potc, titanic, van gogh paintings

Aug 06, 2006 14:10

1. Name: Kelly

2. Age: 17

3. Gender: Female

4. What are your hobbies/interests outside of HP? How do you feel these hobbies/interests contribute to your personality? Well, I love reading and I love writing, so I definately spend alot of time doing that. My interests vary from day to day because I have an ever changing personality. I love to just try knew things and explore, so really I am never really sure what I like. For along time I was a dancer, and that was a huge huge part of my life, I did it almost every night of the week, but I ended up stopping when I was about 14. I believe that I person should have something that they are so passionate about, because it makes life more exciting and it makes it worth living. Titanic, the movie has always been an interest of mine, it is my favorite movie of all time, and I can watch it over and over again and never get tired of it. Alot of what I am interested in, reflects who I am as a person. I love going to art muesums and looking at Van Gogh's, because he is by far my favorite artist ever. There is just so much in life that I love, it would take forever to explain.

5. Which Harry Potter character do you feel you can relate to the most? Explain. Which character is your favorite? Again, explain. I am a lot like Ron Weasley, I think. Because, I am always there for my friends and I’ll do whatever I have to do for them. Also, Ron shows a passion in Qudditch, and I have that for a few things in my life. We are alike in that. Ron has anger sometimes, and I get like that a lot. Plus Ron is never one to take his school work that seriously and that is most definitely me. I also relate a lot to Luna Lovegood, just because she is a little bit out there. She is unique and funny and I believe that I am like that sometimes. She also isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, which is me. I can also be a lot like Fred and George because I always love to have a good time, and I let my humor run away with. They are just the comic relief in most situations and I can definitely be that at times.

I have so many favorite characters in the Harry Potter books that it is unreal. First, I would have to say that I love Dumbledore. He is such a remarkable character, and whenever I read parts that he is, I can’t help but be completely enchanted by the words that he is saying. Dumbledore is a man with such a heart, that no one is like him. For one thing, he loves Harry, and I love seeing the relationship that the two share. They both remain extremely faithful to one another, and it is as if they understand one another in a way that no one else could understand. Dumbledore became my favorite character in the end OOTP, when he was beginning to tell Harry about the prophecy. Even though Harry was furious and destroying his office, he still remained so calm and I love how he wanted to protect Harry.

Another one of my favorite characters are Fred and George Weasley. In the midst of all the heartache and fear, they are able to bring such life and humor to the wizarding world. They really have always been such a joy to read, and I can’t get over how brilliant they are, even if they don’t always show it. I believe that they are going to be such an important part in the final book; I would love to see them pull a few pranks on Voldermort, that would make for a good book!

Harry is another one of my favorite characters, just because he can make me so angry sometimes, but yet I love it. With Harry, there is just something about him that I just love. He always has his heart in the right place, but sometimes he just doesn’t think to clearly before he acts. Harry has such bravery despite all that he has endured, but yet I always sense that there is a fear that lies deep inside him. He cares about the people around him, and he will do whatever it takes to keep them as safe as possible. Harry is such a unique character and I love seeing how his life plays out through each book. I favored him the most in the OOTP only because he was such a complete butthead. Every time he would act moody, I sometimes couldn’t help but laugh. Usually people like that makes you want to hate him, but I still found him so extremely likable. For the first time, he finally showed how he truly felt about his situation.

Ginny Weasley is another one of my favorite characters, because she really has such strength to her. It is always great to a girl who is a tough as must of the boys. Ginny is a free thinker and she doesn’t let anyone push her around, and I just love to see that. She knows how to fight for what she wants, and she doesn’t let anyone bring her down. I always did admire that in people.

6. Give us the reasons for and against you being sorted into each of the houses.
a. Gryffindor
For: I have the passion that Gryffindors are known for, I know what I want and I fight for it. I see Gryffindors as the rash house, and I am definately like that. I do not think things through and I act on impluse and nerve, rather then the knowledge of the situation.
Against. Gryffindors seem to be a bit judgemental, and I like to give people a chance to atleast explain themselves.

b. Hufflepuff
For: I definately have the loyalty that they are known for, especially for my friends and family.
Against: I see Huffepuffs as a very calm house, and that is completely the opposite of me.

c. Ravenclaw
For: They have wit, I mean just look at Luna. I am definately like that in ways.
Against: Well, they are studious and enjoy obtaining knowledge. Even though I like it, I am not as into work and obtaining knowledge as I should be.

d. Slytherin
For: I have ambition and I like to work hard to achieve a goal.
Against: Slytherins seem to be very sneaky and they enjoy to tick people off secretly, more so then openly, and I am definately a person who when I am angry, I let the whole dang world know.

