I see.” She choked out. He pushed off on the wall, spinning away from her. “Oh Finny boy, you know I get off when you play rough.”

"Don't start shit with me Jo." Finnick growled, his back still to her. "I mean it."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't!" She shot back. "Because if you came to hear me say that "I'm happy for you" then you're just as unhinged as your lovely little wife."

There was a long pause before Finnick spoke. "I came to tell you that I'm going to the Capitol."

The silence that hung between them roared in Johanna's ears. She fiercely wished for a large pool to drown herself in. Anything but this conversation. "That's old news."

"If I don't make it back, I want you to watch out for Annie.." Finnick's voice broke. "And for..."

Johanna's teeth clenched tightly together. "Finnick, you can't ask me that.." She said behind closed eyes, willing them to seal shut to prevent the tears that were welling up from falling. "Anything but that. Please... I don't think I'm strong enough for that."

"Of course you are Jo." He said softly, slowly reaching up to stroke her hair. "Do it for me. When I think of the possibility that I might die, the thought of the people I have left to love together is the only thing that makes me sleep at night." Finnick smiled sadly at her. "You know that right? That I love you?"

His lips met hers and it was over. Far too brief to be considered a kiss.. She thought to herself.

Finnick lightly kissed her on the forehead before finally walking away from her forever. "You ought to know that anyways."

hunger games fanfic, finnick/johanna

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