Rant, rant, rant. And a poll!

Jan 18, 2007 15:16

I really do wish that people who don't know the difference between it's and its would just stop using it's altogether. Just write out it is and when that doesn't work in the sentence, put its. I mean, that's really all there is to it.

That and led (hint: if you're writing "lead" and pronouncing it like "led", then you're talking about a mineral with the symbol Pb in the periodic table) are my two main pet peeves because it seems that people who seem otherwise knowledgable about the English language make those mistakes constantly.

But now for more pleasant pursuits... I'm five episodes from finishing The Wire and I need something to watch.

Poll Embarrassment of riches

Looking at that list makes me realize that I really need to update my DVD list post. Speaking of, how do you make a heart using html? Something about writing out heart, I believe? Actually, does anyone know of a site with html code for common and not-so-common characters?

I think I'm going to attempt to answer the comments to my last few picspams today/tomorrow, so if you get a reply for a comment you left a month ago, you now know why.

ranting is an underrated art form, poll

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