7. What was your least favorite moment in HP? Probably the fact that Dumbledore is gone. Three years in a row Harry had to experience death and it just upsets me. I know that in the end the hero must walk alone, but Dumbledore was such an important part in Harry's life, I can't help but wonder how he is going to do without him. In my eyes, Dumbledore has always been different, and the fact that he was able to be killed, makes me wonder what will happen to Harry. It just frustrates me because I can't help but wonder if Dumbledore knew what was going to happen, and he went along with it, but I just don't understand why. I feel that without Dumbledore, everything is going to become even worse. Also, I hate the way the Dursleys treated Harry, even when he was just a little boy. I can't understand how a group of people could be so cruel. One day I just sat and was thinking, did Petunia even care for Harry at all, when he was just a little baby. I really wish that someone could give me some clarity on that, because I've always wondered.

8. What about HP appeals to you (e.g. the romance, the adventure, the friendships, the fantasy, the mystery)? Everything about Harry Potter appeals to me, but mostly it is just the characters. They all bring something so wonderful to the book, and I am always wondering what will happen next with them. The book is so well put together, because it has a little bit of everything, and I just love that. It doesn't kill you with the Romance, and it doesn't make you completely depressed with all the sadness. It is put in their just well enough so that you get a little bit of everything. One of my other favorite things is the humor that the books have, because even though they are quite dark, there are just parts where I find myself laughing hysterically. I love that in the books they are very much good conquers evil. That is a really nice thing to see, because even though evil seems to be overpowering you just know that good will prevail. There is something special about all the characters in this book, they all have some a uniqueness about them that I find so enchanting. As I read the books over and over again, I come to see that each character brings something, and helps Harry in some way.

9. What would you do if your friend was in danger? What would you give up in order to save them? Would you lay your life on the line? My friends are the most important things to me, and I would do alot to save them. If they were standing in the middle of the street, ready to get run over by a truck, I would run as quick as I could to try and save them. My friends have my back, so naturally I would have theirs. Friendship represents sacrifice, and like I said. I would do anything physically possibly for my friend. Sometimes you say to yourself that you may never be able to risk your life to save someone, but I believe that once that moment comes, something just arises up inside you, and you just act on impulse. There is no thinking about it, you do it or you die trying. Friends are what makes my life worth living, they are my joy, my inspiration, and if I lost any one of them, I honestly don't know how I could go on, so I would risk whatever I had to. Everyone should be willing to give for someone, who is more the willing to give to you.

10. Given a choice between fame and money, which would you choose? Well both are really nice, but they can both run out at any time. I guess I would take the money, only because I love to buy things, and it would be nice to have it. To be completely honest, neither fame nor money really doesn't appeal to me. Because, I believe that the money you have represents your social status and gives you fame, and I honestly can't stand cocky rich people. Not saying that all wealthy people are like that, but you know the girls on My Super Sweet 16? Well, those are the people I can't stand, and I would never want to be like that, so I could honestly say that I would pass on both of them.

11 If you could only store one memory in the Pensieve to visit over again, which one would it be? Why? Well, over the summer I was with my sister and her step son, and we were driving him somewhere, and I don't exactly know what it was that had us laughing, but we were completely hysterical. Never had I laughed so hard in my entire life. I actually had tears streaming down my face and I could barely breath. My nephew was screaming at the top of his lungs in the most high-pitched voice that it was so hilarious, and my sister was yelling and I was just sitting in my seat laughing. I would love to relive this, because it shows how close my family really is, and it shows who we all are. My family is always laughing and always having a good time, and that is just one of the many moments that I would love to put in my Pensieve. Honestly, I wish I could go into further detail, but it is just such a weird moment. All I remember is that he didn't want to be the first one to a party, so he kept making us drive around a neighbor, and whenever my sister would say she was gonna stop he screamed, and it was just the funniest thing. And, he kept telling my sister that she was driving to slow, and there was a line way long behind her, and my sister and I were just laughing at him. It reallly was one of the best times of my life, just being in the company of my family, and having a wonderful, hilarious time.

