(no subject)

Jun 21, 2009 01:00

Title: Closet
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam let their chance to be together slip away before, but when the chance to be together arises again, can they make it work... despite keeping it a secret from their friends and family?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: My normal fic with lots of ups and downs.
Authors Notes: I'm feeling fairly confident in what I have planned for this... so I'm going to go ahead and start posting it. No telling when I will post again, might not be for a few days...depends on how the internet accessibility is going on in my life

Dedicated to: mieka_writes for letting me use a sweet idea!

Linde’s attempt to be alone did not last long. He was soon joined by little Cyrus, who had taken the distraction by Jonna, as an unsupervised moment to wonder the house.

Creeping into one of the spare rooms in the house, Cyrus found Linde attempting to take a nap. He ran over to the couch, fell, got up, and ran the rest of the way. Once standing next to the couch, Cyrus gazed at the guitarist’s long, blond, dreds. Having never seen anything like them before, he was particularly captivated by them.

Reaching out, he picked up one, touching it, and examined it; until he heard Linde mumble in his sleep. Moving to Linde’s face, he reached out and touched the Finn’s nose and said: “Nose.” In reaction to that, Linde wrinkled his nose and mumbled in Finnish.

Cyrus giggled at the sound of the language he was hearing more and more of, and yet understood even less of than his own native one. He reached out and pressed Linde’s nose again, laughing even more when he heard Linde mumbled again.

The more Cyrus did this, the harder he jabbed his finger into the man’s nose, until he finally woke Linde up. Linde jerked awake so violently, that he caused the little boy to fall backwards. Their eyes met, Cyrus watching Linde in an innocently, amazed way.... and Linde glaring.

Mumbling in Finnish to himself, Linde rolled away from Cyrus, so his back was to the little boy.

Pouting, in the sort of wide eyed, cute manner, that helped Bam get away with so much; Cyrus got up and attempted to reach around Linde’s head, to touch his nose. He started fussing when he was unable to. His solution to it seemed easy enough, by crawling on to the couch to reach around Linde.

Linde groaned and moved his head, thus further blocking the little boy from his nose.

The nose game, was something that Bam had unintentionally taught his son. To make his son laugh, Bam would rub his nose against Cyrus’, or, press them together. When Cyrus would poke his nose, he would make funny noises that amused the child.

When Cyrus had in turned poked Linde’s nose and heard “a funny noise,” he had assumed Linde was playing the same game.

So when Linde refused to play, it broke Cyrus’ little baby heart, who started crying loudly.

Growling in annoyance, Linde was soon up. In movements that reflected his anger... and yet didn’t hurt Cyrus.... the guitarist scooped the crying baby up and took him back through the house. “Bam!”

Bam turned away from Alexsi (who had just called him Mr. Bam) and Ville, frowning when he heard his son crying. “Cy....”

“Take him.” Linde said, dumping the child into Bam’s arms. He turned as quickly as he could, leaving the room.

Cyrus, who continued to cry, nearly flung himself from Bam’s arms. Bam was just barely able to catch his son, holding on to him, as his son reached out for the departing figure of Linde.

“Nose!” Cyrus cried, wiggling his fingers, in his only way of expressing what he wanted.

Bam, who had no idea what would cause his son to yell that, burst out laughing. “Nose?” He laughed harder as he looked to Ville, who was laughing as well; equally amused at Linde earning such a nickname.

Alexsi laughed with them, but mostly because they were laughing and not why.

“Awww...it’s alright Cyrus... Mr. Linde is a grumpy person.” Bam said softly, trying to comfort his son.

“Nose.” Cyrus mumbled, finally looking away from the empty doorway. His eyes settled on Bam for a moment, before he reached out and touched Bam’s nose. Right on cue, his father made a funny noise. It brought a small smile, and a brief hiccup of laughter from Cyrus, who still wanted to play with Linde.

Linde sunk in the couch and sighed softly. He wasn’t intentionally trying to be a dick... he didn’t really have a problem with what Cyrus had done, if it had been on a different day. Laying back down on the couch, Linde closed his eyes, and tried not to think of how much he missed his own little girl.

Cyrus was playing with his blocks, when he noticed Alexsi heading out of the living room. His eyes moved around the room to see where the adults were. Bam and Ville were on the couch talking quietly. He understood nothing about the exchange that was taking place before him.

