What an emotional weekend...

Mar 13, 2005 21:21

God has seriously helped me survive this weekend. Without His influence I would've probably not made it through this weekend...

On Thursday morning I picked up Brian, Dene and Katie, and we all went to Denny's at 5.30am. It was FUN!! Being at Denny's so early in the morning and running off of 3 hours of sleep is the craziest thing in the world. Brian is HILARIOUS that early in the morning!! Man, Katie and I shared a plate, but still it was too much for us. We aren't used to eating breakfast in the morning, so we got full pretty fast...

Once we got to PLU, we rehearsed, and our performance of hope, faith, life, love was much better. As always, we were told to work on our dynamics because we're always so loud. I think from now on whenever we start a piece that dynamics should be one of our main focuses because Doc always emphasized dynamics way at the end when we've already memorized the song a certain way... Our lunch break was supposed to be from 12.45pm-1.45pm, and 21 of the Lakes kids were really late, me included. Then Doc took role, and this hug drama insued, but I won't go into the specifics. Doc initially was going to assign us Saturday school... Once we got back to school, Brett started arguing with Doc and threw a fit--or so I was told from people who were there... He got pretty irritated and told Doc that his decision didn't sit well with him... After Brett was in there, I went in 10 minutes later to talk to Doc and apologize. I have never ever been late to anything or missed a performance or anything, so it was kind of weird to see him upset with me. I apologized and told him my reason. I pretty much told him everything he wanted to hear, not just because he wanted to hear it, but because that's the way I felt, as well... So, after talking with me Dc decided to change the punishment to a mandatory choir rehearsal, which is far more productive anyhow. So, I texted Brett and told him that everything was fine... Then Brett goes off and tells everyone what a suck-up I am and all... But whatever... I know I did the right thing and that I'm not a suck-up... I can't please everyone :(

Friday night after work I went with Brian to Steven's apartment. That was the first time I had been there, and it's decked out pretty nicely, I must say :) Reminds me of Sean's room. Heh... I saw Aimee there, whom I hadn't seen since last June. Susanne was over and so was Abi... Abi, Aimee, Daniel, Brian and I took a walk, and then us guys ditched the girls... Heh... There were these drunk dudes smoking up a storm and mumbling weird things... It was pretty funny. I can't even begin to say how funny it is hanging with these people. Lol. I miss hanging out with them as we did last year :(

Well, on Friday there was an "incident" with a friend--or at least I thought he was a friend--of mine... I have never asked anyone for anything, and I asked this person no matter what he does to never chase after my best friend... Well, he did. DELIBERATELY. There were so many lies on his part, and Kaela told me that it wasn't even true... I can't believe that this kid would have the nerve to do that... It turns out that I'm not the only one that he's done this kind of stuff to, so it's all good. I've been talking to him again, and we're on talking terms, but I just don't know how to be his friend anymore after all of this. I mean, I'm still going to talk to him but things will never be the same... He got all of my wrath Friday night over AIM, and seriously, I have never been so malicious, and I felt bad afterward. But to go straight for the person who is my everything is just...it's crushing. He only met her once, and just took everything from there. He made it seem like they had this great relationship and that he was so happy he had were. STOP!! WAIT!! You don't have ANYBODY!! I was just really angered on Friday and Saturday... But now it's time to move on...

I didn't go to Steven's show at the Mocha Moo last night for this reason... I just wasn't up to socializing... Sorry, Steven :( Forgive me...

Saturday morning I went to choir rehearsal, and it was fun because I got my parts learned more solidly...

I didn't go to church this morning because I had massive amounts of homework to take care of... Not to mention this week is finals week, so I was talking notes and studying like a mad man... Then I worked from 4pm-8pm... Which was interesting... It's always a hoot to work with Meagan, Jamelle, Sharia, Paul and Amy...OH!! And Lydia... How could I forget her?! :) Jamelle, Lydia and I have this theory... We're not positive, but one of our fellow co-workers, we suspect he's gay. Like I said, we're not 100% sure, but he's been getting really friendly with me, and I've been trying to avoid him because I don't need his butt rubbed up on my side... :P He's been booty-bumping me and like scooting closer and closer to me... It's interesting... And I work with him like every day :\ Oh well. What can ya do? Heck, I think it's kind of funny, actually... Jamelle and I are always just laughing and cracking jokes about it :D Things in life are meant to be humored!!

Man, I'm pooped. This week is bound to be better... Well, I'll talk to you foo's later!! Heh... G'night :D ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...
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