(no subject)

Jul 14, 2009 11:34

Title: Closet
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam let their chance to be together slip away before, but when the chance to be together arises again, can they make it work... despite keeping it a secret from their friends and family?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: My normal fic with lots of ups and downs.
Authors Notes: I'm feeling fairly confident in what I have planned for this... so I'm going to go ahead and start posting it. No telling when I will post again, might not be for a few days...depends on how the internet accessibility is going on in my life.

“Me-ma… said I don’t have to see my mom anymore.” Cyrus informed Alexsi, the pair was sitting on his bed, with a plate of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches between them.

“That’s good.” Alexsi said, taking a bite of his sandwich. “Your mom doesn’t sound very nice.”

Cyrus nodded in agreement, chewing his mouthful of bready, sweet, goodness. “I’m glad I don’t have to see her again.”

“I wish I didn’t have to see my mom again.” Alexsi said, frowning a little.

“Does your mom take you to noisy places too?” Cyrus asked innocently, in which Alexsi nodded too; even though the noisy place he was thinking of, was not the same one Cyrus was.

“But my papa does too…but at least he pays attention to me. I sit there all day and she never says hi.”

Cyrus looked confused, as he pulled the crust from his third half a sandwich, “Then why does she want you to come so much?”

Alexsi shrugged, “I don’t know… why did you mom make you go, when she was just going to make you sit in the car?”

“I think they forget about us.” Cyrus replied.

“Well…” Alexsi started, taking a long drink, from the large glass of milk, he had sitting next to him. “That’s why I don’t like my mom…”

“Because she forgets?”

“My papa wouldn’t forget me.” Alexsi said confidently, sitting up straighter for a moment.

Cyrus smiled, “My daddy wouldn’t forget me either.” His smile faded for a moment, before he added, “Why do you think our mommies forget about us?”

Alexsi looked at his friend, and brother, carefully for a moment and then replied, “Maybe because we got two papas who make up for it?”

Cyrus thought about it and then smiled, “I think I like that… I just wish your papa could stay more… and that you could too.”

Now Alexsi looked sad, “Me too…I like it here.”

“I think my daddy is happier, because your papa protects us so good.” (I intentionally used good and not well, since I think it sounds more like what a child would say.)

Alexsi readily agreed with this and added, “Your daddy makes my papa laugh…” His eyes suddenly went wide, “Maybe we could make him stay?”

The enthusiasim in his brother’s voice sparked Cyrus’ interest. “How?”

“I have an idea.” Alexsi hinted at, grinning as he contined to eat his sandwich. “I’m glad you’re feeling better Cy… you were in the hospital forever.”

Cyrus nodded, “I know! I didn’t think I would ever leave.” He finished his sandwich and then took the milk glass from Alexsi and finished it off. “Alexsi….”


“Where did you get these sandwiches?” Cyrus asked, having woken up to Alexsi bringing them to him.

“In the fridge…” Alexsi answered simply.

“Oh… okay.”Cyrus answered, content with the answer, unaware they had finished off Phil’s lunch... or at least part of it. “Let’s go make your papa stay!”

“There he is.” Cyrus whispered, pushing the door to his father’s bedroom open. He stepped to the side, letting Alexsi in, pointing to Ville.

Alexsi raised an eyebrow, “Why is he in here?” They had gone to Ville’s room, expecting him there, surprised to find the room empty. Ville was sleeping on his back, on one side of the bed; with Bam sleeping on his side, on the other side of the bed, facing away from him.

Cyrus shrugged, “Maybe it was an accident?”

That seemed like a reasonable enough answer to Alexsi, who hurried over to the side of the bed. “Your daddy is messy.” He pointed out, since there were clothes skattered everywhere.

“I know… and he’s always telling me to clean my room.” Cyrus said, before turning his attention to his sleeping father. He pulled back the covers, startled by what he saw. He gave a squeak of surprise before he dropped to the floor.

Alexsi noticed what Cyrus did and followed suit, meeting his brother at about the middle of the bed (under it), “What’s wrong?”

“My daddy is naked.”

Alexsi thought for a moment and then shrugged, “Maybe he’s hot?”


“My papa gets hot and sometimes sleeps in his underwear.” Alexsi offered.

“He didn’t have any underwear on.” Cyrus protested.

