Love Story- Prologue

May 11, 2009 06:13

Title:Love Story
Written By: stonecoldblood
Warning: First vam ever! tell me what you think and what I can do to make it better.
Disclaimer:Everything but the story line
Summary: Ville was happy with Jake...that was untill Bam made his way into Ville's life. Now Ville has to find a way of being with Bam. However, Jake needs to be happy, or else his temper could mean the loss of Bam and more of Ville's blood...

    “Please promise me you won’t find some one else.” Jake asked so softly in my ear as the bus came rolling up beside us.

“I promise. It’s only you and me. I love you baby.” I kissed his lips before climbing onto the bus. I hated it. He was 18 I was only 14. The summer didn’t last as long as I wanted it to. It came, brought me a heartache, and a new heart keeper. Jake. He was beautiful…long brown hair and hazel eyes. A smile that anyone could fall in love with. He was perfect.

Notice however how I said he was. Now, I'm not so sure. It seems as the time goes on, the more we grow apart. He blames it on my family and how everyone acts around and towards him. That’s just it…it’s always about him. Everything I do now has to revolve around him or he isn’t happy. I’m not saying that I don’t love him anymore I do…but I don’t know how. I guess it all started in a way when I entered the second semester of my 9th grade year.


You see school really isn’t my thing, never has been. It’s not that I don’t try I swear I do, but sometimes I do slack. Not going to school, not caring because the teacher is a real ass those kinds of things. So in result of my wonderful grades, I had to take pre algebra again. Out of all the things that could happen to me it was that.

“Dude I really don’t want to change classes listen to this shit. Art I, Gym, Algebra, and Social Studies II.” my friend for only a short year Trish said to me. Trish was awesome and if she wasn’t a girl you would have sworn we were twins, except she had boobs and another part I never want to think about because she is like my sister, seriously. Gross. She didn’t look bad though, short black hair…even though she was naturally blonde, Kind of short (smaller than me), and she had brown eyes that with a little bit of make up she didn’t look bad. But she never tried because she always caused harm to herself with any kind of makeup utencil.

“Think that’s bad? Look at mine.” I handed her my folded up paper schedule.

“Let see the damage done by  playing hooky, shall we? Oh I see…Pre Algebra first period. Gym second, that’s good we have it together. Okay… oh English 9, Ms. Cunningham and Social Studies II. Not to bad only thing is you have to retake is Pre Algebra.”

“Not bad? You know how I have an extreme hate for math, and anything it has to do with it.”

“True, but looks like you have a new teacher…best part is, he's mine and it’s the easiest class you ever want to take.It’s down stairs and we are up here so…” She grabbed my hand in a hurry. “Lets go!” down the main stairs, past rows of lockers, down a long hall way then boom we were there.

“Tada! Welcome to easy street!”

“Never say that again, please?” I laughed pushing her out of the way to get a better look at my surroundings.
“Hmm…right down the hall from Ms. Hughes. Psycho lady.” we both laughed hysterically.

“Okay, now that you know where it’s at, can we please go back to the locker? It’s right down the hall.” she pouted and she knew I hated it when she did. I always caved.

“Fine, but not too long. Just until the 5 minute bell rings. Okay?”

“Thank you!” she pulled my arm and we were off again. We didn’t come to a stop till she made me run into this guy. He had beautiful blue eyes, with short dark brown hair. I was struck not only by his elbow but by him too.

“Sorry.” I said almost coming out in a whisper.

“No big.” He said with a pleasant grin. Then he swiftly walked off. Like nothing ever had happened.

“Come on!” Trish tugged on my arm but I couldn’t move.

“What’s wrong with you?” she waved her hands in front of my face. “Earth to Ville? Calling Ville, can you hear me now?” I stayed there. Yes, I could hear her, but right now it felt like I was on another planet. It wasn't until i saw him disappear around a corner that I returned my attention to Trish.

“Yeah, Ville here. Sorry.” I stuttered,starting to walk with her again.

“What’s wrong with you?” she asked when we finally reached the locker.

“Nothing…” I trailed off. I knew there was something, I just didn’t know what.

“Well if you ask me, I…” the bell rang cutting her off.

“Gotta go.” I smiled rushing off in a hurry.

When I got in the class room I looked all over for an empty seat. It would’ve been much easier if I would’ve went to school the fist real day of the second semester. The room was barely full but everyone there I knew, and in one way or another hated.

“May I help you?” asked a old man around 45 to 50. He wore a sweater with tan slacks, and he smelt… well like an old person.

“Yeah are you Mr. Doggett?” I asked confused showing him my folded up paper.

“Ah! You must be Ville. Welcome. Take a seat whereever we don’t really have assigned seats right now.

“Okay?” I dragged myself all the way to the back of the class room to the seat near the wall. A nice little emo corner all to myself. When I sat down I had better chance to look around more. It was plain white with only a few clustered posters here and there. The classroom slowly filled as the announcements flowed through the intercom.

I hate…

I hate…


It was him. The guy that had bumped into me just a few minutes ago in the hallway. I finally got a better view of him.  He was wearing tight black jeans, and a white tank top covered by a blue hoodie, and it covered his slender tan body well. His smile was so enduring. And right then, I knew what my problem was. I watched as he took a seat all the way up front, diagonal from where I was. That’s when I took time to analyze everything…

Here I was in a new class with people I hated, and someone I didn’t know.

This guy captured my attention…a lot.

I always knew that deep down inside I liked the same as well as the different sex, you know bi. However never before wasI so captured by another guy like this. Not even Jess caught my attention like this. I didn’t know what had caused a feeling like this. You would say it was a mix. A feeling of unknown caring and unwilling protectiveness.

At first I didn’t want to admit but as I picked myself up to say the pledge I found my eyes wondering towards the guy more and more. When we sat down it felt like all the air escaped my lungs as he looked back at me. I could tell he knew I was looking at me cause he flashed a smile my way.

*Please tell me what you think, first vam based on my real life story*
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