He didn’t understand the intensely intimate way the two men looked at each other... the way their fingers touched lightly...and he would remember little to nothing of it by the time he was Alexsi’s age. But he would always have a feeling, that there was a closeness between their families... just beyond his understanding.

Since his father, unknown to him the correct term was fathers, was distracted; he got up and followed Alexsi from the room. He soon found the little Finnish boy in the same room Cyrus had found Linde in before... Cyrus was pleased to see the blond napping on the couch again.


Alexsi turned and looked at Cyrus, when he heard his friend. Holding his sippy cup close, he watched as Cyrus ran over to the couch.

“Nose.” Cyrus repeated happily, poking Linde in the nose, laughing when he got the same reaction as before.

Alexsi laughed too, joining Cyrus next to the couch. “Linde.”

“Mmmm....?” Linde groaned, his face twitching, but he continued sleeping.

“Nose.” Cyrus said, poking Alexsi in the nose.

Alexsi was caught off guard, blinking as he stumbled back from the slightly younger boy. He touched his own nose, as he watched the American for a moment, before he reached out and touched Cyrus on the nose, “Nose.”

Cyrus laughed happily and turned to look at Linde, poking his nose. Alexsi laughed and did the same thing to Linde, until the blond turned away from them.

Cyrus pouted, touching his bottom lip, turning sad blue eyes to Alexsi.

Alexsi looked to Linde, after looking at Cyrus. While still holding his sippy cup, he crawled onto the couch near Linde’s feet. As carefully as he could, he crept between Linde and the couch, till he reached the guitarist’s head. Carefully, he reached out and touched the blond’s nose.

Cyrus smiled, laughing softly since the game had started again.

Pleased with his work, Alexsi continued to poke Linde’s nose until he got thirsty from all his hard work. Pausing, he leaned back and started taking a long, gulping drink from his cup, like he normally did. At the same time, Linde turned in his sleep and bumped Alexsi, who dribbled some of his kool aid onto the guitarist’s hair.

Alexsi and Cyrus gasped softly and gazed in amazement, as the once blond hair, turned a light red color. With eyes wide, mouths hanging open, the two little boys looked to one another.... and then smiled.

Taking a long drink from his cup, Alexsi leaned down and carefully, and very intentionally, dribbled the sugar water onto Linde’s hair. (From his mouth, in case that wasn’t clear enough.:D)

Cyrus gasped in shock and then laughed happily, pleased with what was happening. Linde, too exhausted from the plane ride over and the emotional strain of his fight with Manna, continued sleeping since the children were not directly touching him.

Laughing, Cyrus went running from the room. While he was gone, Alexsi continued coloring Linde’s hair. After a few minutes, Cyrus came back, having begged his grandmother April for his own cup. Taking a drink from his cup, Cyrus spit green kool aid onto the ends of Linde’s blond dreads. He wasn’t as graceful as the slightly older boy, but was no less effective in what he was doing.

Alexsi had gone through the majority of his cup, when Linde finally felt something cold touch his face, which woke him up. Opening his eyes, he looked up at Alexsi, who gazed down at him in an interested manner, face stained in red from his kool aid.

Looking to his left, he sighed when he saw Cyrus, with a ring of green around his mouth. “Won’t you two leave me alone?”

“Nose.” Cyrus said, reaching out to touch Linde’s nose.

Linde sighed, “Don’t you know how to say anything else?”

“Yes.” Cyrus answered innocently.


“Love you.” Cyrus answered, hugging Linde’s arm.

“Love you.” Alexsi echoed, hugging Linde’s head.

The guitarist sighed and gathered the two little boys up and took them back into the living room. “For the love of Christ... would you keep your kids in here?”

Bam and Ville’s first reaction was to move away from each other. Their next was to stare at Linde, with wide-eyed shock.

“Linde?” Bam asked.

“What?” Linde asked, unaware of his hair was now three colors instead of it’s original one.

Before answering him, Bam carefully took Alexsi and handed him to Ville and then took Cyrus. “Umm... have you looked into a mirror lately?”

“No... why... are my dreads messed up?” Before Ville could protest, Linde reached up and tried to smooth them out. It was here, he realized how damp his hair was. “Why is it wet?” It then sunk in, how wet and messy the little boys were, causing his eyes to go wide. “No...”

