*throws confetti*

May 05, 2006 14:34

vm-caps.com reached over a million views! *throws confetti again*

I keep composing these posts in my head, but then I never get around to typing them up and I forget them and... Eh.

Let's see, a few things I've been thinking about this week:

The discussions about RT needing to be fired is interesting, even though I don't agree. I do think that there have been mistakes made and mistakes are still being made, and this needs to be fixed in season 3.

I agree with RT that emotional exposition is best left to soaps (as are coma babies!), but there's a huge difference between emotional exposition and emotions. If I don't feel connected to the characters, then I don't live, eat and breathe this show. And then it's just like any dime a dozen show that I just watch "when I get a chance".

I think that the only thing that really separates the shows I'm addicted to from the shows I watch casually are the characters. I'm not interested in clever gotchas if it means characterization has to be sacrificed - which has been true of both major gotchas this season. Not necessarily that the characterization has been compromized, but my connection with the character has. (Funnily enough? Both episodes written by RT. Maybe he should just stop writing episodes instead?)

In conclusion: emotions = good. Emotional exposition = bad. Learn it, live it, love it.

So, where does everyone think we'll go from here? Because Laura and I were talking earlier and we're both pretty much in agreement that whatever happens next, it can't be that Jim and Pam get together. I'm thinking it can go one of three ways:

  • Jim leaves the Scranton office to work elsewhere (would be problematic, because The Office without Jim? Not a good thing).
  • Jim goes off to Australia and returns with a girlfriend.
  • Jim goes off to Australia and returns to a married Pam.

In the first two scenarios Pam would probably not get married.

I think the problem here is the longevity of the show. If they're expecting it to last something like seven years, then I can totally see Pam getting married to Roy. I'm just not sure if that's such a great idea because people (okay, I)will only wait patiently for a relationship for so long before they (again, I) start to drift away from the show.

On the other hand, it's so hard for me to imagine this show continuing on for more than a season after Jim and Pam get together (and even that's stretching it), so I'm willing to delay the gratification, but it can't really see them stretching this out for more than a year, two tops.

I did think up one scenario in which the relationship could continue to be interesting for a bit longer, and it's my kink to end all kinks: the secret relationship. Pam and Jim think they're being all sneaky, but meanwhile the cameras are filming their every move. Of course, it couldn't work for more than half a season at most, but I'm betting it would be a fun ride.

I preordered season 7 of The West Wing this week. Yay, kissing DVD caps!

I also got my Dawson's Creek box set (the box it came in was three times larger than the DVD set. Hee!) and The Office (US) season 1. And Doctor Who season 2 volume 1, but I already capped those.

The aborted sailing trip may end up happening after all. Not the "going to the Caribbean" part, but I might take a few weeks off in June and go to England and sail all the way back to Stockholm.

It's funny, when I was a kid I didn't much care for sailing. It was actually pretty dull. But these days I just love it. I think it's because of the stress release. There's simply no way for you to get stressed out by work because there's nothing you can do (HA, that's totally not true, because the boat has a satellite phone, e-mail, internet access, computers - the whole shebang. But it feels like you're cut off from the world, and that's the important part). Very much looking forward to it, and this time it won't interfere with my TV addiction. Well, apart from Doctor Who, but I'm not that addicted. Yet.

tv: veronica mars season 2, personal, tv: office, dvds, you materialistic whore!, site: vm-caps, tv: west wing

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