(no subject)

Jun 24, 2009 00:53

Title: Closet
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam let their chance to be together slip away before, but when the chance to be together arises again, can they make it work... despite keeping it a secret from their friends and family?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: My normal fic with lots of ups and downs.
Authors Notes: I'm feeling fairly confident in what I have planned for this... so I'm going to go ahead and start posting it. No telling when I will post again, might not be for a few days...depends on how the internet accessibility is going on in my life

Bam was surprised no one else seemed to notice the way Ville was looking at him. It sent chills up and down his spine just thinking about it. The singer had this look in his eyes, like a predator, who was just waiting for the right moment to pounce...

Of course Bam didn’t help matters at all. His teasing looks, letting Ville get just close enough, to be almost unable to resist temptation, then call someone over so Ville couldn’t touch... let alone act. Though the others seemed unaware of it, the tension was growing...delightfully.

At one point, Ville was able to pin Bam against the wall, with the intention of enacting a little revenge.

“You had your chance... you said no.” Bam said, grinning as he wiggled and fought off roaming hands, that he didn’t really want to fight off.

“I don’t recall ever saying no...” Ville stated, trying to pull Bam close.

“Everything but no...I believe there was something about how I needed to be punished... by something more than a good old spanking.” Bam said.

Ville growled, flaring his nose for a moment, “Spanking would be a reward for you...”

“And this isn’t rewarding? Watching you squirm with need... anxious to have what you desire most...” Bam teased, shivering when Ville growled again. Bam looked away from Ville when he heard the doorbell. “Oh look...more company.” The earlier incident with April and Cyrus answering the door, had turned out to be some of Bam’s friends, whom the skater had to remind about the zoo trip... who were disappointed that they wouldn’t be able to hang out with him that day.


“Yes....what kind of host would I be if I left my friends just standing there...?”

“One who will be really pleased by his decision to go upstairs, instead of over to the front door.” Ville said softly into Bam’s ear.

Bam wrinkled his nose in amusement, very tempted to take his lover up on that. “And yet... I think you should get the kids ready to go.” He managed to pull away from Ville and hurried down to the door, right before April reached it. His grin grew when he saw who was there. “Come in!”

Ville groaned and pressed against the wall, he knew he was getting what he gave, and he was even more aware of the fact that very soon... it would be the other way around again.

At first the sound of footsteps... small footsteps...coming towards him, made Linde groan. The annoyance that had immediately set in, when he realized he would soon be joined by another child, was gone when he saw who was coming towards him.

Alexsi recognized her as well and stood up, “Olivia!”

Linde hurried from the couch and over to his daughter, scooping her up in a big hug. “What are you doing here?”

Olivia beamed, long blond hair framing her face. “Momma said I could come.”

Linde looked past his daughter and to her mother, who was standing in the doorway. “Manna...”

“Hi Linde...” She answered softly.

“Excuse me...” Bam slipped in and hurried over to Alexsi, scooping him up.

“No!” Alexsi cried, in protest of being removed from the room.

“Nice seeing you again.” Bam said to Manna.

“Nice seeing you too.” Manna said, turning her eyes to her common law husband. “I was thinking... our fight was very foolish... and there was no reason for Olivia to not be here... with our family.”

Linde smiled and walked over to her. “Thank you...” He leaned in and kissed her gently.

“Are we still going to the zoo?” Olivia asked, playing with her father’s dreads.

Linde nodded, making his daughter beam. “As long as you’re not too tired.”

“I’m fine! Promise!”

Manna smiled, “We actually came in last night, but I wanted her to get some rest before we showed up here.”

Linde nodded, “That was probably a good idea.”

“Okay... let’s go....” Alexsi said, walking over to the door. He was holding his sippy cup against his chest with one hand, and Cyrus’ hand with the other.

“Bye bye!” Cyrus called, following Alexsi to the door.

April and Phil both chuckled and wished them luck with all the kids... and fun along the way.

“We’ll need it.” Bam said, hurrying over to the door, where Alexsi was attempting to free himself and Cyrus. He reached out and opened the door, chuckling with amusement as Alexsi pushed his way outside.

