Long time no fic, but please, enjoy!!!!!!!

Jun 24, 2009 00:48

Title: Patience Is A Virtue
Author: irena_aneri (that's me!)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kinky, mildly crack driven, somewhat disjointed one shot, but I'd love to hear what you think. It's been awhile since I've done this. Dedicated to nailsnoir777 and to all past readers of Shadow Passion. I'm the worst, I know.

Patience Is a Virtue

I sighed. The man was too beautiful for his own damn good. A quick once over of that body had my mind reeling with fantasies of what I would do to him once I got his clothes off... if I could get them off in the first place. The problem was that this man liked to play games. I hated it when he played the game where he wouldn't speak to me for an entire day, but let his body do the talking instead. Okay, so I didn't hate it, but...Now normally I was used to him toying with me until I was internally screaming, but today had been especially bad, and he'd been feeling particularly adventurous. Or cruel, depending on who you asked.

Purposely walking in front of me all day so he could swing his hips in public places where I couldn't touch him, or shooting passion filled gazes across the table at lunch that made even the waitress blush, or running his delicate fingers over my backside while we were in the changing room, or touching his lips to my neck just barely enough to make me gasp, drop the shopping bags, and reach out for him before he flitted across the elevator out of my reach--Bastard.

After nearly four years of this type of treatment, you'd think I'd have the patience of an elephant. Which, on most days, I do. But not today. For today I, and my lower extremities, have reached my limit. His game was coming to a rather delicious end, not that he knew anything about it. I would get what I wanted, and so would he.

It was dinner time. He was sitting across from me, eyes sparkling as his tongue continued doing things (that should by all rights be illegal) to the lime he'd pulled from the rim of his glass, never once breaking eye contact. I watched as the lime fell from his full lips when they parted, slick with juice, and I heard the quiet whimper that I knew was meant only for me. My knuckles were so white on the edge of the table that they would have made Michael Jackson jealous. Fucking Christ. But I waited, held in the groan that longed to escape my lips. I had a plan.

Thirty agonizing minutes later, I chose my time to strike. I'd paid the check and tipped the rather pink in the face waiter (looks like I wasn't the only one who fell victim to the little show he'd been putting on with our citrusy friend) heavily- never hurt to have karma on one's side. Before he could do it himself, I was behind him, helping him into his coat like any gentleman would. As his hands found the armholes, he flashed a brilliant smile, thanking me for my kindness. Under the guise of adjusting his collar and scarf, I leaned in slightly-- Lord almighty his hair smelled so good, and breathed hotly into the shell of his ear:

"You're going to get fucked tonight, beautiful. Hard. Just thought I'd warn you."

It was blunter than I'd originally intended, but he blushed an excruciatingly beautiful shade of pink and shivered in surprise. I smirked inwardly; I'd caught him off guard, I was never on the offensive during his games, always the receiver. Good. I stepped back from him, lacing his slender fingers with mine as I pulled him with me out the door and into the waiting taxi cab.

I kept him close to my side during the ride back to our hotel. Now that I'd made a move, he seemed to be all too willing to let the game play out under my command. I was very aware of the heat radiating from his thighs inside his wickedly tight pants, and of the tousled curls resting on my shoulder. I breathed deeply, calming myself. With as much lazy nonchalance as I could manage, I began drawing invisible designs on the denim covering his hot upper thigh, paying close attention to detail as I reached the inseam. I was rewarded when I heard his breathing increase and saw his legs separate ever so slightly, as if from instinct. I turned my head so I could speak into his hair:

"You want it bad, don't you? You want me, and you know you do. Move your legs just a little wider for me now, baby.."

His breath hitched, but otherwise he remained silent, too far gone in anticipation to speak. He parted his legs though, and I continued with my designs centered on his crotch. He froze; I saw his mouth fall open as we passed an orange street lamp. In the momentary light, he twisted his body until his eyes met mine, wide and thick with raven lashes. The second passed and we were thrown into darkness again, but I could smell the faint aroma of lime coming from his open mouth. I bent my own to his ear:

"That's it, beg me with your eyes, beautiful..."

It was the disgruntled cough of the cabbie that alerted me of our arrival to our hotel. Moving as swiftly as I could while still partially hiding the arousal in my pants, I opened the door for him and took his hand as we stepped into the brightly lit lobby. I almost felt bad for him as we checked in with the desk clerk; his lacquered on pants left nothing to the imagination under the fluorescent lights, unless one was imagining a completely masterful erection, but then that beautiful shade of pink covered his face again as he caught my gaze, and the sympathy was burned away by outright lust. I grabbed the keycard from the smirking clerk and hurried to the elevator.

