Fun, Fun Times.

Jul 06, 2003 02:04

Just for the record, the first ever party at 52 Parker (my apartment) went so well. We estimate having about 35 people in our house at one point, including one of our bosses, Paul. It was so amazing.

The next morning we rushed to Chebwa's house for the Fourth-Of-July / Dual-Birthday Party. I was so tired that I slept from 1-5, then woke up and joined the party just in time to play "Dartboard of Destiny." It was amazing. Apparently my destiny is to eat a spoonful of catsup.

Whenever there's a party at the Haneman household, my mom and Chebwa's mom get so unbelievably drunk that it gets embarrassing. Once again, this was the case as it was rumored at 11 PM that they were out in the horse field exchanging clothing. ::sigh:: Crazy kids parents.

Today was the Apathy Season concert at the Empress Ballroom. I woke up and realized that I left my wallet [containing my ticket] at home, so I drove back to Poughkeepsie to grab it. I got back to Wingdale just in time to catch a ride over with the band. When we got there I agreed to meet people in the Subway Restaurant to sell off the final tickets. I waited, but nobody showed up. Thank God they had Veggie Delites on hand.

I eventually gave up waiting and walked back to the concert venue. It was here that the fun started. I guess the best way to express this one is to write it as a story:

Chebwa and the band were inside talking to the management, and most everyone else walked to get food and drinks at the store. It was (I think) myself, Frank, and Kevin standing leaning against Chrisgarnett's car. About 10 feet away was another band called No Valentine and all their groupies. Across the parking lot a Danbury, Connecticut police car came in and parked. We kept just talking and leaning on the car. Both cops start to walk by us, but then one turns and walks over to me. He examines us closely, then asks me "to come with him for a minute." I figured he thought it was my car and I was parked illegally or something. Instead, he walks me about 5 feet to the left so that we are in a virtual alley between Chrisgarnett and Chebwa's cars.
Cop: "So, what are you hiding?"
Me: "Absolutely nothing, sir."
Cop: "You sure about that? Turn around"
Me: "Are you kidding me?"
Cop: "Put your arms behind your back and spread your legs."
Me: "Oh, COME on."
Cop: "I SAID spread your legs."
As I do, he hold my hands together with one hand, and pats me down with the other hand, cautiously examining each and every item in my pockets which were:
A folded piece of letter-sized paper, my car keys, chap-stick, two quarters, a ticket to the concert, and my wallet.
After about two-minutes, Chebwa and crew come back around the corner from the club and asks in surprise
"Yo, what's going on, Ryan?"
Me: I have no idea!
Cop (who must have finally finished whatever he was doing to me) : "OK, you can go now."
Then, the cop walks over to the other cop who I think just stood like a statue watching the whole ordeal. As they walked by, the cop who took me aside grilled everyone so hard. He snickered at AlexYerks and Chrisgarnett, especially due to their multiple piercings. The cops then continued walking until they disappeared behind the corner.

Everyone, especially me was weirded out by what had happened. All the people with the other band were outraged and told us that the cops can't just go and do something like that. I decided that I would ask the officer why he did that. About four-minutes later, he walked back past us.

As he again snickered I asked: "Excuse me, sir? Not to be a jerk about this, but can I ask why you decided to search me a few minutes ago?"
[THIS is why I am pissed. Not because of the search, that may have been excusable given a good reason, but the cop had to be SUCH a jerk that I am quite annoyed.]
Cop: "You think THAT was a search? Do you know what a search is?"
Me: "Obviously I mustn't, because it sure seemed like you were searching for something in my pockets."
Cop: "You don't know what search means? What, did you flunk out of school or something?"
Kid with other band: "Yeah, I do, I've been searched before. They put your face on the car and take everything out of your pockets."
Cop (To me): "What, do you want me to search you?"
Me: "No, sir. I don't mean you any disrespect but I'd just like to know why you took me aside earlier."
Cop (Seeming to be speechless): "I'm sure you're fine... That thing in your eye probably hurt more than what I did to you! [pointing to my piercing].
Me: "That isn't what I meant, sir, I just want to know what it was that I did so that I don't get searched again."
Cop (Returning to stupidity): "You want me to search you? I could. It looked like you were hiding something."
Me: I'm sorry I gave you that impression, officer, I didn't mean to look as if I was hiding anything."

And the cop just walked away. I got so much praise for "Questioning Authority" and making the cop look stupid. The thing was, I just seriously wanted to know what I did, so I talked in a way that hopefully would not get me arrested for real due to insubordination. [I hear they can do that if you argue with a cop.] It just happened that the cop was too much of a jerk to give me a straight answer.

I've never had any problem with cops before. Those that I have encountered seemed rational and only stern when someone does something to anger or disrespect them. This was not the case with this guy. Thinking back, I am probably lucky that I met with him while surrounded by my friends. I may have ended up with more than just his filthy hands on my pockets.

angst, shows, party, cops

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