Stuff. And things.

May 06, 2006 21:51

Signs fandom has ruined me for life #415875333:

An item pops up on my BBC News news feed. Cruise halted in Channel by blaze. My first thought, honest to god: "What is Tom Cruise doing in the middle of the English Channel, I thought he was in Florida?" Follow-up thought: "At least they got the blaze part right."

I was capping the pilot of The Office earlier today and I think I had a continuitygasm.

Dwight arrives at work. Unlocks his drawer.

He takes out his phone handset.

He attaches it to the phone and starts his workday. (All the while singing Little Drummer Boy.)

Season 2, episode 21

That actually took a while. I had to put more and more nickels into his handset until he got used to the weight and then I just...took them all out.

Also, in the comments to my entry yesterday I sort of had this epiphany on how Jim could return rather quickly to Scranton if he does go to Stamford. I was thinking they could do like they did in the UK version and merge the two branches. And since Michael is David he will fuck up and not get the promotion, so the Stamford branch will have to move to Scranton.

So, continuitygasm part deux: In the pilot Jan and Michael have a meeting.

Since the last meeting Alan and the board have decided that we can't justify a Scranton branch and a Stamford branch.


Michael, listen, don't panic. We haven't made any decisions yet. I've spoken to Josh in Stamford, I've told him the same as you and it's up to either you or him to convince me that your branch can incorporate the other.

Now, this was over a year ago, but I don't remember us hearing anything more about it. It would be a perfect way to have Jim leave and then return quickly. I'm also tickled by the fact that the power balance in his relationship with Dwight will have shifted when (okay, if, but I'm reeeeally liking this theory) he returns, since he'll be promoted. And if they go even further with the UK parallels, there's that girl that Tim becomes sorta interested in, so that would fit the "new girlfriend" scenario too (even though I kinda liked the idea of Jim/Jan, like Natasha mentioned). If this happens I'm pretty sure the wedding will be postponed rather than called off, though.

And finally: Who torrent!

fic, tv: office, tv: veronica mars

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