West Wing

May 08, 2006 14:45

If you want to keep your sanity, do not download this West Wing torrent. Holy crap, it's out of sync! The sound comes in about a second or two before the picture and it's seriously like watching an episode while being spoiled continuously. Of course, now that I've seen it I feel like it would be a waste of time to get a cleaner copy since I'm ( Read more... )

dl-ing, tv: west wing

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Comments 38

sexycereal May 8 2006, 13:07:19 UTC
RESPECT for being able to sit through the whole thing. I just cannot watch out of sync audio -- it makes me squirm and not in a good way.


_jems_ May 8 2006, 13:15:26 UTC
Oh, I didn't actually watch it, I listened to it. And then I looked up whenever people weren't speaking. It was still pretty horrible actually, but at least I got to see it. There still hasn't been a replacement torrent uploaded.

I'm starting to get really nervous as hell about the VM finale, and the renewal announcement. How the hell are we going to last being in limbo for over a week after the finale?! That's what I want to know.


sexycereal May 8 2006, 13:20:39 UTC
I am supposed to be studying for my finals but I really doubt I will manage while we're all waiting.

One of my flatmates ran into my room about an hour ago shouting: This website says Veronica Mars is coming back next year! And I was all: OMG NO DON'T JINX IT!


_jems_ May 8 2006, 13:25:43 UTC
It's gonna be hellish. And then some.

I didn't know your flatmates were into VM. Have I been skimming a bit too much or have you just not mentioned it before?

Also? What website?


dtissagirl May 8 2006, 13:15:27 UTC
Yeah, I didn't even download it because there was a comment at mininova saying it was nuked for being out of synch. I CAN'T WATCH out of sync stuff.


_jems_ May 8 2006, 13:18:53 UTC
I don't usually check the comments before I download so I don't know if it was already there when I started the download, but I tend to think not because I was up really early and grabbed it right away.

The worst part about it being out of sync was that it was unnaturally out of sync (not just the normal lip movements-ahead-of-time version) and it was the entire freakin' thing! Normally, the audio gets synced after a commercial breaks, and it's true that it did change after commercial breaks, but never for the better.


bellanut May 8 2006, 14:24:16 UTC
I actually forgot to watch TWW. I KNOW! I'm so upset!

Do you think I should download this one anyway? I mean, is it worth it for someone in my position of angst?

I probably will. Yes. I used to watch VM episodes out of sync all the time because that was my only way to see them.


_jems_ May 8 2006, 14:33:07 UTC
You...forgot? How is that possible? I thought it was a great episode and I definitely think you should download it, but there will be a better copy available at some point, either later today or tomorrow morning. I'd wait if I were you, it was horrible to watch.


bellanut May 8 2006, 14:41:28 UTC
You...forgot? How is that possible?

I KNOW! I HAVE SO MUCH SHAME! I'm worried my fandom card might get revoked! I just sort of forgot what time it was. I mean, it was still so light out!

Since I'm relying on others for uploads I'll probably grab a copy just in case the other one doesn't show up, but wait a while to watch it.

I can't believe next week is IT.


_jems_ May 8 2006, 15:07:46 UTC
*revokes fandom membership*

I'm so worried about next week. I think they've dealt with almost everything, but there are still tiny threads left hanging. I also keep wondering if they'll go back to the beginning of the season, fast-forwarding three years. I think it could be interesting seeing the rest of that scene with the knowledge we now possess.


asta77 May 8 2006, 14:32:27 UTC
I really loved the characters in the latest 'Who', but there were plot holes you could drive a truck through. And while not familiar with 'Who' canon there seemed to be aspects of his character that were written to serve the plot rather than being part of the characters history. Or maybe he can do mind melds like Spock? Which would make Rose telling Jack that's the Doctor's name in 'The Empty Child' kind of funny.


_jems_ May 8 2006, 14:55:59 UTC
I did enjoy the conflict I thought was being set up, where the Doctor is trying to distance himself from Rose by bringing along Mickey and getting chummy with this new girl. But the execution fell flat for me and I couldn't figure out why until I got online and talked to someone who'd seen the Confidential and said that it was basically them going on and on for 30 minutes about how he really fell in love with Reinette, and how if he ever settled down it would be with someone like that. At which point I said "WTF?" and pretty much wrote off this episode as a bad, bad idea.

Not to mention the way the Doctor just leaves Rose and Mickey to die and then is all happy as a clam because he gets to live a normal life with the girl of his dreams? Yeah, I was really not happy with the Doctor in this episode, and they'd better do some explaining next time.


asta77 May 8 2006, 15:10:53 UTC
I couldn't figure out why until I got online and talked to someone who'd seen the Confidential and said that it was basically them going on and on for 30 minutes about how he really fell in love with Reinette, and how if he ever settled down it would be with someone like that.

Let me second your WTF? Sure, I can see why the Doctor may be attracted to her and find her more interesting then most humans, but in love? No, I didn't see that at all. And it doesn't make a lot of sense when just last week he alluded to his feelings for Rose. Are we suppose to believe he's fickle?

While leaving Rose and Mickey behind did bother me (and Rose's non-angry reaction to that fact), what bugged me more is the Doctor's willingness to remove Reinette from her time and screw up history. We've been shown that he changes event's either by accident or to prevent things from becoming much worse. It made no sense that he suddenly allowed his feelings to override the course of history. And look what happened when Rose saved her father!


_jems_ May 8 2006, 15:31:51 UTC
And it doesn't make a lot of sense when just last week he alluded to his feelings for Rose.
Exactly. I can believe buy the episode if he's just trying to talk himself into feeling more than he actually does for Reinette, but actually falling in love just came out of left field. Especially since she had decades to fall in love and he had what? A day?

It made no sense that he suddenly allowed his feelings to override the course of history.
See, this is explained by him falling in love, but since I didn't even consider that an option in the first place, I couldn't understand his actions. I was thinking that maybe he knew enough about history to know that he would be taking her around the time of her "death", which was really a cover-up when she disappeared with the Doctor. But then he came back and five years had passed and that's when she was supposed to have died. Gah! This episode is screwing with my head! And not in a good way.


asta77 May 8 2006, 14:32:27 UTC
I really loved the characters in the latest 'Who', but there were plot holes you could drive a truck through. And while not familiar with 'Who' canon there seemed to be aspects of his character that were written to serve the plot rather than being part of the characters history. Or maybe he can do mind melds like Spock? Which would make Rose telling Jack that's the Doctor's name in 'The Empty Child' kind of funny.


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