New Vam! prologue - Art Class

May 11, 2009 11:24

Art class

Summary: Bam Margera is a freshman in high school. It’s the second semester and so far things have gone…fairly well. A look at his new schedule, Bam fears changes in the routine he was so used to. What could happen when Bam meets a new friend, with captivating emerald eyes?

Author note: This is written after my real life events and my crush on a girl that could possibly be the love of my life. I am Bam she is Ville. I’m trying to include as much real detail as possible, let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything, but what has actually happened. Don't own, don't sue.

Pairing: Vam later on. some mentioned Bam + missy

       Today was the beginning of a new semester, of my very first year of high school. Honestly it wasn’t as bad as I had figured. It was actually good. The first half was, anyway. I sat in my assigned schedule class waiting to see what my new classes were. The impatient teacher, a short haired middle aged woman (hell if I knew her name) finally passed out the schedule cards and of course mine was the last to be distributed. It wasn’t bad.

Art-Douglas first mod

Gym-Custer second mod

Algebra I-Hose third mod

U.S. Studies-Rowe- 4th mod

Simple enough. The nasal beeping of the bell dismissed us to our new classes, and luckily I didn’t have far to go. I couldn’t be late the first day. I entered the classroom and was met by a short woman probably at least in her 60’s (I figure must be Miss Douglas) and was immediately ushered to the nearest seat.

The room was small, with a large window covering most of the north wall of the classroom with the blinds pulled up and the morning sunshine lighting the room. Everyone was chatting loudly; I quickly scanned the room to look for friends in this class. There wasn’t a single person I could talk to in this whole damn class. Great, that sucks. The short woman called the attention of the class; she had a very grim look to her and a voice as hard as nails. What a charmer. I thought to myself.

“Class, my name is Miss Douglas. Welcome to Art I. I have a randomly selected seating chart for you. Behave, and I might let you choose your own seats.”

She began calling names as I stood and gathered my things. I heard her gruff voice utter my name as she pointed to my new seat. I was in a corner surrounded by the preps, and the utterly mentally challenged jocks. This is going to be fun. I thought.

Miss Douglas continued to ramble on with the rules of the class, what we would learn, and other things I really didn’t pay any attention to. She passed out a packet of blue paper to everyone filled with the usual “Welcome to my class” sign here and here and here deals.

Due to the schedule distribution, first period was shortened. I already knew my way to all of my new classes. Yeah, this school is big, but not that hard to figure out. I met my two best friends, at the bottom of the main staircase, and started heading to the gym. My first, and best friend since 8th grade, was Dunn. He was about the same height as me, with short blonde hair, and a blonde beard. He wore a tight black t-shirt with my brother’s band’s logo, and tight jeans. My other best friend was, Raab, and I’d known him since I moved into this school district in 7th grade. We’d done a lot of stupid shit together, and he’s been a good friend.

Gym was basically a lecture, and so were all my other classes. My math class was the same teacher, just a different time. Mr. Hose was cool, and the class was so easy, all you had to do was copy down everything he wrote. Finally, my favorite class of the day: US Studies II. I know it’s probably hard for you to believe that I, Bam Margera, enjoy history, but hey, everyone’s got a secret. The day surprisingly flew by before I could blink. It was pretty much the same as any other day.

As usual, me and all of my friends met outside by our buses, having the normal, easy flow of conversation. I hated to leave my happy little world with my friends, but the bell had rang, and the buses had already began to leave. I said goodbyes to all of my friends, and ran to my bus, getting in just before it could pull away. I pulled my I-pod from my pocket, and sat back for the short ride home, comfortably listening to my music.

As I said, it was a short bus ride, and before long I was stepping off the bus onto my street, and up the hill to my house. The front door was open, with the screen door pulled shut, and my parent’s vehicles sat in the driveway. It was a normal day.

I ate dinner as usual with Ape, Phil and my brother Jesse. I watched T.V. like normal, checked my emails, neglected my homework, and was in bed like any other day this year had been.

I look back at that now, and laugh. How little did I know that things were about to change.

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