12. What excites you the most in life? Where do you get the most joy and fulfillment? I love adventure, and I love trying new things. Being in new and unfamiliar situations excites me. Love is another thing that gives me joy, and even though I haven't experienced true love with someone yet, the love that my family shares for one another is very fullfilling. Laughing gives me alot of joy, because it seems that everyone I am around, especially my family all laugh constantly. I just believe that one should enjoy life. Live life and just not have a care in the world. Being a free thinker really is a joy to me, because I strive to be an individual, and not let others tell me what is right. I just love that feeling of telling someone how I feel and no matter if it is completely wrong, it is just how I feel. Not letting someone bring me down really is something special, and I always feel sort of special when I stand above people who strive to make others feel bad about themselves. There is so much in life that it excites me, whether it be the music I listen to, or a new book/movie that I find. It is all important to me.

13. If you were in Harry's position during the "Snape's Worst Memory" incident, how would you view Peter, James, Sirius, Lily, Remus, and Snape differently? Why? Well, there actions probably wouldn't faze me all that much, only because I am so use to seeing teenage boys act like that. I see them as just the typical boy, always wanting to be the center of attention, picking on those who were an easy target, just being and all around jerk. They all represent something wrong in adolescence, and I love that. Maybe my opinion on it wrong, but just be open. James is the typical attention seeker, and he would go as far as to humiliate someone to get a little bit of attention. Sirius is again, like James. Typical attention seeker, but also very suave with the ladies. Peter, well he really is just a kid with low self esteem who felt privileged to be hanging out with what he felt was the "cool" group. I don't think he ever truly belonged with them. Remus, I love Remus. Although, he always seemed to me like the peace maker, you know? So, I would have loved to see him atleast try and stop James and Sirius from taunting Snape, but he didn't because he felt under peer pressure. We are all guilty of it. Snape, well I honestly felt sorry for him, because it clearly shows that how you are treated when you are younger, clearly shapes who you are as an adult. It always sort of irritated me, when James said why he bothered Snape. "It is more the fact that he exist.." I can't understand why people have to pick on others for their own self confidence.

I am in no saying that I have never teased someone, but what James had done was wrong. Lily, now you can see why her and James worked so well together. I love the fact that she wasn't afraid to stand up to a bunch of boys, and I admire her. Because, even though Snape wasn't fond of her, she still had the heart to stick up for him. With all of my ramblings, I can honestly say that again, It wouldn't faze me if I saw an event such as this take place. Because in highschool, it really is only natural.

14. Imagine you were an eleven-year-old Muggleborn witch/wizard who did not know about magic and had just received your Hogwarts letter. How would you react to leaving home and going to a magic school? I would be completely and utterly stunned and probably not even believe it. It would probably take me a few minutes to actually take it all in. As for the whole leaving home thing, I think I would pretty open to leaving. It seems really exciting to be able to go away to a magical place and make all new friends, I would have such a great time. It would be so wonderful to be able to start over in a new place and show people who I really am. Really, I probably would feel like Harry each summer, wanting to go back. Because those people are your family, and you truly begin to miss them. There is honestly so much to do, that I would always have the time of my life.

15. If you had access to a time turner and there were no regulations regarding its usage, what would you use it for and why? I would probably use the time turner to go back on certain moments in my life where I have made huge mistakes, almost life changing and fix them. Even though I am a strong believer, in what happens is what was suppose to happen, but I seriously wouldn't mind changing a few things. Maybe not talking to this person, or dating this person, or saying this certain thing. We all have times in our life where we just make the dumbest mistakes ever, and I seriously would love to just go back and tell my past self to not be such an idiot. Considering that I can mostly on the feeling of an event, rather then thinking through what the outcome might be, it would be lovely to be able to actually go back and think, "Wow, this could really change things." I try to pride myself on never regretting choices that I have made in life, but there are just some times where I just can't help but relive those moments over and over in my head, and just wish that I could go back and fix it. Only because I hate having to know that I have made mistakes, and be constantly reminded of that.

