It was once said; tell the person you love that you love the everyday, make sure of this as you will never know when you will see them again, make sure that they know they are special, if only to you and always will be, make sure that you never let a day pass were you said, i will do it tomorrow, for we all know that tomorrow never comes at it is
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Comments 10
Its not. Birth backwards is htriB. *Duh*
also, may end tomorrow, it may end in a year, it may end in 90 years, no-one knows - people with like incurable cancer, and people who are going to commit suicide do.
Yeah, and how turbans are really just long lengths of fabrics which male Seik Muslims wear, because of the seik interpretation of one of the 5 commandments of the koran requires them not to get a haircut, and a turban just keeps it all together and neat. Also they ALL have knives, and combs, but usually they're just small ceremonial things, or combination knife/comb. eeeeeyyyyyhhhhhhh...coke on that, 1950s society! its the fonz!
Also, lemons. Cars. can be the same thing. apparently.
yeah about that..
also, aspiration and that.. like most of the famous people (da vinci/edison/einstein) didnt have the greatest chances but they won anyway... da vinci actually started his career forging ancient roman statues to make some money, and both edison AND einstein failed school. Also, einstein's brain was smaller than yours or mine.
-=|Rob S.|=-
Yeah, i mean we all know that estine was dunce more than once...a day, and yes, but the had drive and it is seen by there work, and yeah estines barin is one that hold many mystries, it had more nuro-connecters than even stephen hawkings, although with his ms and all, that may account for something, but yeah it is amazing to look into and all
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