“Be careful Cy.” Alexsi said, watching as the slightly younger boy navigated his way through the doorway

Cyrus made it past Bam, reaching out for his friends hand again, before walking over to his father’s Hummer.

Bam unlocked the doors, scooping up Cyrus, so he could put him in his car seat. Ville monitored Alexsi as he climbed into the vehicle, since the birthday boy was convinced he could do it alone.

Once the children were buckled in correctly, the adults got into the car. Since there were so many people going, they were taking multiple mods of transportation. Mige and Gas, with their families were in one car, with Linde and Burton’s family in another.

As soon as Bam shut his door, he gasped, feeling Ville’s hand creep up his leg. “People are watching.”

“They can’t see where my hand is.” Ville stated casually, rubbing Bam’s thigh.

“The children can see.” Bam tried, attempting to ignore how the other man’s touching was affecting him.

“See what?” Alexsi asked.

“See... they can’t see anything either.” Ville said.

Ignoring the comment, Bam started the car, then reached out as if to change the gear. Instead, he extended his reach a little more, and grabbed the front of Ville’s pants and massaged it firmly.

“Holy hell...” Ville gasped out, going tense for a moment.

Bam grinned, “Oh...sorry... I thought that was the stick shift...”

Ville glared at Bam, wanting to say something, but was attempting to restrain himself because there were small children in the car with them. He slowly reached out, towards Bam, who actually flinched, before he realized what Ville really was intending to do. Snatching Bam’s cold soda product from the cup holder, he placed the plastic bottle between his legs.

Bam laughed and really grabbed the stick shift this time, “It’s not really that bad.”

He waited until they had gone down the road a little ways, and the kids had fallen asleep, before he commented on what the skater had said. “How do you know?” Ville asked, in a tone that showed he pretending to be upset. “How do you know I’m not in extreme physical pain because of what you just did?”

“Because... you know if you really wanted too...” Bam paused so he could peek at the older man. “You could have me whenever you want too... you enjoy the chase just as much as I do.”

Ville grinned, but tried to hide it behind his hand. It was the truth, they both knew it. “You’re just saying that because you want me to spank you.”

Bam grinned, “Well duh... but that’s besides the point.”

“What is the point then?” Ville asked, looking to Bam, feeling electricity course through them because of the way their eyes met.

“That we’re alone in this car and we should make the best of it while we can.”

Ville gazed at Bam, in a way that was slowly more loving then heated. He picked his hand up and placed it on Bam’s. Bam in turn flipped his hand over, so they could lace their fingers together. “I love you Bammie.”

Bam chuckled, “I love you too Willa... but I still want my spanking.”

“With a leather belt with holes in it?”

The skater’s jaw dropped, “Since when did you get a fantastic belt like that?”

It was Ville’s turn to chuckle this time, giving Bam’s hand a light squeeze. “I bought it just for you.”

Bam shivered, “The things I would do to you right now, if only we were alone.”

Ville chuckled, “Ahh the good old days.”

“We didn’t enjoy nearly enough of them.” A red light ahead of them stopped, allowing Bam a moment to look at his lover. “You know... these windows are tinted.”

Ville smiled broadly, before leaning in and kissing Bam gently. They both made a light noise of happiness and relief, before the kiss deepened. It barely broke in time for Bam to notice the light had changed and they could continue.

They pulled into the parking lot of the Philadelphia zoo. Most of the children had fallen asleep on the drive over, and had to be woken up. Since he was still waking up, Alexsi was more then willing to let Ville carry him for a little bit. Cyrus was always ready for his father to hold him, let alone carry him.

Once everyone had everything they needed, and their children close by them, they started walking towards the entrance. It was a semi warm, bright, late March day... not to hot.... and yet just cool enough for the kids to need jackets.

“And this is where I leave you...” Bam said, stopping out in front of the reptile house. “I’ll meet up with you guys on the other side.”

“Do you want to see the snakes and lizards Alexsi?” Ville asked.

“I’m coming.” Alexsi said, crawling out of a bright, red, wagon, they had rented for Alexsi and Cyrus.

“Me too.” Cyrus echoed, crawling out as well, so he could follow Alexsi.

“Come on Mr. Bam.” Alexsi said, pulling on Bam’s hand.

