VM 2x21

May 04, 2006 18:18

Because of the late torrent I feel all out of sorts, like my routine has been frelled to hell, so just a few things:

I can't even imagine it being anyone other than Beaver who sent that edited conversation to Woody. In which case, go team me! Really, it fits together so perfectly if Beaver blackmailed Woody to screw up the incorporation and Woody set up the Camelot incident to both a) make sure the voters voted against incorporation, and b) throw off suspicion about him liking little boys.

The first time around I figured that Woody planted the bomb underneath his own car (after Keith's suggestion that there could be bombs in his house) because he, once again, wanted to throw off suspicion. But then when I capped I realized that Keith was the one who got the bomb squad out to his house, so now I'm no longer sure.

I can't really wrap my head around the crash because at this point I think just about anyone could be the culprit. I'm leaning heavily towards one of the Casablancas boys or Kendall, though I can't say exactly why. Just that it fits the story. I've pretty much written off Woody and Terrence as potential suspects at this point. I'm gonna see if I can think up an actual reason for any of my suspects to have dunnit. If I think of any I'll definitely post my theory.

Album. Zip. (Right-click/copy link location. Paste in new window, add h.)

Also, I capped Doctor Who:
The Christmas Invasion and New Earth.

tv: veronica mars season 2, caps, zipped caps

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