West Wing

May 08, 2006 14:45

If you want to keep your sanity, do not download this West Wing torrent. Holy crap, it's out of sync! The sound comes in about a second or two before the picture and it's seriously like watching an episode while being spoiled continuously. Of course, now that I've seen it I feel like it would be a waste of time to get a cleaner copy since I'm getting the DVDs soon.

I really did adore this episode, and it brought back my love for CJ. Is it just me or has she been about as dull as dishwater lately? And by "lately" I mean the past three seasons or so.

I've never cared that much about CJ/Toby, but I may have been awww-ing a bit during their scene. And it definitely sounded like they had a relationship at some point, didn't it?

Loved CJ/Danny. Danny really is the perfect guy and CJ would have been an idiot to let him go. Except, we already knew that she wouldn't, didn't we? Imagine that, being spoiled for an episode by the show itself.

I think I'm going through Josh withdrawal.

Not really happy with the latest Doctor Who, but I've talked about it at length elsewhere and am pretty much all talked out.

In other news... Yeah, I got no other news. I'm trying to clear away some work today so that I can have Wednesday free and clear. Which means I'm off to continue translating my second Judging Amy episode of the day. Unfortunately not the JfDoh one.

dl-ing, tv: west wing

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