14 days... 104 days...

Mar 18, 2005 23:46


Anywho, finals are over, and now I get to take it easy for the rest of the school year. All of my hard work in life finally paid off (to a degree)...

I've worked the past 3 days, and I work again tomorrow followed by a 3-day break from work!! YAY!! That'll be nice...

So, after work today I went with Ashley and Brian to Pierce's choir concert, except Ashley thought the concert was for the UW choir... Well, I guess the UW choir WAS performing there, just we didn't know where because Pierce took Lagerquist... I ran into Brittany, Sarah and Shannon there!! That was fun!! Ashley took off to find where the UW choir was and never returned. Lol. The Pierce choir was good, and they performed "Like as the Hart Desireth the Waterbrooks," which is a piece that our choir is performing!! Oh man, they had really good songs, and after each mindblowing chord that ended a particuluar piece, you would hear a LOUD snore... A 10-year-old girl had fallen asleep behind us through the first song, and slept the ENTIRE concert. Man, us 5 couldn't stop laughing...

After the concert Brian and I went to Subway to meet up with David because we wanted to grab a bite to eat. Ryan showed up there, too, so the four of us went and ate at McDonald's... Tonight was fun!!

Tomorrow and Sunday are the benefit concerts at Lagerquist Hall!! I'm excited!! I hope to see ALL OF YOU there!! >.< Heh...

G'night everyone... Sorry for such an uneventful post, but I'm beyond tired right now... ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz...
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