Mar 02, 2005 23:15
It's already March, shit! I know how everyone always says "man, how the time flies" but really this year has "flown" by. We really only have a couple months left of fucking AISD and all of Mr. Forgione's policies, and campus shit. Just to be free from school and all it's dumb rules and absurd requirements for a year will be amazing. I think that I really would like to take a year off or at least a semester, but I think I'll probly still apply to Texas State, because who 6 months I could be begging to go to school... I do know that I'd eventually like to study law or graphic design, and possibly major in history or something fun. But damn..another 5 or so years of school...nah, I need some way to protect my sanity for the coming years.
Just yesterday I was thinking about the coming years...and it seems that I very well may be in my late 20's and still have my precious baby girl!!! I love my puppydog, and I think that would be amazing to live those years of my life with the same little dog.:) I really don't know what I'd do without her right now, she's like my teddybear, or security blanket at night. I can't sleep really until she's on my bed with me. And watching her play at the dog park is adorable. She runs up to every dog, and just lays down and waits for them to come to her, but she starts shaking with excitement long before they're even close. I can't imagine being as friendly as she is, or as dogs in general. But really how can you not love your dog "unconditionally" (corny shit)
So, I've realized that the majority of the material covered in my lj is just sentimental shit and boring bs that no one cares about really, and it's all exagerated mostly and my place to vent. But lately some of the shit I've typed has been genuinely true, and not dramatized, the recent entry about my friend and
"shit hitting the fan" is especially close to home. I don't know if I'll see him again, anytime soon at least, and I miss him so much. Shit really does hit the fan, and yeah it may be an overused saying that has lost it's original meaning because of overuse, but it just happens to be the easiest way to describe recent events without having to go into too much detail.
On a lighter note, who wants to see Billy Idol play? I do, at SXSW, ahhhh, I'm excited. I only hope that I can get a couple of nights off so I can go to some shows. Because I know we're gonna be insanely busy that week...God, SXSW and ACL, I love them both,but they're killers...bring on the Aderol and metabolife...redbull, and energy drinks. God...Amy's employees become such adicts to energy boosters and such things...blah!