“Remember, they are just children!” Ville called after his friend, as Linde ran from the room. He sighed and looked to his son, who smiled at him. “What am I going to do with you...?”

Bam chuckled and looked through the doorway when he heard a cry of anger, followed by more laughter. Moments later, Mige and Gas came into the room.

“Have you seen Linde’s hair?” Mige asked, indicating to the room they came from.

“The creators of Linde’s new hairstyle can be located here.” Bam said, indicating to Alexsi and Cyrus.

“Hi Mige.” Alexsi offered with a friendly wave.

“Hi!” Cyrus cried.

Mige and Gas laughed harder, before the drummer chipped in. “Well we can remember it forever... I took a picture of it...”

The door closed quietly behind them, the room dark since the sun had already set. “I can’t believe...” Bam started softly, watching Ville move through the room. “That Alexsi.... Alexsi chose me.”

“Who wouldn’t want to stay here with you?” Ville asked softly, “I know I do.”

Bam smiled and drifted closer to the other man. “I love you.” He leaned in to kiss the singer, pausing when Ville leaned away from him. He searched his lover’s eyes for an answer, “What’s wrong...”

“My son could wake up at any moment.”

“Never stopped you before...” Bam pointed out.

Ville consented to that, but quickly added, “But my friends are here... with their families.”

“So... they’re out there... and we’re in here.” Bam offered, attempting to touch the other man, growing frustrated when his hands were blocked.

“But more importantly... you were bad.” Ville said, the corner of his mouth turning up when he saw the child like disbelief in Bam’s eyes. “And I don’t think you deserve anything special right now.”

Bam gazed into Ville’s green eyes. “But you said you weren’t mad at me.”

“I’m not...” Ville said, his grin growing, “But that doesn’t mean you should get rewarded...”

That grin... and the tone in the older man’s voice... let Bam in on the secret. The corner of his mouth turned up in a smirk, moving closer to Ville, “Nothing says you can’t.”

“I don’t think you deserve it.” Ville challenged, taking a step away from Bam.

“Is this about making me earn it?” Bam asked, continuing to take steps closer to Ville, who continued to walk backwards. “Is that what you want? Do you want to punish me for being a bad boy?” Bam gasped when Ville suddenly stopped and he ran into him.

“Oh that won’t work at all...” Ville said softly, gazing into Bam’s eyes in a way that he knew made the skater weak. He leaned in and brushed his lips against Bam’s, “You would like it too much.”

Bam whimpered before he could stop himself, trembling with desire and yet unwilling to bend any more than Ville was. “You know I’ll make you pay if you try to withhold sex from me.”

Ville grinned, leaning in quickly to grab Bam’s bottom lip between his teeth to tug on it. He leaned it, brushing his tongue against Bam’s, “Bring it on. I dare you.... do your worse...”

God that was hot, Bam’s mind screamed. “Oh...I will... are you sure you don’t just want to skip all the torture and go to what we both really want?”

“Beating your ass with a leather strap, before fucking you so hard you can’t walk straight for a week?” Ville asked matter-a-factly. The lust that statement brought in Bam showed in his eyes. “Now... as much as I would like to do that... I can’t right now. To many people could hear your screams of pleasure.”

Bam freely groaned that time, reaching down to rub the front of his pants quickly. “Cock sucker...”

“You wish.” Ville said playfully, winking at Bam.

“Fuck you.” Bam said, not nearly as mad as he was pretending to be, adding in a raised middle finger.

“And again.” Ville said, pulling his shirt off. “You...wish...”

Bam groaned again, “I’m going to make you suffer tomorrow... this means war Valo.”

“Ooo....pulling out my last name.” Ville teased, pulling his pants off. “I’m frightened now.”

It took Bam a moment to pull his attention away from Ville’s ass, let alone his groin. “You should be.”

Ville chuckled as he crawled into bed, “We’re going to the zoo tomorrow...how much do you think you can get away with?”

Bam grinned as he moved towards the door. “Oh I can be quite creative with my torture when I put my mind to it.”

“Promise?” Ville asked, with a hopeful smile, fidgeting under his blankets.

“Oh trust me... you’ll be sorry.... and no morning sexiness... you’ve blown it. You’re not getting any of my sweet ass until you give me what I want.” Bam informed the Finn.

