The 9th Circle

Dec 28, 2006 22:17

Title: The 9th Circle
Pairing: Ville/Bam (of course)
Rating: PG-13(not rlly but I just don't know what the proper rating for this would be...)
Disclaimer: This never happened, and probably never did or will. All of this is Fiction, that resulted from a teenagers boredom...
Summary: Summaries give the story away... (but I could tell you it has stuff to do with Heaven and Hell... there happy? Goddamn.)

Previous Chapters:

a/n: Just because I’m actually growing attached to this story, I’ve decided to post it sooner. So I would like to thank the very few people that actually commented. So a big thank you to them, you guys know who you are. And well, if there’s a part that doesn’t make any sense or you’re kind of confused message, or comment me about it and I can try and explain it to you if you want. =] I promise I’ll try my best to make this one a little longer… hey you know like in some books they have a sub-title just for that chapter? Do you guys think I should put a sub-title for each chapter? If so, tell me if I should or not… and If I should and you have an Idea for a sub-title that would be very appreciated. ^^


Fear not death, but of life itself.

Sure the human life itself they say is short, but in their eyes they should say it's long. After death their soul still lives on, all they’re leaving behind is their body, a shell of what they lived in for their human life.

Their gift of knowledge and learning to accept death is to be taken accounted for. We gave them knowledge, the way they see things in life, try to lead them a good, righteous path so they can make it to paradise and avoid being a damned soul in hell. God may have been their creator, but he too would need help for the on-coming difficult care for them.

The tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (also known to some of the humans 'religion', the Tree of Conscience), as my previous thoughts had led to... was that this tree that God had forbidden Adam and Eve (the extension of Adam, from his rib) from eating its fruit. This tree is often seen as representatives of evil, for though they tried resisting temptation from eating the fruit of it's tree, they were still easily misdirected into taking it's fruit anyways, by just a simple nudge, or convincing from Lucifer, which proved God that his new creations were easily misconduct. This tree was in the middle of the Garden Eden, there was another tree besides this one in the garden, and that was the Tree of Life.

This tree gives the fruit of everlasting life. After being stated in the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve were cast out of heaven to prevent them from eating the tree of life. If they were to eat from the tree before being exiled, then they would have been made immortal, humanity wouldn’t have the gift of death, there would be no souls for hell to torture and no Grigori, would have been made, that is if the Grigori were created then it would be for the purpose to study the immortal humans. We might not have all these complications with these souls, but for their mistake they had been the main cause for being cast out of paradise. They were too easily disrupted, and simply tricked into thinking that it was alright (against better judgment) to eat the fruit of the tree.

According to another one of the human’s religious belief in us, is that in the most ancient form of Greek Religion, the tree where it’s worship is associated with Tree Cults. Or to Kabbalah, which is the mystic study of the Torah, another partake in a different human based religion.

As God is to be all knowing, he knew what was to become of Adam and Eve. But he wanted to give them a choice he wanted to see what the outcome would be. Kind of like chess, where God was one opponent and Lucifer the other. Adam and Eve were like his pawns, using them to help redeem Lucifer, to see what sort of choice they would make. All comes from curiosity, which we were the curious ones that God was entertaining. He wanted their choice to be, if they would obey or disobey him by giving into Lucifer’s trickery.

God had warned them telling them if they were to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would surely die, he had even given them the chance at eternal life. Though like I had said if Adam and Eve had not eaten from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, then human life would be boring, to plain, just the two of them living freely, happy in just their mere existence and to worship their creator. If God had not given them the choice, they would be like God’s own personal mechanical toy. Simply doing what he had programmed it to do.

He had known all along, that his most beloved and beautiful of angels would betray him, he knew what Lucifer was to do, he just never stopped any of it, let it all go like a wheel of fortune, you never know what it’s going to land on.

He had given them the freedom and choice to choose either between good or evil, but for either Adam or Eve to be truly 'free' they had to make a choice, it can never be an in between (like how I want for my decisions...).

I rested my head against my pillow, my green eyes focusing on the design of the ceiling, the clear material letting me see into the darkened sky, with the wrought Iron bars curving underneath the barrier to prevent it from breaking against any sort of object or thing, that so happens to fall on my roof...

Why couldn't I be given a choice? A choice at what sort of life I wanted to be in, what sort of creature I wanted to be created in?

What if it was to be made that, angels could choose whenever they felt the need to become human, and if they tire of mortal life come back as the angel they originally were?

I felt my eyes slowly close, due to tiredness. If only...


'Yes my lord?'

'I have found the angel to which I am connected to. All we need is the human, that is connected to the 9th Circle.'

'You found him sir? This is good news.'

'Yes. Now I can finally bring my plan into action and get things going.'

'What exactly is the human's soul used for, besides it being known as the "key", sir?'

'His soul, is used to help connect to the 8 other circles, and the Angel's blood is used to be spilt across the entrance, but before I can completely enter Earth, I am to drain the angel of all his purity and essence, to allow me to go unnoticed among Azrael and his remaining Servitors. But first things first, I need to trick the angel into being cast out of heaven...'

'If you don't mind me asking my lord, but how will you over throw man if it is just you entering the human realm?'

'Are you questioning my power?'

'No sire.'

'For your sake, you better not again. Understand?'

'Yes, milord.'


well there you have it. Chapter 7. Again I loved the comments I had received in chapter 7. You guys make me feel like I have something to write for, and that all this writing isn't going to waste. Thank you, you guys know who you are. =]
Hopefully this chapter is a little longer than last...

Comment=faster updates and soon to be VAM love(well actually that'll come later on in the story... it might take a while...) =)
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