(no subject)

Feb 19, 2009 19:54

So I haven't posted for a while. Since before the bushfires, in fact.

So much has happened. The nightmare that was getting a mortgage and buying our home is over. I didn't blog about it much because it was just so awful going through it, I just felt sick with anxiety all the time. For about 5 months. And now its over I'm still getting used to the idea that I now own this house. It's a great feeling though.

I'm also concentrating on building up my Creative Memories business. I'm finding it hard to talk to people about it at first - was never a natural at sales - but am constantly surprised by how many people are just naturally interested. And the great thing is - the products virtually sell themselves! My first party (well, not really mine, I hosted and my upline consultant presented) we sold nearly $500 of stuff. That was pleasing!

The boyfriend continues to change jobs with an alarming degree of regularity. I'm worried sometimes he'll never find something he likes well enough to give a shit about. But something always seems to be lacking, and he no longer wants to work for a particular company and moves on. After two years and more jobs than I can count on both hands, I'm used to it by now and almost even relaxed about it, but there's still that nagging worry about a steady income. But he always gets another job straight away (unless he's doing a training course), so does it really matter in the long run? Y'all might comment and say that it says something about his character (ie. that he can't seem to stick to anything, no tenacity etc.) but I really don't think that's it. I have come to believe that he has a much lower shit-tolerance level than me and doesn't believe he has to put up with the bullshit that forms the better part of most jobs. Anyway. I'm rambling now.

Work is ok. Not much to say there except I'm still thinking about leaving, but far to comfortable to actually get up and go. There's something to be said for a nice, cosy rut. Heh. I truly am despairing about the state of the company though. Just feels from the inside that we can't get a thing right with servicing our customers.

Got very inspired (again, this is an annual occurance) by The Biggest Loser and am determined to exercise more. So far I've gone on a walk about once a week, I can feel the enthusiasm waning already but happy I have lost a couple of kilos. I hope I can keep it off - I was busting out of my pants for a while there. That's an expensive thing right there!

I'm thinking of hosting a swap party. Y'know, seems the In thing to do with the whole economic crises thingy. Want people to get clothes and shoes and magazines they no longer want and swap them with each other. Perhaps over champagne and strawberries (or more likely coffe and cake).

_elvie my darling, I have been thinking of you freezing your little Scottish bum off. It's so weird, there's flooding and fires here and the UK is (or was, keep in mind I haven't seen international news for a week) as cold as ... well can't think of a simile right now that doesn't sound vaguely naughty, so yeah - just really damn cold!

So, what's new with you lot? :)

creative memories, work, weight, rl

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