Of course our room would have to be on the top floor. No matter, it gave me more time on my plan. He was standing in the corner, looking rather small and meek. Hah, I knew him better than that. His face was flushed, eyes downcast, but I heard him gasp as I took a step towards him, setting our bags at his feet. There was no need to whisper now, other than the two of us the elevator was deserted.

"Just wait until I get you into our room, I'm going to do things to you that will have you begging me, for a change..."

He looked up then, and his eyes were begging. I smiled, reaching for his face, but the bell dinged softly and the doors opened, and I dropped my hand to the handle of our suitcases instead. I could feel his disappointment as if I were wiretapping his brain, and I didn't bother to hide the grin on my face as I walked out into the hallway.

Once the keycard was in the slot and we were through the threshold, we never made it to the pristine white bed. I pounced him, tackling him to the floor underneath me. He never said a word as I unzipped his jacket and tore it from his shoulders and unbuttoned his thin black dress shirt. Only when my hand came to the buttons holding those too-tight jeans together did he make a sound. His mouth opened and a tiny "Oh" escaped him, his back arched as he lifted his hips to me. "Christ, Ville, are you trying to kill me?" My hand pressed down onto his cloth covered cock, applying gentle pressure.

He broke silence then, letting his frustration show.

"Please no more, I'm sorry, I'll stop my games I promi-"

I cut off his impatient whine with my lips crashing to his, my lips moving against his full, wet ones and I heard his words become moans in the back of his throat. I pulled back for a moment, nipping my way to his ear as I felt his hips press into my stomach. "Ville, I love your games... I just need to show you my own, once in awhile." I licked a path down the thick vein on his neck, finding his pulse point and biting down. His yell was so loud I'm surprised the room service didn't call 911 on us.

"Enough, please, take me, please I-"

I didn't need any more incentive. Screw my plans. I popped the buttons of his pants quickly, yanking them down to his ankles as he shimmied out of them. I was out of my own clothes so fast that you'd think I was a track star rather than a professional skate boarder, and I drew his naked body against my own in one swift motion.

"Yes..." we both hissed in unison.

I kissed his temple once before turning him around in my arms. He fell forward onto his hands and knees, graceful spine bowing dramatically as his perfect, round, supple ass tilted in the air towards me. It was his eyes, glancing heatedly over his shoulder at me that were my undoing. "Please.." he mouthed, beyond words. He stretched his slender arms in front of him, laying nearly flat in his attempt to open himself to me.

"Oh God..."

I grabbed his coat off the floor next to my knees and rummaged through the pockets, looking for the small packet of lube I knew he kept in his wallet as a personal joke. It was hard finding it, considering I couldn't take my eyes off of his body long enough to search. My fingers found their purchase soon enough, and my cock was glistening in the dim light from the lamp above the door.

We both moaned as our bodies touched, even though I wasn't inside him yet, I could feel the tight ring of muscle pucker against my head. Fuck. He let out a whimper then and pushed himself back onto me at the same time I thrust forward into him; we were joined so deeply that my entire cock was encased in his blistering heat.

"Yes, please, move,... you promised me hard, now deliver, damn it."

His words only fueled the burning sensation in my body. I gave him what I'd promised, over and over, working his tight ass until my dick was raw, and still he wanted more. I could feel how close he was in the clenching of his muscles; how I was holding back I still can't figure out... his hand reached blindly behind him to lace with mine as he pushed back onto me a final time and screamed out his climax; Good god did that man have a huge vocal range, his voice was already hoarse from the yells he'd been exerting with each of my thrusts.

I finished in tandem with him, collapsing onto his moist back, pressing kisses into the nape of his neck as he slowly grew lax beneath me. I gently slipped out of him, eliciting a soft moan from his lips, and rolled over to cradle him to my chest.

"I do love you, you know... as much beating as your ass takes, I really do care for you."

He chuckled weakly at my poor attempt at sentiment, and kissed my collar bone lightly.

"I know you do, love..."

I looked down at him through hazy eyes, thinking of what to say next, when I realized his own eyes were closed, breath slow and even. "Sweet dreams, beautiful one..." I whispered, grabbing my own coat and throwing it over us, before I wrapped my arms around him again and drifted off into unconsciousness.

The end.

I know it's not too cohesive, but I wanted it that way. More in the moment, that was intentional. Un-beta'd, but for your enjoyment. Please tell me what you think. =] <3 you, Lisa.

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