Not an Insomniac... Just crazy...

May 21, 2005 06:03

I am the next Tommie. Why don't I sleep? It's not like I CAN'T, unlike Tommie... I just choose not to, and would rather stay up all night doing other things. Like tonight, I could have stayed home. Or gone out and then gone home. But instead, I go to Jordan's, then out, then back to Jordan's, then watch Blue Collar Comedy at Trey's... and here I am. At least I don't have to work until 2:30. And I came home b/c I was tired. But now I'm not! So tonight was fun, I got to chill with some people I usually don't again. Met a few new people, saw a few I would rather not see. Overall I had a really good night. I had to work from 8am yesterday morning until 2pm and I had to bus tables for this dentist convention thing by myself. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I was worn out by the time I left. I took at least a 3½ hr. nap, completely didn't hear my phone ringing or people coming in my room talking to me (Amy lol), but it's cool. Gotta sleep if I am going to be a complete moron and stay up all night knowing I have to work the whole next day. And the next. And the next. And next. So anyway, hopefully Bliss's sister's party will still be goin when I get off of work b/c I want to go. I need to see Bridget, a girl I used to work with, one last time!! Well I guess I will get some rest because, if it's not already evident, I'm a little delirious. Luv ya'll!
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