Aug 29, 2007 01:58
Here Cometh the Classes:
Theories of Rhetoric and Composition
Class of Death. We have four papers as well as other small essays and projects and tests. The reading assignments are dense and boring, and the professor is an ancient brother who speaks in a very soft voice. But, Rebecca is in there so it hopefully will be less painful that way.
Intermediate Costume Skills
Sounds fun! We're starting with Wig making---SO COOL. Tiff is in there so we can nerd out together, and the teacher is willing to let us work on whatever we want. There's a lab too. But it's costumes, and I can work on them whenever, not just during
Technical and Business Writing
Compared to my other writing classes, this should be pretty easy. Mostly projects, a few papers. Teacher is a bit ditzy, but pretty in tune with modern life and the fact that tech writing is usually lame.
The Shaping of the Modern World (Honors)
Um...I thought it was a philosophy class, but it's actually a history class. *dies* The professor is funny for a historian, but still. UGH.
Playwriting Workshop
I have Doug, again. His classes are repetitive and not always exciting. I'm not totally excited about it, but I'm not dreading it. We have to write two plays and see two plays.
So yeah. This is a really paper writing and reading and outside-of-class-stuff intensive semester. So if you don't see much of me this semester...this is why. Fortunately, I have stuff to look forward to. Avenue Q is coming to Houston in October, and for my 21st(golden)Birthday/Thanksgiving break, Gunnar and I are going to Disneyland in Cali and staying with his familia. Unfortunately, all of the above means I will NOT being trying to win at Nano. I might still write, but I'm not writing to win this year.
My floor is surprisingly social and loud. And very freshman-ish and dramatic, of course. They are almost always in my lobby, and I try to leave my door cracked and or sit out there with them for a while every day.
And I'm SO behind on VH grades. It's not even that much work! I'm just procrastinating! *kicks self* Tomorrow I only have Rhet/Comp, and I'm determined to get them done by tomorrow night. I did spend a few hours helping to finish out the sorting this weekend though, and I'm all caught up on my DE attack posting. That counts for something, right?