Am bored. Send refreshments.

Jan 23, 2007 19:33

I am translating what may be The. Worst. Movie. Of. All. Time. A definite contender! You'd think that with Judd Nelson and Tricia Helfer in the mix I'd be at least partially entertained, but so far, not so much. It's just painful.

So, in my effort to avoid work today I created new keywords for my icons. I left the old ones for the most part, because I hate when it defaults to the default icon just because the name changed, but I'm phasing out the old system, which had become horribly mismanaged.

The new system is under the cut. Not because I think you'll care, but because I think I'll need it for reference. ;-)

αΩ - TV shows. I couldn't think of a symbol that could represent TV, so I ended up using the alpha and the omega. Because TV is my life. And I found it amusing because I'm a dork.
∞ - movies.
αΩ∞ - TV movie/mini series.
♫ - music. (I have no music icons.)
~ - misc.
§ - 'shippy.
⌘ - web (it's the symbol for "place of interest")
❄ - people (if I upload an person icon, it has to be a very special snowflake, let me tell you)

✎ - 30 Rock. 'Cause she's a writer, get it?
£ - Absolutely Fabulous.
≅ - Alias.
✈ - The Amazing Race.
‡ - Angel.
Π - Arrested Development.
ð - Battlestar Galactica.
⌛ - Being Erica.
☽ - Being Human
℣ - Better Off Ted
√ - The Big Bang Theory
◊ - The Black Donnellys.
☠ - Bones.
† - Buffy.
☭ - Community
≈ - Dawson's Creek.
… - Dead Like Me.
• - Dexter.
☎ - Downton Abbey.
☤ - Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
[] - Doctor Who.
⌂ - Dollhouse
✚ - ER.
Φ - Farscape.
福 - Felicity. It's the Chinese character for happiness! Well, one of the hundreds I found (I may be exaggerating a tad).
∩ - Firefly. Horseshoe - horses - cowboys - COWBOYS IN SPACE! Makes perfect sense, no?
⑂ - Friday Night Lights
ƒ☕ - Friends.
⌇- Fringe
♋ - Gilmore Girls.
♪ - Glee
⚭ - The Good Wife
✉ - Gossip Girl.
∫ - Green Wing.
☪ - Homeland.
♀ - How I Met Your Mother.
☼ - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
✠ - Legend of the Seeker
╬ - Life.
☂ - Man vs. Wild.
⌚ - Middleman
κ - My Name is Earl. Karma, baby!
⚓ - NCIS
♕ - New Girl
℅ - The O.C. Seriously, the whole premise is based on someone living in a house not their own.
Ξ - The Office.
✈ - Pan Am.
✂ - Project Runway.
☸ - Pushing Daisies.
ℜ - Rome.
⚛ - Shameless (US)
Ⓐ - Sons of Anarchy.
✌ - Sports Night. Victory!
☣ - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
☮ - That 70s Show.
Ꮦ - Touching Evil. The Cherokee letter te
⚜ - True Blood
⚖ - The Unusuals
ψ - Veronica Mars. It's Neptune's trident!
¶ - The West Wing.
✆ - The Wire.
ω - Wonderfalls.
∴ - The X-Files.

(Other Possibles: ⾕ 㸚 㷑 䆑 䏍 䶴 畲 畣 目 盦 亞 侖 倉 龠 ꏍ ⌨ ⌬ ⌲ ⌾ ⍝ ⍽ ⎈ ⌼ ⌫ ⏚ ⏎ ⏣ ▒ ☹ ☺ ☝ ☘ ☄ ☃ ☢ ☽ ♔ ♖ ♿ ⚁ ⚒ ⚙ ⚛ ⚤ ⚡ ⚕ ⚠ ♥ ♠ ♼ ♻ ♱ ✁ ✎ ✆ ✇ ✖ ✠ ✭ ✪ ✰ ❂ ❆ ➭ ⟲ 〠 ⁂ ‽ ‼ ※ ⁞ ‰ € ℃ ℉ № ℅ ⇱ ⊾ ≬ ⋈ ⌘ ⌖ ⌧ ❁ ⚐ ❧ ؟)

Movies are identified by initials.

*ahem* Yeah, so that's how my day was spent, basically.

I also got a chance to watch Studio 60 and may I just say THANK GOD Sorkin never got around to Josh/Donna. At least if these 'ships are any indication. In the last episode I had no problem with Danny's declaration (though I know some people found it creepy), but that was because I had no idea he'd go Crazy Stalker Guy on poor Jordan.

Also, much as I love Matt (and Matthew Perry), I'm beyond over Matt/Harry. As in, I was never under it in the first place. But hey, at least he's not Crazy Stalker Guy, right? Oh wait, maybe he is...

I've also watched:

Rome, 1x01-1x10. Love, love, LOVE it. I'm hoarding the last few episodes. I've already decided I'm going to cap it at 1280x720 px, but NOT on the Vivid setting. *nods*
The Wire in the Blood, season 1. I had no clue it was based on Val McDermid's books. I have to say, her writing style never really clicked for me, but the show is decent enough so far.
Heroes, 1x12. I find I have very little to say about the show, though I'm enjoying it. Well, most of it.

New VM tonight tomorrow! I'm neither excited nor apathetic about it. I think I'm still in caps=good mode, which has been my default mode for this entire season. I've come to realize that what Rob wants from the show ("Just renew us, PLEASE, I'll do anything") isn't what I want. Much better to go out in a blaze of glory than fade away, I say.

tv: studio 60, work, tv: rome, tv: veronica mars season 3, icons: reference guide, tv: wire in the blood

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