(no subject)

Aug 31, 2006 11:35

I'm about this close to being Internet obnoxiousness personified by starting to comment on every entry that uses the fake cut wrong. If you don't know what a cut is? You might not want to attempt a fake cut.

And FYI, a fake cut does not equal a link.

( This? This is a fake cut. )

This is not.

(Nor is this.)

( Or even this. )

Well, it took forever, but The Office season 2 DVDs are finally shipping today. No chance of getting them this week, I suppose (unless I'm reeeeeeally lucky and they ship from Denmark), but next week is all that I expected anyway. 17 minute gag reel, here I come! Or perhaps that should be "here you come"?

This week I've downloaded so much I fear that my external harddrive will soon run out of space. And just to put that into context: I had 130 GB free this weekend. The tally so far:

Everwood season 1
Everwood season 2
Everwood season 3
Everwood season 4
Popular season 2
Project Runway 3x08 (it just showed up!)
Justice 1x01
Prison Break 2x02

Not to mention the music! And the DVD caps!

Prison Break
I'm still not feeling it. I think the lack of faith FOX showed in the show, or possibly the lack of lust I have for Wentworth, makes me subconsciously back away from the show. It's almost as if I will myself not to become involved because how can that ever turn out well when it's on FOX?

The one thing that will make my interest rise - Michael/Sara - has been sorely lacking this season. In fact, there's hardly been any Sara at all. The LJ break-out attempt got my interest up for a little while, but then it devolved into: "How stupid is this? You have the gun! Just shoot him in the leg or something and go!"

I mean, technically Michael is responsible for all those hardened criminals getting out and being able to perform new crimes, so this is really no time to be getting squeamish.

Downloads, Fall 2006
(CAT) (Fall grid)

TAR (Sept. 27)
Without a Trace (Sept. 24) *

Heroes (Sept. 25)
Prison Break *
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip (Sept. 18)

Gilmore Girls (Sept. 26) *
Veronica Mars (Oct. 3)

Jericho (Sept. 20)
The Nine *
Project Runway
Shark *

My Name is Earl (Sept. 21)
The Office (Sept. 21)

Battlestar Galactica (Oct. 6)
Numb3rs (Sept. 22)

*these are all tentative. Depends on the first few episodes/me being bothered to remember

There are a few pilots I have yet to check out so the list might expand. And shrink, once the series start going in earnest.

And now I'm off to watch Project Runway.

Project Runway
As soon as Jeffrey was announced as the winner I thought "thank god, now maybe he'll finally quit whining", and what do they cut to the very next second? Jeffrey. Whining. I'm usually all about who is the best designer, but at this point I'm so ready for Jeffrey to go home.

My favorite of the bunch this time around was definitely Laura's. I couldn't believe how well it stood up to travelling all night (and sleeping in, I suppose), and it was also a bit of a departure for Laura that still suited her perfectly.

I was a bit surprised that Michael seemed so sad to see Angela go, and that Laura - of all people! - called her a skilled designer. Personally, I'm thinking that Vincent was more deserving this time around because could you be more boring? Not to mention the fact that I think he's done a poorer job overall.

Kayne. Oh, Kayne. I love your personality, but could you tone down on the tacky so you won't be sent home? And really, when Tim Gunn has issues with what you've done ALWAYS LISTEN TO HIM.

I think the judges are right, Uli needs to show that she can do something else. And I'm quite sure she can, she's just sticking to her old safe and comfy designs and patterns.

ETA2: Huh, looks like I'll get to see the Emmys after all since I'll be translating it. Yay?

ranting is an underrated art form, tv: project runway, dvd sets, work, tv: prison break, dl-ing, teevee

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