Wow, most of my flist is melting in the Super Oz Heatwave of 2009. I feel for you! I guess I'd be a bitch if I mentioned its actually quite a pleasant day here in Brisbane? Yeah, I thought so.
I just told the Guide Dog people to get stuffed. Little guilty about that, but what kind of telemarketer/charity pimp calls at 1pm on a Saturday?
And now, a meme!
Tagged by
fbajet Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I am addicted to bread. Seriously. It's like an Achilles Heel.
2. I like chasing ducks. I don't know why, I just like watching them run/fly away.
3. I just rediscovered my love of LOTR by rewatching all my boxed sets. Am now furiously catching up on The Hobbit pre-production news.
4. Am desperate to digitally scrapbook my Thailand photos but can't get my freaking software to work. Grnghh.
5. I always get on the first or last carriage of the train - better chances of getting a seat.
6. I am a pretty good shot with a rifle and am no longer scared of the bangs. And yes, it DOES make you feel pretty unbreakable.
7. Really need a new computer desk. Or a chair the right height. Back hurts.
8. Underworld III is the worst movie I've seen in a loooong time. Hilarious that the guy that was Tony Blair in The Queen (bestest movie eva) was in it though.
9. Over the past few months, I have realised orange juice gives me indigestion. Dammit.
10. I desperately need new work clothes. I'm currently existing on about 4 mix-n-match outfits that have seen better days. Specifically need more summer outfits.
11. I've been acting team leader at work for the last 3 weeks. I had to formally reprimand several people for things ranging from lax dress code to breach of company values.
12. I secretly want to buy Taylor Swift's new album.
13. I am more interested in the Country Music Channel sometimes than anything on Channel V.
14. I have tickets for three concerts this year - Pink, Coldplay and Brooks & Dunn. Yays! Made me pretty broke though.
15. My boyfriends' parents gave me a gold necklace and bracelet set for Xmas. And I don't wear gold. Gulp. Guess I do now!
16. I have unnaturally strong fingernails. Which grow to ridiculous lengths with no effort required on my part. Strangers often comment.
17. I watched the docco Sicko by Michael Moore the other night. HOLY SHIT. It made me glad I don't live in America, y'all.
18. My boyfriend's truck has been off the road for nearly 2 years now due to a broken transmission but is nearing completion. FINALLY. It is currently taking up half my patio. Let's just say it's big and not easy to miss.
19. I really want the Terry Pratchett TV adaptions of Hogfather and The Color of Magic on DVD.
20. French Earl Grey tea from T2 is the bestest smelling thing ever.
21. I really need new icons.
22. Am so impatient for the second half of BSG S4 to get here.
23. I am a waterbed convert - never slept in one until I met my boyfriend, but now I think they're awesome.
24. I love living in Brisbane. It's so NICE and PRETTY.
25. Funny the things you find when you're cleaning up. This morning I found a 2000 diary that I had religiously kept for that year... it was an Episode I The Phantom Menace diary. LOL. Must have been my Obi-Wan Kenobi phase!
Too lazy to tag anyone. Ha!