Dec 13, 2004 02:35
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
I fell like, well in all honesty i dont know how to describe it, or evern if there is a way to do such. So many emotions are streeming through me right now, i have no idea whic are true and which are just there for no reason other than to make me feel something that i dont know about. The last few weeks have being interesting to say the least, i dont know where to start, for the simple fact that there is no strat i can recall. It is just of late i have being feeling dejected, i mean i just dont know why i just do, and it is really rather annoying. Have you ever had to question who you are, and yet you are unable to answer what you know. I know, and yet i am unable to describe that which is, what i should know best. It has happened on many occasions, with many differing topics, but is always seems to be the same.
I have a feeling, and it is not something that can transpire into words very easily.
The way i feel, i cant describe it, i realise that half the time what i say sounds rather foolish, as if i am making an excuse to an issue that i wish not to face or do not know how to answer..but no, i recall i said once before that i do not dream, i cant recall them, and well that makes me rather sad, also, i cant think properally, in the sense, that, unless i really concintrate, and i mean it is something that brings tests to mind, i do not seem to know what i am about to think or write, the words form, but i am not sure where i got them from, i know it sounds stupid, but i cant explain it...
What else is there to say, ever had a feeling that something would go wrong and then it does, then you have a coinsiding feeling that it will be ok, i seem to have lost something there. I am sorry that this is like this, but i dont know, i just feel i need to vent, and writing in ambiguity seems to let my mind wander which helps me to think.
Have you ever wondered if everything that you had ever thought was a lie, histroy is written by the victors, it is never the truth, even 10 years ago can be warped, even for thoes who lived in it. if you have enough saturation you will be convinced, to one extent or another. But what would it be, if there was the truth out there, not truth per say, but a differing history, one that we could choose what to beleive, to a greater extent than what we are now. There are many examples in history, many that should lead us to question, but then seem not to, we have being so bombarded with images, with facts and figures, i know this is obscusre, but this is an example that i found earlier on. The last supper, one of the most veiw peices of religious art in the world, we know who is at that dinenr dont we, we know what was at that dinner, the bible tells us, 13 men, jesus and his apostles, and the hold grail. Look that the painter and tell me what you see. I think you will be surpried, infact look at all da vinchis work, it is really interesting what you find.
Messages across time, messages within our own time, mis read and it can be disastourus. A simple word out of place can mean so much, when it may have being a simple typo, in the past, before the world on IM, when a conversation took place face to face, they well called freuding slips, and held truth to your hidden desires, today we call them typos, and we try to avoid them.
I dont know, i feel lost in a place where i dont know what to do, i want and yet i dont want, i feel and yet i cant say what it is, it is so fact, much like this entery, i have no idea what i am talking about, i infact just re read bits of what i wrote and confussed myself, i seem to not be able to write my thoughts in a organised manner. Woe it is the way that it always seems to be.
What we are looking for can often be closer than we are lead to beleive, sometimes in entails a voyage of great magnitude to realise that you needed to step only to the left. When we find this out we may become enrage to realise that we spent time doing what we feel was merly a formality, but we need to look at it, and realise that everythig we do has meaning. It occurded to me tonite that, things i hold dear cant always be explained, events that holds so much value to me, seem to not make sense to others, i dont know, i mean, i know that i am going to hold them with the value that i do, but i realised that i needed to say that betetr so that it was understood, for i know i came of as close minded and that annoyed me, upset me as i dont like that sort of thing.
I dont know, i seem to be in a turmoil area right now, spriling down to a point that can not be seen, i know not wether what i see before me is strait or curved, an illusion unknown to me that seems to hold so much of an effect. I know that i have done some rather stupid things, and i am just at a point to work them out.
what a long and pointless entery, i havent said anytihng and yet to me it seems i have said saomething, ironic how a few words said or not said can have so much meaning.
just want to say that i hope max is feeling alright and that everything is working out for you, you know that we all think very highly of you..
tenchi all
i wish you the best for tommorow and the next week...
hope that you all have a wonderful time