“Oh…” Alexsi was silent for a moment before he tried, “Maybe it was really hot?”

“What do we do now?” Cyrus asked.

“I’ll see if my papa is naked.” Alexsi replied, crawling out from under the bed.

Cyrus followed, though remained under the bed. “Why would he be naked?”

“I told you… he gets hot.” Alexsi replied, peeking under the blanket. “No pants.”

“Maybe they are one of those?” Cyrus asked, pointing to the clothes on the floor.

“Adults are weird.” Alexis offered, before searching through the clothing, grinning when he found what he was looking for. “Here.” He handed the items to Cyrus. “Hide these… so my papa can’t leave.”

“Any where?” Cyrus asked.

“Any where you think they won’t find them.”

Cyrus nodded, “Alright.” He started to leave the room, stopping in the doorway. “What are you going to do?”

Alexsi grinned in a wicked manner, “I have an idea.”

Bam drew in a sigh of contentment, before rolling over to his other side, snuggling up to Ville’s side. “Good morning.”

Ville smiled, fliching a bit when Bam’s hands slid over his stomach and quickly south. “Mmm… good morning to you.” He opened his eyes and met Bam’s, which made him smile more, before they kissed.

“Up for a little fun before we have breakfast?”

“Always…” Ville chuckled as their kissing got a little heated, turned on more as Bam caressed his neither region. “Mmm… but the lube is on the other side of the room.”

Bam pouted, “What is it doing over there?”

“I believe you put it in there… in the throes of passion.” Ville said.

Bam tried not to grin, “How did I do that? I never touched it…”

“Not with your hands anyways.” Ville teased.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Bam teased back.

“I do believe, I remember you kicking it….” Ville trailed off when he saw the grin growing on his lover’s face, matched with a light blush.

“It wasn't my fault you left the bottle near my foot…” Bam mumbled as Ville chuckled and kissed his neck. “Not to mention fuck so well…”

“I’ll go get it.” Ville said, laughing more when Bam grinned with excitement and playfully assumed a spread eagle-esque pose in preperation for Ville’s return.


Ville turned to roll out of bed, met with a sudden surprise, when one of his legs refused to leave the bed. The foot that he had managed to get out of bed, slipped when the other leg tugged and jerked his body back towards the bed; before Ville could stop himself, he fell at a rather akward angle.

“Ville!” Bam cried, moments after Ville cried in pain. He hurried over to the other side of the bed, pulling back the rest of the covers to discover, that Ville’s foot had been tied to the footboard.

“God damn it Bam… if you had wanted to play like that, at least let me know.” Ville hissed in pain.

“I didn’t do it.” Bam said, releasing Ville’s foot from the crudely made restraint. He slid to the floor so he could sit next to his lover and assess the damages. “Does it hurt?”

“Yes…” Ville gasped when Bam touched his foot. “Very much.” He grimaced for a moment, before he added, "I thought I heard a popping sound."

“Let’s get you downstairs and put some ice on it…” Bam said, standing up so he could pull his pants on.

“How do you intent to explain how I did this?” Ville asked.

“You slipped in the shower… happens all of the time.” Bam offered with a small smile. He brought over a loose pair of pants for Ville to wear, before helping him to his feet.

“Oh my God… what happened to you?” April asked when she saw Bam helping Ville into the kitchen.

“Slipped in the shower….” Ville murmured, narrowing his eyes at Bam, which only amused the skater.

“Let me look at it.” April said, ushering the younger men to the table. “I’m practly an expert on these things, thanks to the king of all injuries over there.”

Bam chuckled until he realized the comment was directed at him. “Hey!”

Bam’s reaction made Ville chuckle for a moment, that was until, April touched his ankle.

“I’m betting it’s sprained.” April said with a good deal of confidence. “It’s already showing some signs of swelling.”

“Does this mean we can stay?” Alexsi asked, appearing at his father’s side with a hopeful smile, quickly joined by Cyrus with a matching look.

Ville sighed and rubbed his forehead, “I’ll have to talk to Mr. Seppo.” It was hard not to find the visible disappointment on the children’s face touching… then again… he didn’t know that his own son had tied his foot down to begin with. “Bam can you go upstairs and grab my things? I have a feeling I’m going to need to call my doctor.”

