Pretending [Chapter Two]

May 09, 2008 21:21

Title: Pretending
Rating: R - ish (crap at ratings)
Pairing: Vam, Bam/Jenn (in parts)
Summary: When young Bam accidently hits a beautiful green eyed man with a fish his whole life is flipped upside down. 
Disclaimer: Don't know them, never happened

Chapter One can be found here >>>

Vito waddled as fast as he could into the bar, already out of breath from the two blocks he had travelled. He laughed to himself, he knew Bam was underage, he was still at school. He was safe. However the door connecting with the door behind it and the irritating howling of a gang of boys informed Vito he was followed inside.

"Bam, ge' da hell outta da bar! Dis ain't fur choo, choo jus' lil babies!" Vito shouted.

Bam reached over the bar and greeted the owner, Bill. He and his crew were infact regulars at this place. He smirked at his uncle. "Bill and I have been friends for a while now unlucky for you, you fat shit."

Vito pushed past Raab, almost knocking him over. "Dis wassa nice place Bam, why choo godda go ruin it?"

Bam went to follow Vito back out when Jenn held his wrist. "I don't want to chase your uncle all night, can't we stay here?"

He threw himself into his usual seat in the corner, letting his girlfriend have her own way. She could be damn annoying at times and he was not in the mood for her whining. He watched the others sit opposite him and Jenn jumped right onto his lap.

"You gunna get me a drink Bam?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes which were stuck together from, in Bam's opinion, an unnecessary amount of mascara.

Bam's eyes scanned his crew. "Rake, get your ass up and buy a round of drinks."

Rake got up and flicked his hair angrily, trying to look frightening but only looking like a seven year old girl who had not got the doll that she wanted. Bam sniggered, watching him go.

Dunn looked at the rather bored faces of his friends and began to speak in an attempt to lighten the mood. "I still can't believe Bam hit that guy with a fish!"

"Yeah Bam, are you blind?" Dico laughed. "How could you mistake someone for me? You've known me since forever."

Dunn went into great detail of how different the guy looked compared to Dico for what seemed to Bam like the millionth time in the space of a few hours. Bam frowned, annoyed. Wow his friends could be annoying.

"You should have heard him apologise!" Dunn continued. "I've never seen Bam ramble in all the time I've known him! I didn't know he could! He-"

He was silenced by Bam's fist crashing onto the table. He looked at his friend with wide eyes.

"Just shut the fuck up OK?" Bam said through clenched teeth.

Jenn's hand snaked up Bam's chest and into his brown curls. She turned his head to face hers. "Calm down."

She pulled his lips to hers and kissed him thoroughly. He kissed her back as he always did, but still he felt nothing. Sure she was a great girl; she was there for him, she put up with his frequent bad moods (most of the time anyway), and she had a good sense of humour, but still something in his head was screaming that she was not the one.

Suddenly he was aware of music surrounding him. A drum beat, followed by guitars and a keyboard, but a deep voice singing made him freeze. His eyes snapped open and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Who the hell was that?

"Bam? What is it?" He was vaguely aware of Jenn's voice as he looked over to the small stage.

The crew followed his eyes and Dunn exclaimed. "No way! It's the fish guy!"

Bam got up, ignoring the others and walked over to the stage as though in a trance, to get a better view. It was indeed the guy from earlier. His hoodie and jeans were now replaced by skin tight leather trousers and nothing covered his pale chest.

x <3 x

Bam sat down on the bar stool beside the singer of the band. He shifted uncomfortably and cleared his throat. "Um...hey. We kinda met earlier but I didn't get to introduce myself; I'm Bam."

The guy looked at him with the beautiful green eyes Bam had noticed earlier, however now they were rimmed with dark make up. He smiled. "Ville."

Back over at the table the crew looked over as Bam bought Ville a drink. Rake grunted angrily. "He never buys us drinks and he's only just met this guy."

Dunn shrugged. "He's just saying sorry for hitting him with that massive fish, he feels really bad...which I still find weird."

"He's got plenty to be sorry to us for! Remember the incident with the mustard?" Rake shuddered, recalling the smell of the dark yellow liquid oozing over him.

The crew's minds began to fill with all the pranks Bam had played on them and came to the conclusion that being whacked over the head with a fish was minor compared to some of the things they had been through.

Novak was already drunk after only a few beers and just smiled happily at Bam and the singer. "Aww, Bam Bam gotta new friend."

Author's Notes: Sorry it's short again. The next chapter may take a while because I got GCSEs coming up =[. Please comment!

If you're bored I have a short vam oneshot you can read  =]  It can be found here >>>>
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