“No way kidlet... I can’t... there are scary things in there.” Bam answered.

Alexsi looked to the building and then back to Bam. “Papa will protect us.”

Bam smiled, peeking at Ville, who smiled back at them. “I know he would... but I think I need to take a break... we’ve walked a long way.”

Alexsi pouted, “But... you’ll miss the snakes.”

Bam unconsciously flinched, “I know... that’s why I’m staying out here.”

“Come on boys... let’s head inside.” Mige called, following everyone else into the reptile house.

“Okay...” Taking Cyrus’ hand again, Alexsi walked into the building with the bassist.

“Are you alright?” Ville asked gently.

“As long as I stay in here and those legless, spawn of Hades, stay in there... I’ll be just fine.”

Ville chuckled, “I’ll see you soon.”

Bam nodded and watched them leave, shaking all over at the thought of the snakes inside, before hurrying away from the building. Since Ville took both of the boys with him, he had taken the wagon with them, leaving Bam free of anything to carry.

He walked over to the other side of the reptile house, buying a pretzel and some lemonade on his way. Taking a seat on a bench, he waited for the others to come out. He had just finished his pretzel, when he heard a familiar voice.

“Missy...” He frowned as she made her way over to him. There was something off by the way she walked, looked at him, and her over all appearance. It was nothing drastic, just subtle changes to let him know she wasn’t exactly, completely clean at the moment. “What are you doing here?”

“I heard you were bringing our son here... I wanted to see him.” She replied, stopping near Bam, helping herself to his lemonade.

Bam glared at her, “Just go away Missy...I think we both know what kind of value you place on Cyrus... and it has nothing to do with maternal love.”

Missy frowned and crossed her arms. “I have every right to see him.”

“Not now... not like this...” Bam hissed back. “Are you high?”

There was a flinch.... the kind that showed Bam had hit a nerve. “It’s none of your business.”

“It is when it comes to the welfare of my son. I’m not going to let you expose him to...”

“Stop lecturing me Bam...you weren’t always perfect.”

“You’re right Missy... I wasn’t always perfect... and I’m not perfect now. But I sure as well, wouldn’t get high... then come to a public place like a zoo... and start demanding time with my 18 month old son.” Bam snapped at her.

“You are so quick to judge me and my lifestyle... you don’t even know my boyfriend...”

“Wait...” Bam’s eyes went wide as he cut her off. “What boyfriend?”

Realizing she had slipped, Missy hesitated to speak. Reluctantly, she finally did explain herself, after Bam demanded an answer from her. Sighing, like a teenage, she indicated just to their right. “His name is....”

“I don’t care what his name is... he is not going to be around Cyrus.” Bam stated, shaking his head firmly. The man, who he was sure was the boyfriend in question because he was eying Missy, looked like an ex-con. He was tall, built, and had an air of trouble about him... the kind that went beyond impish humor like the stunts Bam pulled... this was real trouble... the bad kind.

Anger flared in Missy’s eyes and features. “You can’t tell me who I can and cannot date.”

“I never said I could... I can tell you who will and will not be around our son... and he will not.”

“You can’t make me...” Missy started.

“Oh but I can... because he won’t be left alone with you...” Bam was so absorbed in the conversation that he didn’t realize Missy’s boyfriend was heading over to them.

Shoving Bam so hard he stumbled backwards, the man glared at Bam. “Are you bothering my girlfriend?”

“No...I was talking to my ex-wife.”

“She said she wanted to see her kid... go get him.”

Bam frowned, “No.”

The man grabbed Bam roughly, yanking him to his feet. “Get the brat now... or I’ll get him myself.”

People were started to notice what was happening and were stopping to watch.

“Put me down.” Bam hissed softly.

“Are you getting the kid?”

“No...You’ll have to kill me first.” Bam stated.

The man grinned, “That can be arranged.”

“They went into the reptile house.” Missy said.

Before Bam could protest, he was thrown to the ground so hard, it knocked the wind out of him. He barely heard the big lug say he would be right back. Scrambling to his feet, he hurried into the building through the back way, in the hopes of cutting the other man off.

