(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 20:49

1. Name:Isabelle

2. Age:13

3. Gender:Female

4. What are your hobbies/interests outside of HP? How do you feel these hobbies/interests contribute to your personality? I am very interested in reading. My favorite authors include Meg Cabot, J.R.R. Tolkien, Edgar Allen Poe, Lisi Harrison, Anne Brashares, Eoin Colfer, and of course J. K. Rowling. My friends all enjoy writing our own Harry Potter stories of what goes on besides the main plot line. I’m interested in music, photography, and learning new things.

5. Which Harry Potter character do you feel you can relate to the most? Explain. Which character is your favorite? Again, explain. I find I can relate to Luna Lovegood at some times and Ginny at others. I’m shy in front of people I’m not close to
I’m also fairly outgoing when I’m comfortable. I’m a bit strange, also like Luna. I’ve got to say my favorite character, or in this case characters, would be Fred and George just because they are so hilarious.

6. Give us the reasons for and against you being sorted into each of the houses.
a. Gryffindor
For: I find myself fairly brave and willing.
Against. I don’t find myself having exceptional ‘daring, nerve, and chivalry’

b. Hufflepuff
For: I’m very loyal to my friends and would never desert them.
Against:I’m not very patient, and sometimes not just either. My emotions sometimes get ahead of justice for me.

c. Ravenclaw
For:I have a natural talent for being able to learn quickly, along with wanting to learn.
Against:Sometimes I don’t use my mind and think things out.

d. Slytherin
For:I can be cunning and I’ll work to get what I need.
Against:I won’t do ANYTHING just to ‘achieve my end’

7. What was your least favorite moment in HP? I was considerably upset at the deaths in the last two books as Sirius was a wonderful character in my opinion and so was Dumbledore.

8. What about HP appeals to you (e.g. the romance, the adventure, the friendships, the fantasy, the mystery)? I would say that the friendships and social aspects are appealing to me but not as much as just the magic and spells that the characters use. I find it very fascinating, especially the detail that J.K. Rowling puts into it.

9. What would you do if your friend was in danger? What would you give up in order to save them? Would you lay your life on the line? I would give up anything to save a friend, even if I was put in harm’s way in the process, although I am not sure if I would sacrifice my life. For me, I would have to consider the circumstances I was under, but if it was extreme I would most definitely lay my life on the line.

10. Given a choice between fame and money, which would you choose? I would chose money as I don’t appreciate extra attention from people I don’t even know. However, I don’t believe that either of those things are incredibly important.

11 If you could only store one memory in the Pensieve to visit over again, which one would it be? Why? My one memory would definitely be when I first got my dog Smiley on my 3rd birthday. I don’t remember much about the day but I’ve heard stories from my parents. It’s even more important to me now since this year we had to put him down.

12. What excites you the most in life? Where do you get the most joy and fulfillment? What gives me joy is accomplishing something or helping someone. Whether I’m finishing something for school, or just doing a friend a favor, it makes me feel good to help others and get something done.

13. If you were in Harry's position during the "Snape's Worst Memory" incident, how would you view Peter, James, Sirius, Lily, Remus, and Snape differently? Why? I would be even more disgusted with Peter as I always felt that he seemed to be the one that never fit into the group and seemed rather much like someone who just followed them. I do think I would view James, Sirius, Lily, and Remus in the same way because their traits carried into their adulthood and they seem much like the way they were described before. Snape, on the other hand, I would view with an amount of sympathy as they never seemed to let him be. But he still seemed a bit like his adult personality which I’m not very fond of.

14. Imagine you were an eleven-year-old Muggleborn witch/wizard who did not know about magic and had just received your Hogwarts letter. How would you react to leaving home and going to a magic school? I think I’d be a bit scared and worried, but also fascinated at the thought of something like being able to do magic and learning about a completely different world.

15. If you had access to a time turner and there were no regulations regarding its usage, what would you use it for and why? I would use it mostly for going back and changing the things I’ve messed up or missed out on. Although, I don’t know if it would work well going up to my four year old self and telling her to do whatever Mom says.

16. In the Philosopher’s Stone (AKA Sorcerer’s Stone) Neville had a choice: he could let his friends go out at night when they weren’t supposed to and potentially they could lose points for his house, or he could confront them and stop them from breaking the rules. What would you have done in his situation? I would attempt to confront them and stop them but I’d most likely back down if somebody pointed a wand at me, especially if it was the smartest girl in my year!