“Do you really think you can hold out longer than me?”

“I know I can.” Bam stated confidently.

“Good...” Ville said with a wicked smile, “This should be fun....” He waited until Bam started going through the door when he added, “and Bam....”

Bam turned as Ville pulled his arm out from under the blanket and tossed him something.

“Something to....remember me by.... when you’re alone tonight.” Ville teased.

Bam felt the urge to jump into the other man’s bed grow, when he realized it was Ville’s boxer briefs in his hand. “You... dirty...dirty boy.” Bam grinned, he brought the piece of cloth to his nose and smelled it. “Maybe you’re the one who needs a spanking?”

Ville chuckled, “I’d like to see you try.”

“Oh don’t challenge me...You might not like what you get.”

“Not on your best day Bammie.”

“What about you Ville... what will you do to keep yourself...company?” Bam asked, his mind already filling with delightfully, sinful activities he could do in here.

Ville grinned and reached out for the lamp next to him. “Like I’m going to tell you that..... Good night Bam....”

“Door!” Cyrus cried, indicating to the door. April was attempting to keep her grandson still so she could zip up his jacket, but the normally calm child was hyped up from all of the excitement going on around him.

“That Alexsi doesn’t help.” She had told Phil. “I thought Bam was a hyper child... he barely slept last night.”

Which made Ville’s “punishment of Bam” turn out to be a good idea. They wouldn’t have gone far, when Alexsi woke up and started getting into things.

“Do you want to help grandma answer it?” April asked, taking Cyrus’ hand, getting an extra rush of excitement herself, every time she said that. She walked with the little boy to the door and opened it. “Why hello there!”

Upstairs, Bam was getting ready for the day himself. He picked out some of his favorite goth/punk/skater wear, making sure to add it in all the little details he knew Ville appreciated. The eyeliner, the I-was-just-fucked-mussed hair, pressed down with the beanie. His Gothic flare dress jacket and dark jeans that he believed flattered him the best. But most importantly....his secret weapon.

With a devilish smirk, Bam dug around in the back of his closet until he found his stash of cologne... the scent that drove Ville crazy with desire. He applied enough that he knew others would smell it, without it being obnoxious.

Then, he went strolling by Ville.

The scent immediately caught Ville’s attention, who showed it since they were alone in the hallway. “Bam...” He reached out and caught Bam’s hand, pulling him back. “You bastard... you little fucker...”

“Pet names will get you no where.” Bam said, grinning as he attempted to wiggle away from his lover. “You’re punishing me remember?”

“But you’re not playing fair.” Ville said, pulling Bam close, despite Bam’s best efforts to push him away. “You know what that does to me.”

“Do I now? And when was I supposed to play fair?” Bam challenged. “I thought your little challenge last night was something alone the lines of me doing my worse?”

“Is this your worse?” Ville asked, pushing Bam up against the wall, pinning the younger man’s body between it and himself.

Bam lowered his eye lids enough to give Ville one of his best sexy looks. He ran the tip of his tongue along the edge of his teeth, before he leaned in and brushed his lips against Ville’s. “Hell... no.”

Ville growled lightly, flaring his nostrils. “You prick.”

“Save it for when you intend to properly punish me.” Bam stated, slipping away from Ville.

“You know I can’t right now.” Ville said, the tension showing in his voice.

“That sounds like your problem and not mine.” Bam stated matter-a-factly. He paused and grinned at Ville. “And that’s not even my worse yet.”

Ville gritted his teeth. “What is?”

“You’ll see.” Bam said with a wink. “But mostly it has to do with us being in public all day, where you can look...but you won’t be given one second of time to touch me.... maybe not all night even...”

“You fucker...” Ville pushed against the wall, running after Bam. He chased the skater, who was laughing the whole time, through the whole house and eventually made their way back to the kitchen. It was only when Bam noticed who April was talking too, that he finally redirected his path to her instead.

Ville stumbled to a stop, panting softly as he eyed Bam. Bam grinned at his lover, waving to him a mocking manner, before turning to his mother, shaking his butt just slightly in Ville’s general direction. An action that was meaningless, unless you knew what had just happened...

Who is the surprise guest? What will happen at the zoo? And more importantly... will Bam get his rightfully deserved spankings? All this and more in the next chappie!


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