Nov 23, 2007 19:17
why am i such a piece of shit? yesterday was thanksgiving and instead of being grateful for the world around me and the little things, all i could think about were the things that i didn't have that i wanted.
there are so many things welling up inside of my head that i never tell anyone for fear of rejection maybe? or maybe its because i don't feel comfortable talking to anyone about anything because i always figure to myself that they don't care anyway. i need someone to confide in so desperately. sure i have buzz but he doesn't listen when i talk. what can i expect though? he is, afterall, a man and we all know that men don't give a fuck about feelings or emotions or anything like that. the only girl i talk to is julie and i don't even get to talk to her much. even if i do make "new friends" i HIGHLY doubt that we'll be all "OMGBFFZZ". it will just be another personality-less drone to add to my list of "acquantances". i need a friend in my life that i can hang with all them time. someone who won't get sick of me and i won't get sick of them.
i guess the real question is how do i rid myself of this overwhelming sense of being alone?