Update...hopefully not too long.

Jun 18, 2003 15:53

My car inspection runs out at the end of the month. I had an inspection scheduled for 8:30 AM Tuesday morning in Dover, so I had arranged to stay at Chebwa's house Monday night. On my way to Wingdale that Monday afternoon, I was snacking on some Cheez Its. I got a piece stuck in my bottom right wisdom tooth. This happens often with many foods because my tooth did not fully grow yet and is still only halfway through the gums. As I picked out the Cheez It, I noticed that it was unbelieveably dense. Also, it was white and made out of tooth. Hmmm, I though as I probed the area with my tongue. It was then that I noticed that half of my wisdom tooth had broken off.

Oddly enough, I really didn't care. It didn't hurt, and I didn't really need that tooth for anything, so I paid no more attention to it. My mom, however freaked out and got me a rush dentist's appointment for 11 AM Tuesday morning.

At Chebwa's house I owned his littlest two sisters at Super Smash Brothers as I usually do. When they went to sleep, Chebwa and I played a bit of Guilty Gear X. He beat me most of the time, as usual. THEN, we watched old episodes of Tom Green until we passed out. [Apparently, in my month+ of not watching TV, it was announced that Tom Green will have a new talk show on MTV and they are hyping it up by reminding America how amazing that man is.]

Tuesday morning I woke up way too fricking early and went to get my car inspected. The mechanic was sick and at the doctor's, so could not inspect my car. I was told to call Wednesday morning to reschedule.

The dentist said that my tooth was fine, but in the next half-year I should look into having all my wisdom teeth out. Yay.

Mall was hit up later that afternoon, Chebwa got Diablo 1 which many DP kids will be joining us in playing face very very soon.

Also, we took his sister Heather to the mall with us and many people thought that she was our child that we adopted together.

That night, davidtiffany brought over nine awful movies for us to watch. We saw "The Killer Condom" first. It's a 1994 German film that was "bizzarre and touching" according to the New York Times' review. I say it was awful and amazing at the same time. Go and see it, though.

After that jewel of a movie, we started "They Saved Hitler's Brain," but it sucked and there were no Nazis, so instead we switched to "EEGAH," a film about a giant caveman terrorizing sunny California. That DVD kept messing up, so instead I just went to sleep.

When I woke this morning, I called the garage about getting my car inspection today, and was rescheduled for 9:00 AM Thursday. Great.

car, movies, tooth

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