Bam nodded and started to leave the kitchen without thinking much about it. Phil on the other hand, noticed something his son didn’t….the look on the children’s faces.

“Alexsi…Cyrus… what do you know about…” Phil started, cut off by Alexsi quickly asserting: “I don’t know where the wallet is.”

Bam stopped, and like the other adults, looked to Alexsi. “What?”

“Oops…” Alexsi mumbled, when he realized what had happened.

“What about my wallet?” Ville asked, attempting to look Alexsi in the eye. “Alexsi…” He switched to Finnish and took an authoratative tone, which in a different curcumstance, would have turned Bam on. “Tell me what you did.”

Alexsi knew he was in trouble and was afraid to look at his father. “I don’t want to go home.” He whispered, turning the puppy dog eyes and pout on his father.

It was hard, but Ville managed to stay semi strong. “I know you don’t… but we can’t stay here forever.”

Now Alexsi looked sad for real. “I don’t like it in Finland…I like it here… with papa Bam and Cy.”

“When you’re older…” Ville started.

“Why not now?” Alexsi asked, emotions rising in his tone.

“We’ll talk about this later… where is my wallet?” Ville asked.

Alexsi frowned and looked down, refusing to answer the question in the hopes of holding out on his own demands.

Cyrus, more concerned about them getting into trouble than Alexsi, finally chimmed in. “He gave it to me.”

Bam’s eyes went wide, “You know better than playing with people’s wallets…”

Cyrus frowned and looked to the floor in a guilty manner. “I don’t want daddy Ville to go home either. He protects us…” He wrapped his arms around Ville’s tattooed arm and hugged it tightly. “I feel safe when he’s here.”

Now that statement touched everyone, especially Ville, who placed his free hand on the back of Cyrus’ head.

“And papa is always happier when he is here.” Alexsi quickly added, hugging Bam. “I’m happier here too.”

Bam returned the hug and looked to Ville for a moment. “I’m happier when you both are here too…”

“But stealing my wallet is not the way to deal with it.” Ville quickly put in.

“Is tying you here one?” Cyrus asked, lightening the mood some what.

“No.” Bam said, rubbing his face as he realized what had happened this morning. “Can you tell me where you put daddy Ville’s wallet?”

Cyrus frowned, “Do I have too?”

“You won’t be in as much trouble if you do.” Bam answered.

“So we’ll be in trouble anyways?” Alexsi asked in a way that showed how surprised he was at the turn of events.

“You sprained my ankle and stole my wallet…” Ville pointed out, poking his son in the sides. “You’re lucky you won’t get in more trouble.”

“I’ll show you.” Cyrus finally relented, taking Bam’s hand as they walked outside. To Bam’s horror, Cyrus pointed to the drain on the side of the pool.

“Please…” Bam started, letting go of his son’s hand, as he ran over to it. “Tell me you put it in something before you stuck it in there.

Cyrus gave his father a confused look, “Why would I do something like that?”

“Ville…” Bam said as he came back into the kitchen. “Keep in mind how much you love our sons…”

Ville raised one eyebrow and gave Bam a suspicious look. “Why?”

“Just… remember they are little boys and boys do silly things… and how we’ll look back on this and laugh….” Bam tried, creeping closer to Ville, holding the wallet behind his back.

Now Ville was worried, especially when he saw the concerned look on Cyrus’ face. “What happened to my wallet?”

“It’s a little water logged…” Bam started.

“Water logged?” Ville asked, stumbling to his feet, which caused him to fall to the floor. “Why would it be water logged?”

“I don’t think it’s fair that we have to stand in the corner…” Alexsi said.

“At least you’ll get to stay a little longer.” Cyrus pointed out, looking to his brother who was sitting next to him, instead of in his own corner. “Your papa was really mad at me.” Cyrus said, looking a little sad. “What if he doesn’t love me any more?”

“Why wouldn’t he?” Alexsi asked.

Cyrus shrugged, “My mommy doesn’t love me…”

“Because your mother is an idiot.” Ville said, causing the boys to look at him. Alexsi’s eyes went slightly wider than Cyrus’ before he went running to his own corner. Ville couldn’t help but to chuckle with amusement, unsure of how long Alexsi had not been in the corner and if it was worth it to try and make him stand in it longer. “I love both of you boys too much to ever stop now.”

