I did a rare thing last Thursday and took off work at noon (wouldn't have come in at all if it hadn't been the end of the month and payroll day) and was off Friday as well. But even though I was out, now I'm kinda caught up so I thought I would do a bit of a catch-up with LJ post. You know, since I've pretty much been completely absent for the past 6 weeks.
Cuts ahead to spare the bored or uninterested.
Death warmed up - that pretty much explains my sickness in a nutshell. It was one of those nasty cold/flu/conjunctivitis from hell things that just made me feel like there was a voodoo doll of me out there somewhere (that really wouldn't surprise me in the least either). I didn't really have pink-eye I think, my sinuses just felt like coming out my eyes for 4 days. My left eye is still in somewhat bad shape, but at least the drainage has pretty much stopped except at night. Nasty stuff indeed. I never take off work for being sick. Seriously, never - but I just couldn't help it. Add a lack of vision to my already miserable state and it just wasn't working out for me. I even woke up Saturday still sick and didn't go to Megan's gymnastics meet. First one I've ever missed and I sent Ben instead. Seems that worked out for her since she won all 4 events and the All-Around for her age group. Of course, that was helped by the fact that a bunch of kids were out sick too, but we take what we can get right? I do. Megan does too, so it's all good.
Yes, that's right. Yearly vacay in Orlando at
j_mac179's is set for April 4 - April 13. I got my tickets almost 2 weeks ago, but set today as my diet start date. So I'm kinda hungry because I'm nut used to it yet. I weighed in this morning at 140 on the good scales up here at work and I'm going to try to get down to at least 133 and stay there until I at least turn 34 after vacay. Not totally unrealistic right? Honestly, I'm worried.
The truth is I'm getting older all the time and it shows and I feel it. Gone are the days when I can pass for a college kid. Now the best I can do is about 25 - and that's on a good day. Most of you who have met me or seen pictures of me will probably tell me to shut up and that I look great, yada, yada, yada - I appreciate it, I really do. But this is my body and even though I know I have been blessed (and still am on alot of levels) by the genetic fairies with good metabolism and youthful looks, the truth is that I'm having to adjust to things that I'm just not used to and it's just that - a big adjustment. This is only the 2nd time I've really tried to diet and I'm going to go with the low carbs (except sugar in coffee, I can't do without that), high protein, small portions thing. So no more fast food for me. We cooked outside yesterday a ton of meat and I stocked up on stuff for salads and omelets and such - so we'll see in a few weeks how I'm doing. Ben's on the diet too, but he gets NO sugar - cause he can do that and I can't, and he has been successful at this diet before so I'm optimistic that at least he will do well.
A list of random things that have kept me running in circles during my lj absence of late:
- Megan's science project. She's in 4th grade, so of course I practically did the entire thing, it was on petrified wood. Good news is we won first place in Earth Sciences division. Bad news is, that means we go off to the district and state science fairs again this year. I hate science and aside from my ability to basically kick ass in elementary science fairs, it usually hates me right back. (sorry
houses7177, but it's true) I'm much prouder of the fact that I got an A, I just as well not have won. It seems to make people think I'm good at this shit or something. *spits*
- I finally redid my
userpics to reflect and show my love for all things Britin (Brian/Justin from Queer as Folk) - my current obsession. More about them later, but back to my userpics. When I re-upped my LJ account last month they gave me 5 more userpics - so I'm up to 118 now. That makes me happy, but still it's a push and pull. I want unlimited and will pay out the nose for it. Anybody know if that is one of the new things these new LJ owners are thinking of doing?
- As discussed in my last post,
j_mac179 went to FX 2008 in Orlando Jan 25-27 and since he loves me (and feared my everlasting pout) he got me
Nathan Fillion's autograph. It was tough deciding on what picture I wanted since I love Nathan in everything he does and, well, he is probably my favorite celebrity period. He is made of awesome. Anyway I decided to go with a somewhat happy-looking "Serenity" pic so I could put the framed pic up in my living room. Isn't it shiny! ;)
- Gymnastics season is in full swing. We had a meet January 19th (on Brady's 5th birthday) and it was OK, not Megan's best - but it could have been worse. She is just lacking a bit of focus on certain events but we are working on it. After this one this past weekend she has one more in 2 weeks and then state in a month. So we are going to be in the gym even more than our usual 9 hours a week, that's for sure. My brother Clay (the rich one that lives in Las Vegas) did bribe her though so at least she has some motivation - he told her that if she places at state (competition will be tougher this year, since their will not be an elite class in each age group) he would pay for her gymnastics camp this summer at the University of Alabama (that expense bit me hard last year) and buy her and my mother plane tickets to come out and visit him this summer for a week in Vegas. The kicker is, he is going to do those things anyway (promised me the camp thing after I struggled to pay for last summers, afterwards he was like 'Next year I'll pay for it') - but she doesn't know that. Child manipulation for results. Trust me, sometimes it works!
- I am still reading tons of QaF fanfiction in my spare time and about a month ago I went to one of the very talented authors
plumsuede's LJ page and saw that she made jewelry and had
a store at called Risky Beads. After I made my first purchase, I knew it wouldn't be my last. When I received my shipment I was floored by how much more beautiful and unique her one of a kind pieces were in person - and I had to have more. To date I have bought:
Enchanted Trio - the black pair are exquisite and the other two pair gorgeous as well,
Garden Walk - this was the pair that blew my mind. I wear them at least once a week and I cherish them completely and finally
The Reason - as Ben's Valentines gift to me ;D - PLUS I got a free pair from the
Oh Sweet set (I got the blue sodalite rounds) in a MLK weekend promotion. I can't say enough about this lovely ladies talent. Check out the individual stories with each piece - I especially love my tale that came with 'The Reason'. Check out her store! Do yourself a favor and friend her journal, since she makes at least a few new pieces every week and posts pictures and links. Plus like I said, they are all one of a kind and sometimes go before you know it. I promise you when you get your package in the mail you will be more than pleased - you will feel like it's Christmas morning. I'm now addicted and going to try to limit myself to one purchase a month but it's going to be tough.
And now, since I have been doing this off and on most of the afternoon I need to get ready to leave for the day - but I had planned on talking about the Lost premiere (awesome!), Supernatural, Friday Night Lights and the like as well as my attempts at getting back into fanart/icon making and more on my new love of QaF and the B/J fandom. But it seems I'll just have to try to stay motivated and post again in a few days.
Again, I've missed you all and I promise to be better this month than I was the last. *muah*