It's about power

Oct 02, 2007 04:00

If you could have any mutant/super power which one would it be and what would you do with it? (If you already have a mutant power, what one would you trade it in for?)

I ask again, who do the people that comes up with these bloody questions, think is responding to them? Hello, First Evil here. This question doesn't apply to me. I'm beyond any mutant or super powers the good guys or bad guys could comprehend. And if I did decide to limit myself. Which is highly unlikely. What I'd do with any shiny power I got, is an equally meaningless question. I'd do evil things. Cause I was doing evil when the Wolf, the Ram, and the Hart weren't even a glimmer in their daddy's eye. For I am the First!

So anyhow, is pretty much a given that my powers can't be defined as mutant. The original cannot be the mutation of anything else. Plus I'm evil, so is no way I'd trade in any power at all, if I wanted new powers. I'd just take that power where you mimic or steal everyones else's powers. Then I'd have all the powers, and would go Na Na Na Na, I have all the powers and you don't.

But, seriously how could I desire any power held by sodding humans? There is no sensible response to this question. I could never be the possessor of any one power... I am power.

Although, perhaps for fun, and if just for a one shot deal. Do gotta admit that I find the powers of a certain singing demon to be quite entertaining. And he was right. Life's a show…

If I had that singing demon's powers I can just imagine how my mission to eradicate the annoying Slayers would have gone! I can hear that overture now. If I'd been running that show things would have been different. Can't you imagine a house full of slayers fighting over who'd get to use the bathroom first and singing about how they hated the over-crowding as they beat each other into bloody pulps? With all those weapons right there at hand? They'd have been slaying each other left and right.

And do you know what it takes to bring forth a Turok-Han? How many sacrifices I made for those bad boys? It's difficult enough to get virginal humans in this day and age, but a hundred adult virgin goats per vampire? Let's just say not easy. Goats are the only animal that can mate before they've been weaned. And don't think I don't know that this lj-site is mocking me with that Frank-animal. I really hate goats.

The bleedin' creatures have to be tended by skilled minions with real... corporal hands. Bringers won't do, seeing as they can't tell if the beasts have sprained fetlocks or whatever. They don't know when the brutes are preparing to butt, either, and a pair of horns in the wrong place really de-motivates them.

Also the sacrifices have to be made in the place where you want the Uber-vampires to manifest. Did you ever try to recruit several hundred skilled goat herders to work under the stupid labor laws of California?

I managed it. I managed all of it. I had hundreds of Turok-Han ready and willing to fight. And then my favorite vampire with the abs soul started his light show and brought the house down! A few verses of "Early One Morning" and the Blonde Avenger would have been fighting on my side... but oh no... I haven't been given control of a fancy schmancy magic soundtrack! Oh no, I'm only the First Evil. I don't get powers like that. I just spend centuries planning for the last act and then it all goes Kablooie!

Y'know, I wouldn't even have needed a thousand Turok-Hans if I'd had powers like that singing demon. One Uber-Vamp could have strolled through the cemetery singing while the Slayers sang the chorus for him and lined up to be drained! It's not fair! I couldn't even hire him. They call the funders "angels". That's even gone into stage tradition... and I'm no angel. It's not fair.

Uh, anyhow, do guess I could trade being non-corporeal for the musical mojo. But he went one better than that. He gets to be all physical when is dancing with the girls and then goes all incorporeal when he wants to make a quick exit. Just twirling and going intangible and invisible.

It's not fair. I'm the First Evil. I should bloody well have the best toys. And best powers. It's just not fair!

Theatrical_Muse: Topic # 198
Muse: The First
Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Word Count: 836
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