TV all over the place!

Jul 20, 2007 01:33

After a month of nothing much to watch I suddenly feel inundated with TV this week.

  • First I started working again, which means TV eight hours a day.
  • Then the Emmy nominations came out (I'm pleased Jenna was nominated, but the Emmys have become such a joke that it doesn't really mean anything in the long run).
  • Jon and Stephen are back! And I couldn't be happier about it.
  • And SCREENER season is finally underway (yay!).

    Oh, Deb, I still love you the best, I really do. She's always been such a contradiction of vulnerability and toughness and I love seeing her mask dropping and her being truly vulnerable and I love her relationship with Dexter and that she feels comfortable enough to let him see at least some of her fears.

    As for Dexter, I'm still feeling like I couldn't care less if he's caught. In fact, he deserves to be caught. But if he's caught, there'd be no more show and I really don't want that to happen. And at the same time, Deb's reaction to finding out what Dex really is would be AWESOME.

    So I've decided that, for now, my favorite scenario is just Deb finding out. Seeing her grapple with that knowledge and the question of whether or not to turn him in would work so well for me. Not this season, though, because the Rudy/Brian thing is still too close to the surface and I think she would jump to disgust much quicker right now if she knew that Dexter was so much like him. I'm crossing my fingers that this will happen next season.

    Also, I read the books after the season 1 finale and right now I can't remember if the scenario so far for season 2 matches book 2. Dear god, I have the retention of a gnat! (I always knew this, but movies, TV shows and books used to be an exception to that. No more!)

    A lot of people seemed impressed by what they'd seen of this show, so I was looking forward to watching it.

    After seeing the pilot, I can only say that I'm still going to start watching the show, but I've modified my expectations somewhat. It's a lot more...gimmicky than I thought it would be. It's a pilot, so I'm hoping for improvements when it comes to characterization and arcs, but right now I'm more expecting it to be like Ugly Betty or Jericho - a show I'll watch but not care about overmuch. (Though speaking of Jericho, I never did finish the season. Oops?)

  • Finally, Fox put up the last two episodes of Drive.
    Nothing about these two episodes has made me change my mind since last time, when I said it wasn't a great loss for me that it had been canceled (or, if I neglected to say that, I definitely thought it). It didn't make me go "WTF" quite so much as episode 4, but it also didn't wow me. Had it continued I would have kept watching unless there was a repeat of episode 4's weirdness with the "God told me I'd win. *croaks*" and "yay, let's rob a bank! *gets shot*".

In other news, LJ has finally clarified their policy that precipitated Strikethrough '07, making it an officially bannable offense to post explicit smut involving underage characters (ETA: Apparently there may be spoilers for Deathly Hallows in the comments? The post is safe, though). In other words, if you've got NC-17 rated fics featuring early season Buffy/Spike, V/L in or before season 2 (Logan is still 17 well into that season and I'm not sure what they'd consider underage since some states in the US have a legal age of 18 [I'm almost positive, anyway]), pretty much anything and everything HP related (do you think this announcement was timed very very carefully? Because I do.), including drawings/manips of anything that appears to be underage characters in sexually explicit situations (they don't even have to be underage, only appear to be so), underage Wincest, etc, etc, etc, I'd lock it down now, at least as a precaution. Also, might want to take a look at those icons. I'm not worried that kissing will be considered smut, but I've seen some pretty graphic HP stuff.

Way to go, LJ, driving fandom away, one fan at a time...

tv: reaper, tv: dexter, work, dl-ing, tv: drive, livejournal

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