Cyrus looked close to tears, “I didn’t mean to ruin your wallet. I didn’t want you and Alexsi to leave.”

Ville nodded and with some effort, sat down and called Cyrus over, pulling him into his lap so he could hug him. “It’s alright Cyrus…” He opened his mouth to tell Alexsi to come over, when he noticed the little boy peering at him from the other side of the chair. He chuckled and pulled Alexsi into his lap, hugging them both tightly. “You’ve both been through a lot recently…”

“Is your foot broken forever?” Alexsi asked, with a small amount of guilt.

“No… I’ll be fine… that doesn’t mean you should do that again.” Ville warned.

Alexsi nodded, frowning softly. “Does this mean I have to go back home?”

Ville sighed, “Maybe not.”

Alexsi and Cyrus perked up and together asked: “Why?”

“I have to talk to Bam about it more …maybe you’ll get to stay here when you start going to school?” Ville offered, which really pleased the boys, so much so that Alexsi went running through the house cheering.

“But…” Cyrus started, who had suddenly taken on a serious tone. “What about you?”

“What about me love?” Ville asked.

“Won’t you miss Alexsi?” Cyrus asked gently.

Ville smiled and whispered, “Not if I visit him a lot.”

Cyrus smiled in delight, “And me?”

“And you.” Ville whispered, leaning closer to Cyrus, who in turn, leaned in more as well.

“And daddy?”

“Especially daddy…”

Cyrus smiled, pleased with the slight bit of hope that his extended family would stay longer. “Can I still call you papa Ville?”

Ville smiled, “You can call me just papa if you would like..” The smile that appeared on Cyrus’s face warmed his heart in the same way Bam’s own smile smiled tended too, there was such love and happiness there.

“Really?” Cyrus asked softly.

Ville nodded, “Of course... I’ll always be your papa, as much as Alexsi’s... just like your daddy is also Alexsi’s daddy.”

“So I can call you my papa?” Cyrus asked for clarification.

“Anytime you would like.”

“Can we please talk Bam?” April asked, coming over to Bam who was standing next to the fridge, filling a plastic Ziploc bag with ice for Ville.

“His ankle is starting to bruise... I think the injury might be worse than we thought.” Bam mumbled, wrapping the bag in a hand towel before he started to leave the kitchen.

“Bam... please...” April pleaded.

Bam sighed and turned to face his mother. “I know you were only trying to help.”

His words seemed to make her even more upset. “I never would have put Cyrus in that position if I had known...”

“Maybe you should have trusted me then...” Bam said. “I told you I didn’t want her near him...I had my reasons.”

“I guess I’m so used to you being....”

“What wrong?” Bam asked with the slightest bit of annoyance to his tone. He quickly calmed down and added, “I know I haven’t always made the best decisions, but this one...for once... was not about myself...I was trying to do what was best for my son.”

“I know that now.” April said. “And I will respect your decision.”

Bam smiled a little, “Thank you.” He hugged April before continuing his mission back into the living room. “I have some bad news for you, my lovely singer.” Bam said in a joking manner. He stopped next to the couch that Ville was sprawled across, his injured ankle propped up on a high stack of pillows. “I think you might have to go the hospital.”

Ville’s sneer of disgust, at the thought of going to the hospital, quickly faded when he saw Alexsi creep over to him, with a worried look on his face. “Don’t worry...I’ll be just fine.”

“What if they have to take you whole leg?” Alexsi asked, looking at his father’s ankle which was darkening from the bruising and showing a significant amount of swelling.

“They won’t take my whole leg...” Ville tried to assure his son, as Bam placed the ice pack carefully on his ankle, finding it hard to not wince.

Alexsi frowned more, “I’m sorry I broke you leg papa.”

Ville pulled his son onto the couch so he could hug him. “You didn’t break my leg Alexsi..”

“But you’ll probably get to stay longer...” Bam mentioned in the hopes of cheering the little boy up.

“Don’t encourage him Bam,” Ville said. “What you did was very bad and you could have hurt me a lot worse... you shouldn’t be rewarded for hurting your papa.”

Alexsi looked even sadder, “Does that mean I’ll have to stand in the corner more?”

“I haven’t decided what your punishment will be. We’ll figure it out once daddy brings me back from the hospital.”






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