16. In the Philosopher’s Stone (AKA Sorcerer’s Stone) Neville had a choice: he could let his friends go out at night when they weren’t supposed to and potentially they could lose points for his house, or he could confront them and stop them from breaking the rules. What would you have done in his situation? Well, I would actually ask to go along! I am serious, it is wonderful to have adventures, and I would be stupid to pass it up, but regarding to the question I have to say that I would not just let them walk away and not say anything. Neville was right to confront his friends, and it does take alot of courage to stand up to people, especially your friends. If I knew my friends were about to go out and doing something stupid, I would probably be right along with them.

17. Who (dead, alive, or fictional) do you most admire? This can be someone from real life or from Harry Potter. I admire a lot of people, so I guess I will name a few of them. First, I admire Captain Jack Sparrow, because he seriously the greatest character in movie history. He has such a humor to him that I wish I could possess, so I admire him for just being so insanely hilarious. Jack Sparrow is so - just amazing and I can’t get over how cool he is. He looks out for himself, and even though people may think he is dishonest and a horrible man, deep down he is just the great. I always admired people who knew who they were, and didn’t change for anyone. That’s pretty amazing.

I also really admire every writer who hasn’t been afraid to break the rules and shake the foundation of what most people base things on. Last year in English Literature we read a few poems from e. e cummings, even though I am quite familiar with his work, it is so cool for others to be exposed to him. He wrote in such a different way, and it has been an inspiration for me. You don’t always have to do things the exact way, but still they can be so amazing.

18. What is your favorite book outside of Harry Potter? What is it about this book that endears it to you? That is pretty easy, I really love the Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe. This book is so incredible, and it such a beautiful masterpiece. I love that it represents a much bigger picture, and it nice that it is written so simply, yet if you really pay attention, it is actually very deep. When I was in 5th grade we started reading the entire series, and I was just in love. At such a young age, I didn't apperciate the true message, but now that I go back and read it, I see something so special, and so unique. No other book can be written like it.

19. You're sitting the final examination for a class that has given you a lot of trouble. Your grade is borderline, you really need to do well on this final to get an A. You can see the paper of your friend who sits next to you and who happens to excel in this subject. You've gotten to a question that you're stuck on. Do you glance at your friend's paper to figure out the answer or not? Why? I have to say, yes. Honestly, I would be stupid not too. Sometimes you just have moments in life where you need a little bit of help, and even though cheating is wrong, I would do it. Heck, I could cheat and still get a horrible grade, so then it really wouldn't matter. I have cheated before in my life, and I have felt bad, but it happened and that is that.

20. In Goblet of Fire, Harry was chosen for the Tri-Wizard Tournament even with the age-line. Ron was unable to enter because of the age restriction even though he really wanted to be a part of the Tournament. Was Ron right to be jealous/angry at Harry? Were Harry's reactions appropriate? Why? Ron has always been in the shadows of Harry, and I believe that anyone would react that way. Even though Harry never really cared for the fame, it was still there. Whether he had control of it or not. I can't say that I agree with how Ron acted toward his friend, he should have atleast tried to believe him, because he should know Harry well enough. The way Harry acted was perfectly natural, not only is he completely confused about it, but his best friend didn't even have his back. Yes, I believe that Ron was angry, but I moreso believe that he was jealous, but of course wouldn't want to admit it. Like I had said in the beginning, Harry always was in the spotlight, and Ron, coming from a large family, probably was never center of attention, so he naturally would fill a bit annoyed and jealous. Harry, of course, probably couldn't understand why someone would want such an honorable title, since he had always had it. But then again, Ron and Harry's personality are quite different, so of course they would clash on something like this.

21. Which class would you look forward to the most at Hogwarts? Which classes do you/did you excel in most at school? I would most definately be excited for Defense Against the Dark Arts, because of the unique teachers they have. It is an important class to have, and I think that I would love to be abe to know how to fight true evil. Transfiguration is another subject that I find truly remarkable. Being able to have something, and completely change it into something else is really quite enchanting.

As for school, I do really well in Literature, because I have such a thrist to discover a new book, or read a new poem. I am very open to it. History is another one of my favorite subjects because I love learning about what people in the past have done, and how it has shaped our world today. I am very fond of war history, especially world war 2, and I love learning about the medieval times.

22. What would be the first place you visit during a Hogsmeade weekend? Why? Hm, probably Honeydukes, because I sure do have a sweet tooth. I would probably end up spending half my money in there, because like I said, I love candy. The next shop I would probably go to his Zonko's because what is life without a few laughs? I would love to spend the rest of my money on pranks and set them off during random times, just to get a good laugh. By the end I would probably have no money, and have to mooch off my friend to by a butterbeer, but I would be more keen to the FireWhiskey *wink wink* just kidding.

