Jun 15, 2008 18:16
Koster was nice, theres gonna be pictures on facebook.
School is out. I'm done. Not forever, but for some time now.
It scares me.
Now is the time im supposed to get a real job, maybe move out, and make a living. Christ...
I dont think i can do that alone. urgh.
Ive been so good all weekend. Wonderful mood.
Now all I can think about is why the hell my ex is listed as heterosexual on facebook.
Why does it anger me so, I should have been able to get over her by now.
I mean, if i look back in the journal, she was into me first. I just kinda let it happen.
I doubted the relationship several times. I was missing a deeper connection.
And even though, when she dumps me, I can hardly live with myself.
And even, 9 months later, she controls my emotions.
now THAT angers me.
(What angers me most, is that I let her ruin my good times.)
I should be great now, but 10 mins of reading crapped all over that.
though, she added me to her friends.. haha.. as if we ever talk no more.
she txts me.. i dont answer for a long time.
I txt her.. She doesnt answer at all.
Its a strage friendship we have.
Reserved to small encounters, with large amounts of alcohol. Primarily when she wants something from me.
Relationships suck balls.