His heart was hammering in his chest as he dodged other people, as he searched for his lover, their friends, and more importantly... their sons. He was so caught up in his fear of them being hurt, he barely had time to think about the animals around him.

Moments after he entered the building, he found the band members and their families. Just a few feet behind them, was Ville and the kids. “Oh thank God.”

Alarmed by the way Bam looked, and the fact he had actually come into this dreaded place, Ville hurried over to his lover. “What’s wrong?”

As he yanked Ville from the building, Bam caught him up on what had happened outside, which thoroughly pissed Ville off.

They got outside, and regrouped, just in time for Missy’s boyfriend to find them. He called for Bam, threatening to break him in half, as he ran over to him.

Bam barely had time to blink, when Ville stepped in between them.

Reaching back, Ville slugged the startled attacker right in the jaw, knocking him down. Dropping to his knees, Ville grabbed the other man’s shirt and started punching him repeatedly. His band mates pulled him off the other man, but not before Ville could grab him again and yank him close. “If you ever come near my son, and my Bammie... I’ll kill you.” Ville hissed the words in a tone that dripped with malice... his eyes echoing the intent behind that promise.

While her boyfriend, who was bleeding from numerous broken places on his face, was quick to put distance between himself and Ville; Missy snuck over to them and snatched Cyrus. Alexsi immediately screamed and threw his metal sippy cup at her. It caught her right in the knee, and even though the hit wasn’t enough to break anything, it hurt enough to make her stumble.

Missy straightened herself up, as Cyrus started crying for his daddy, turned and gasped when Manna appeared before her. Reaching back in the same sort of motion Ville had used, Manna smacked Missy hard enough to knock the other woman backwards and bust her lip.

Cyrus fell to the ground, but was not hurt. He got up and ran over to Bam, who was already on his way over to him, to pick him up and hold him close.

Linde rushed over to Manna, “Are you alright?”

“My hand is a little sore.” Manna commented, letting Linde hold it.

By then, security had been called and was getting reports about what had happened. It was clear, thanks mostly to the witness’ around them, that Missy and her boyfriend had started the fight. Nevertheless, Bam and company were asked to leave the zoo as well.

Before they parted ways, Bam thanked Manna deeply for her help.

“It was nothing Bam... I know you would protect Olivia if you had too.” She said, running her hand over her daughter’s hair.

“I would...”

The ride back to West Chester was quiet, especially when the children once again fell asleep. Once back at Bam’s home, Ville went to the bathroom to wash up. Bam asked April and Phil to watch the kids. His parents wanted to know what had happened, but Bam told them very little... other than everything was alright. “Just please... keep them down here alright?”

Bam hurried upstairs and to the bathroom, gently opening the door, and letting himself in. Closing the door behind himself, Bam watched with concerned eyes at Ville washing the dried blood from his knuckles.

Ville turned slightly and spotted Bam coming towards him. He opened his mouth to say something, gasping when Bam yanked him close and kissed him deeply. Tossing concern about the watery blood leaking all over his hands, Ville wrapped his arms around Bam, pulling him close, as he returned the kiss. “What about your spankings?”

“Later...” Bam said pulling his shirt. “I’ve never been so fucking scared in my life...” He kissed Ville again, before pulling the older man’s shirt off. “I thought for sure... I wouldn’t get to you in time and Cyrus would be taken and our lives would be in chaos.”

“And those fucking snakes! I didn’t even think about the snakes while I was in there! But the whole way back that’s all I could think of...those fucking snakes crawling all over me... and the way that bastard looked at me...”

“I would have killed him if he had laid a fucking a hand on you or Cyrus...” Ville got in before they started kissing again, stumbling around the room.

Bam drew in a deep breath, “Then that asshole was chasing me... and the fighting... And then you....” Bam trailed off, having pushed Ville up against the wall. His kissing slowed in intensity, as tears came down his cheeks. “You swooped in and saved me.”

Ville kissed Bam’s tear streaked cheeks and then pulled him in for a strong hug. “I didn’t even think about it... didn’t hesitate for a moment... when it came to you and our son.”

Bam looked to Ville and smiled, “Our son?”

Ville nodded, leaning in to kiss his lover, “Our sons.”



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