23. In the wizarding world, all 5th year students are required to pick a career to focus on going into their 6th and 7th years at Hogwarts. What career path would you choose? Why? Well, I would love to be an Auror, because it is such an important job, and it is very honorable, in my opinion. I love thrill and excitement, and the Auror career represents that, in my opinion. It would be a challenge for me, and I would love to do it. Also, can I just say that I would love to be the Minister of Magic? I mean seriously, how awesome.

24. In the Wizarding world, some pure-blood wizards consider Muggle-borns "filthy" and "horrible." In our world, people are categorized by their wealth, racial background, and appearance. What are your opinions on Muggle-borns? What are the qualities that you value in others? Well I believe that all people are equal, so I honestly see know reason to be hurtful toward Muggle-borns. They have the same abilities, and some of them even excel more then pure-bloods, but honestly I can't stand when Draco is so hateful toward Muggle-borns. Even if they haven't one other person in their family with magic blood, it doesn't really matter. They have it in them, and that makes them just as worthy to study magic as anyone else. I mean honestly, Voldermort was a half blood as well. You know, it kind of reminds me of Hitler, and how he was with having that perfect race. They want everything in life to be their ideal, but that is the beauty of being a human being. No one was made exactly alike. That is what makes a person special. Trying to alter that, and make it so everyone is alike, is wrong.

There are alot of qualities I value in people, but above all. I admire individuality. There is nothing sweeter then seeing a person walk down the street, and you just know that they are set in their ways, and they won't let anyone tell them what is wrong and what is right. I love seeing someone who isn't afraid to step up and say their opinion, even if it is completely off base, I just love to see someone not afraid. Also, I value someone with a fiery personality. Someone with humor and life, someone who I can laugh with for hours on end. It all ties in with my liking of individuality. See, I am so use to seeing people that are all alike, that it is such a breath of fresh air to make friends with someone who honestly could care less what the rest of the world thinks. I admire people who are non judgemental, that they actually give a person a chance to explain, before openly accusing them of something. I was called a "tramp" once by a women who didn't even know me, and I just - well naturally I flipped out on her, but see. I like people who actually know a person and have atleast spoken to them, before they make an accusation.

25. You have stumbled across five magical wells. One is the Well of Common Sense and Logic, the second is the Well of Creativity, the third is the Well of Optimism, the fourth is the Well of Physical Strength, and the fifth is the Well of Beauty. You can only drink from one well, but once you do you will be endowed with that ability for the rest of your life. Which well do you think you would definitely not need, and which do you think you would want to drink from? The Well of Physical Strength, doesn't seem all that important to me. Personally, I could deal without having alot of strength, because I am really quite the lazy person, so it honestly does nothing to me. I think I would have to choose the Well of Creativity, because I am very much into art, and into writing, and it would be lovely to have it. Can I be a bit vane for a moment? The Well of Beauty seems almost nice, because we all wish that we could look nicer, and that would honestly be my second choice, but I would definately choose the Well of Creativity.

26. In Half-Blood Prince, we witnessed Harry force-feeding Dumbledore the potion that weakened him, even though it pained Harry to do so, because he promised Dumbledore he would do whatever he wished. If you were in Harry's position, would you have stopped feeding Dumbledore the potion, or would you have continued? Do you think it was right for Harry to do as Dumbledore wished? Explain. Well, it was Dumbledore's decision, and Harry knew that Dumbledore has wisdom that no one could even begin to understand. It would hurt me a great deal to have to see someone hurting, and I would honestly feel like I was causing it. But, in respect to Dumbledore, I would most definately honor his wishes, because I know that he knows what he is doing, even if I don't fully understand it. Part of me would want to stop feeding him the potion, just because I hate seeing others suffering, but I would have faith Dumbledore would make it through.

27. Anything else you want to tell us before we sort you? Also, please tell us where you heard about this community. (Members who refer new applicants receive points, so please try to be as specific as possible.) I like to sing in the shower, especially old tv show theme songs, especially the Brady Bunch. Here's a story of a lovely lady...alright I will stop. I was searching for sorting communities and found this one. Oh, I really hope you like my application and sort me where you think I belong. Oh, I love chatting with new people, so feel free to add my journal!


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