17. Who (dead, alive, or fictional) do you most admire? This can be someone from real life or from Harry Potter. I admire Dumbledore because he has made great strides for his causes, although I do admire my mother most of all out of Harry Potter and real life.

18. What is your favorite book outside of Harry Potter? What is it about this book that endears it to you? I absolutely love The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer. It’s got a great story line with loads of technology and it’s a science fiction and it’s just awesome. It also has magic, and that might be why I love it so much.

19. You're sitting the final examination for a class that has given you a lot of trouble. Your grade is borderline, you really need to do well on this final to get an A. You can see the paper of your friend who sits next to you and who happens to excel in this subject. You've gotten to a question that you're stuck on. Do you glance at your friend's paper to figure out the answer or not? Why? Absolutely not as I would never cheat on any sort of test or quiz or anything. I find that just copying something doesn’t show what you’ve really done and is, quite frankly, lying in my opinion.

20. In Goblet of Fire, Harry was chosen for the Tri-Wizard Tournament even with the age-line. Ron was unable to enter because of the age restriction even though he really wanted to be a part of the Tournament. Was Ron right to be jealous/angry at Harry? Were Harry's reactions appropriate? Why? I think that Ron was allowed to be angry and jealous of Harry after all these years of what has happened with Harry and Ron, but I don't believe that it was necessarily RIGHT for him to be angry. I think Harry reacted as I would and that if my friend was not going to listen to me then I won't listen to him.

21. Which class would you look forward to the most at Hogwarts? Which classes do you/did you excel in most at school? I would look forward to Charms class in Hogwarts as there are several different types of Charms and the ones that I have read about seem fascinating. I excel at English, Math, and Computers and I have no idea what that means I would excel at in Hogwarts!

22. What would be the first place you visit during a Hogsmeade weekend? Why? I would have to visit Honeyduke's as I have a sweet tooth, especially chocolate!

23. In the wizarding world, all 5th year students are required to pick a career to focus on going into their 6th and 7th years at Hogwarts. What career path would you choose? Why? I would choose being a professor because I believe in the theory that you learn when you teach others and I enjoy learning and helping others so for me that sounds like the perfect combination.

24. In the Wizarding world, some pure-blood wizards consider Muggle-borns "filthy" and "horrible." In our world, people are categorized by their wealth, racial background, and appearance. What are your opinions on Muggle-borns? What are the qualities that you value in others? I value kindness, honesty, and definitely humor. Somebody who can't laugh at a joke, or sometimes at themselves seems like the opposite of me, but who knows; we could be friends after all! I love people who are just plain nice to people and help others. Honesty is very important because I hate people who won't tell me the truth and I find out later. It makes me angry and it upsets me too that that person didn't think I would accept what they said, whether it was something they did or something about themselves, or even something important about another person.

25. You have stumbled across five magical wells. One is the Well of Common Sense and Logic, the second is the Well of Creativity, the third is the Well of Optimism, the fourth is the Well of Physical Strength, and the fifth is the Well of Beauty. You can only drink from one well, but once you do you will be endowed with that ability for the rest of your life. Which well do you think you would definitely not need, and which do you think you would want to drink from? I think I'm fairly logical and use common sense, and I can be very creative, especially about writing Harry Potter fanfictions! I can be a bit pessimistic about things, but not more than most people. That would bring it down to drinking from the well of physical strength of beauty. I don't find that physical strength would be very important because, after all, I can do magic, so I would drink from the Well of Beauty.

26. In Half-Blood Prince, we witnessed Harry force-feeding Dumbledore the potion that weakened him, even though it pained Harry to do so, because he promised Dumbledore he would do whatever he wished. If you were in Harry's position, would you have stopped feeding Dumbledore the potion, or would you have continued? Do you think it was right for Harry to do as Dumbledore wished? Explain. Honestly, I don't think I would be able to continue, even if I had promised as I'm very sensitive about causing people pain or discomfort. I do believe that Harry did the right thing by carrying out Dumbledore's wishes, as Dumbledore knew what he was doing clearly and I would just have to trust that Dumbledore was doing what was right.

27. Anything else you want to tell us before we sort you? Also, please tell us where you heard about this community. (Members who refer new applicants receive points, so please try to be as specific as possible.) I like singing in the shower, I suppose…Oh and I got this link from hersheyhawks! I have a friend of mine whose a friend of hers and yeah…long story. Please don't give up on me!!


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