Dec 18, 2006 09:02
I have befriended a first year student. She is a very sweet person and is having a hard time. She has to pass all her bredth exams still. I have been talking to her about them, and about 1st year, just speaking honestly about my experience and fears and things she can do to get herself through the exams.
A few days ago she thanked me for being open and telling it like it is, admitting even after the exams I'm on a rollercoaster. That some days are good and bad. She said not many people will talk to her, and they certainly won't give her advice or admit their fears. They treat her like they can't give her much time because she isn't where they are yet.
I am glad I can be there for her.
A 5th year student writing up her defense has befriended me. She is listening to my concerns and advising me. She is real in a department of egos. I can show emotion to her. She has battled anxiety and her daughter has inherited it.
THIS is the kind of cycle I am honored and blessed to be in. This is the humanity in the science, and it is not a fucking weakness. This is stronger than most of the people in the department can ever hope to be.