Dec 04, 2004 20:27
It was once said; tell the person you love that you love the everyday, make sure of this as you will never know when you will see them again, make sure that they know they are special, if only to you and always will be, make sure that you never let a day pass were you said, i will do it tomorrow, for we all know that tomorrow never comes at it is today. be it today or be it tomorrow, make sure that those three words are heard...
Have you always wondered why it is that the beginning and the end seem to bve the parts that you remember, the parts that seem to stay with you, ofcourse there is an intermix of what was said in the middle, and ofcourse you will never forget that, but the begining, the first time, it always sticks, just like the endding, the final chapter, the finsih. It isnt so much that we have a choice in the matter, so much that we cant help it, it is a simple and proven tst that as long as all the letters in a word are there and that the first and last are in there rightful place we can sill read with reasonable ease, hence spelling isnt of such high importance, and yet at the same time it is. Ironic, how we dont remember how we start our life, or how it comes to and end, and the same is true in a different sense, there are only a few people who are a ware of the true grandure of how you came into the world. Then that raises the question, you exisit, but do we soly exist to be remembered, if only by a singe peson, does this prove that we existed, then by luck we have all existed, as our mother, from who's fesh we were bore will always remember us, so we have all existed in our mothers eyes.
Atoms make up everything, a series of protons electrons and nutrons make up an atoms, when a electron moves to a different energy level photons of light are given out, this is a question that has plaged my mind for some time, and i blame a lack of understanding as to why i can not answer it, we all accept that there is light, and hence we can see things by the lights that they absorb and in turn reflect, but then, what really makes up light, i will not go ibnto the question of what makes up the particals of which makes up atoms, for there are just some thinsg that we have to accept, they are themsleves and existance. We are all told that there are just things in life that we have to accept, certain things that no matter how hard we try we can not change, i feel that this can only be true of beings with the ability to choose, to think freely, i mean this in the sense that, if we continue to question what makes up **** then mabye one day we will come to an answer, this is why there is such in the world. We have those who beleive in the big bang and those who beleive in the cration by god, or the bringing togeather of two waters, i wont say how every religions see's it as i know i will get it wrong somewhere. But then, we as humans will always ask one question, no matter what we accept, what made, what made us, then in turn what made that.
This is where a beginning and end come into play in the question of life and existance. What begun it all, then in turn what strted that, so on and so forth. Ironic yet again, how we will never know the end either, was there a simple nothnigness before something came along, as if that is so, then that to is the end, yet how can that be, as many argue that for there even to be a beginning there had to be something, is it one of thoes things that man is not ment to ever know. Man on any level, those who follow darwin, thoes who follow a god, will there ever be an answer, will those who follow evolution find truth, those who follow a god (yet again i will use only one example here) when you reach heaven and it is said that you wll understand, will you be able to ask god, what started it all. We shall never know. The buddist path to enlightnment, is that where the answer lies.
When people say life is short, do they realise what they are saying. Life is the longest thing that anyone person does. It is the same as saying death or worse. It is an ultimatum. Yet truth be told, it is short, in an animal organisnm sense, the longest, the giant tortoise, the shortest, the gastrotrich. Yet the protazoa never die, they constantly reproduce, as such never die, it has also being known that there are certian 'imortal' fish and reptails that continue to mature and never die, or are recorded to never die. Then we have plants, i pine can last over a melenina. If you were aware that yu could live forever what would that mean, without an end in sight what does that mean, you would live until the end, what happens if there is no end, contemplate this..
I know that i only have one life, it may end tomorrow, it may end in a year, it may end in 90 years, no-one knows, i know that i have made mistakes in life, but i have learnt from the, there are some that i still feel i regret, i am not surehow to describe them yet they are there. As such there are many things that i want to do with my life, i dont know when they will happen, i just know if each day, i do one thing that i want to do before then end, then i can say that i was one closer to achaiving all that i could. If everyday i work, if only a little on something, i cn say that i had worked on something and am that much closer. When someone has a regret about not doing something, it is about not finishing it, for if we start, then we are closer than if we never did. As such we are that bit closer to reaching our goal. Some of lifes ambitions seem almost silly, i know that when i thought about it, i wanted to break a bone in my life, just so i would know what it was like, just so i had experience one of the many things that life had to offer. I know that in my life, i want to do many many things, i have even written some down, by some i mean a fair few, as i have many ambitions. So after all that, i wonder if anyonwe will share waht three of there's are. The first three that i thought of, and still hold the highest, to find someone who i love, and it is true love, to marry that person and start a family and finally, to be the best father that i can be. I find that important, even if no one else does, that is something i hold dear.
Hehe, so if any one did read all if any of that, thank you i needed to vent, and all yeah.
So tenchi all
love you very dearly..