I'm such a tease!

May 10, 2008 08:26

Title: Swanheart - Chapter Twelve: Don't Be Stupid
POV: Third
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17
Major Pairings: Vam & Linbu
Secondary Pairings: Eicca/Perttu & Rake/Ryan
Summary: Ville Valo and Bam Margera go to school together and are in the same circle of friends. But when a fight between two mutual friends brings them closer together, what happens?
A/N: AU. Completely and utterly AU. OC, too, there are several OCs. They are all hormonal teenagers, too.
Disclaimer: DK, DO, NH, okay? Swanheart belongs to Nightwish. Any OCs are of my own creation, so don't steal them! XD

Previous Chapters

The assembly finished on time for once. The bell went and everyone poured out of the auditorium, eager to leave the school grounds and get to, wherever they were going.
“Linde, you coming to the skate park?” Ville asked. “Bam wants to show off.”
Linde shook his head. “Can’t. I’m going home with Burton. We need to talk…”
“Right-o, well, I’ll see you tomorrow. Listen, call me tonight at nine-ish, there’s something I need to tell you.”
Linde nodded absently and wandered off to the back door of the auditorium, where he and Burton had arranged to meet.
“What’s up with him?” Bam asked his boyfriend, as Ville watched Linde walk away.
“I don’t know,” Ville sighed. “He’s either very insecure about losing Burton, or he still has feelings for Migè…” Or he’s in love with me… Though, the Finn didn’t add the last part.
“Hmmm… Is Migè bi?” Bam wondered aloud.
Ville nodded. “I also think he likes Cat…”
“He never mentioned anything…” Bam left the sentence hanging.
Ville chewed his lower lip. “I know, for sure, that she likes Burton… But I’m not too sure about Migè…”
“If she likes Burton, then she’s got no chance in hell of getting with him… He’s gay, remember?”
“I know that, Bammie.”
“Fuck, Ville, I don’t want to see her get hurt…”
Ville raised his eyebrows. “Since when did you care about her?”
“Since I found out about her father…”
Ville looked shocked. “What about her father?”
“I, err… overheard something that she and Migè were talking about. Mainly about the whole ordeal her father put her through when he found out about Cass… I didn’t hear much after that… but Cat and Migè sure looked as if they were getting cosy…”
Ville’s brow furrowed. “I remember the day after she told her parents about her being bi… She and Migè came to school together…”
“Yeah, and they went home together the day before. What’s your point?”
“Wasn’t Migè with Linde at the time?”
Bam’s eyes widened. “You mean…”
“I think she went back to his place, just to get away from her parents…”
Bam scowled. “Well isn’t Migè a little saviour?”
Ville nodded. “And a saviour is probably what she need right now…”
Bam shrugged. “Let’s get out of here…”

Ville sighed and followed Bam out of the school and down towards the skate park. He was worried about Cat, worried about what her father might do to her next and worried about Migè.
Was the saviour taking on too much?
Was it ever a good idea to meddle in other people’s issues?
 Did Migè really have feelings for Cat, or was that just an assumption they had made on the basis of observation?
“Valo, earth to Valo…” Bam’s calling failed to bring Ville out of his worries.
“Ville!” Bam’s hand found the neck of Ville’s Black Sabbath shirt and yanked him back from the edge of the road.
“What the hell, Bammie?” Ville yelled as he fell heavily to the sidewalk.
A truck roared past, narrowly avoiding the place where Ville had been moments before.
“Sorry. But I don’t want to have to clean you up with a spatula,” Bam said, as Ville got up and dusted himself off.
“I appreciate it, Bam.”


The sun was low in the sky when they reached the deserted skate park. The ramps were covered in dull, grey paint, and then heavily tagged. 
Bam settled in the base of the beginner’s bowl and motioned for Ville to join him. Ville nodded and sat beside him.
“I wanted to talk to you…” Bam said, quietly.
“So, you didn’t bring me here to show off?”
Bam grinned. “Nope. I don’t even have my skateboard with me, do I?”
Ville laughed half-heartedly. “No, you don’t… What’s eating you, babe?”
“It’s going to sound stupid… But… Aw… Fuck, I suck at this.” Bam rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.
“Take your time, sweetheart…”
Bam took a deep breath. “Okay, it’s Linde… I can’t seem to shake the feeling that… You’re in love with him… Are you?”
Without a word, Ville grabbed Bam’s hand and yanked him to his feet. Still not talking, the Finn led Bam to the west side of the skate park.
The sun had started to set, blushing the sky pink and gold.
With the sun setting behind him, Ville turned to Bam.
“I won’t deny that Linde and I are close, nor will I deny that, yes, when we were younger, I did have feelings for him. But that was before I met you. Years before. We’ve maintained the friendship, but certain people in our lives have caused the closeness to splinter. Four years ago, he met Burton and Migè, and I met you. Our lives changed. We’re still friends, but nothing like it was before. And it’s never going to be that way again. What I felt for him in the past, isn’t even a patch on what I feel for you now.”
Bam looked at their still-joined hands. “Do you mean it?”
“I swear it, Bammie.”
“Don’t believe you…” Bam mumbled.
“Look at me, Bam.”
 Bam looked up, sapphire meeting emerald. There was no lie in Ville’s eyes.
“Don’t be stupid, you know I love you,” Ville grinned.
They then turned to watch the sun disappear behind the horizon, the last rays lingering on their joined hands.
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