christmas fluff contest entry : "He's the one"

Dec 29, 2006 16:09

If you have an entry, email it to me ( or oof_floof (

Please keep in mind that I DID NOT WRITE THIS STORY. Nor edit it, nor anything. It was copied straight from my email, so any problems or mistakes are the author's. It was written by another member on the community and submitted as an entry. Don't vote here, either. Save it for the official post.

Title: He's the one
Rating: G

Somewhere in the house, a clock struck midnight. Bam was asleep, but Ville wasn't. As midnight chimed in, he grinned.
"BAM! ITS CHRISTMAS WAKE UP!" he cried, jumping on his boyfriend. Bam groaned, but smiled.
"Willa, its midnight!" he said. Ville's grin simply widened.
"But its Christmas! Come on Bammie, lets get dressed and open presents!" he cried. Ville then proceeded to run round the room, throwing random clothes at his sleepy lover. Bam simply grinned. Ville had the sort of Christmas sparkle in his eye that you would only every see in a child. Still, Christmas was so much a childs holiday, that maybe it brought out the child in everyone. Once he was dressed, Ville grabbed his boyfriends hand and dragged him downstairs to the pirate bar - where the presents were.
"Willa can i have coffee first? Please?" he moaned sleepily. Ville nodded and ran off to make a fresh cup. Bam drank slowly, and Ville began to get annoyed, so he nudged Bams cheek with his nose, gave him a quick kiss and rested his head on his shoulder.
"Ok, ok, I'm hurrying!" Bam laughed. He downed his drink in one, took Ville's hand, and sat with him next to the tree. Ville instantly grabbed the biggest box, shook it and searched for a label.
"Is this for me?" he asked. Bam simply laughed and nodded.
"Yeah Baby that's for you!" Before he could even finish his sentence, here was wrapping paper everywhere. Ville looked at the contents with glee.
"Aww Bammie i love it!" he cried. It was an acoustic guitar, and it had been painted with scenes from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Its unplayable of course, more a decorative gift, but Ville loved it all the same. For the next hour, the pair exchanged gifts, from coffee machines to t-shirts, from CDs to books, the pair got each other the perfect gifts. Ville used his new espresso machine to make the pair hot cocoa, they together, they curled up in front of the fire, drinking, cuddling, talking. They fell asleep together, but were awoken at around 6am by a piercing cry.
"WILLA!!! BAMMIE!!!" The pair chuckled as they awoke. It was there 18 month old daughter, April. Ville went and got her, and she clung to him.
"Bye bye!" She said. Ville laughed, his daughter was yet to grasp the difference between hello and goodbye.
"Come on Kulta, its Christmas," He took her down to Bam, and they say with her under the tree. Although she didn't really understand Christmas, she understood presents, and straight away she reached out for the shiny wrapped gifts. She was soon surrounded in in a sea of paper, which she seemed more intrested in than the toys she'd recived. She grabbed a piece, decorated with stars, and pushed into her mouth. Ville sighed and pulled it out of her mouth. Her lip began to quiver and she reached out for it. Tears would follow if she didn't get her way. Bam acted fast, he grabbed a floppy teddy from he sofa, he passed i o April, who took i gleefully, hugging it to her body.
Later that day, Bams parents and friends came round, and he cooked hem Christmas lunch. He did everything, and the meal went off without a hitch.
"Bam, what are you planning?" questioned April. Bam looked at his mother wih a smile, he shrugged.
"I just want today to be special," he said. And he did. He made sure April, Phil and his friends were happy, comfable and well feed, leaving the pair confussed.
"Now!" said Bam, clapping his hands together. "We are going into West Chester, and we are going to gaher together as many people as we can, then Willa and i are going to City Hall, and we are going to get married!" April clapped her hands to her mouth and gasped. Bams family and friends suddenly surrounded the couple. April smoothered the pair in hugs and kisses, Phil and Bams friends patted the pair on the back congratulaed them.
"Well! Everyone go and get dressed! We're meeting the band in 20 minutes, then we're going to gather the residents of West Chester!" said Ville as he pushed the others in the direction of their old rooms. Since they were already dressed and ready to go, the pair went up to their daughters room, who was taking a nap. Bam picked her up, and she awoke, let out a sob, but soon stopped at the sight of her parents. She clung to Bam, and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Hey Kulta, come on, lets put your dress on, Bammie and I are getting married today!" Ville cooed. Aprils eyes sparkled and she reached out for Ville who took her, before dressing her quickly. With April in his arms, ready to go, he took Bams hand in his, gave him a passionate kiss and said
"This is it!"
"We're getting married!"
Finally the pair set off, with their daughter, their friends and their families into the centre of West Chester. Few people were around, as it was Christmas morning, but they soon gathered round the famous group. Word spread fast, the crowd grew, within half an hour, over 1000 people we're surrounding Bam, Ville and their family and friends. Bam stood on top of a car, a loud speaker in hand, and made an announcement.
"YO! PEOPLE WE'VE COME OUT HERE TO MAKE AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT, AND INVITE YOU ALL TO SOMETHING SPECIAL. VILLE AND I ARE GETTING MARRIED. HERE. NOW. AT CITY HALL. AND YOUR ALL INVITED, SO FOLLOW US!" there's an outburst of whispers, cheers and frantic movements, but the crowd soon follow. They arrive at city hall, to see screens set up outside, linked to the main hall, for those who couldn't make it inside. It took an hour, but soon everyone was in the right place, with over half the fans outside the hall, waiting, watching. Ville took Bams hand in his, and each linked their arms with their fathers, they, to the song 'Still Alive' by negative, they walked down the isle. Everyone was in tears as they exchanged their vows, and as they said 'I do' and locked into a passionate kiss, the crowd cheered.
Bam rested his forehead on Ville's, as the noise continued.
"I love you, this has been the best Christmas ever." he muttered.
"I love you too Bammie, i never want this day to end." Out of the corner of his eye, he saw baby April reaching out for him, so he went and took her in his arms. Then he took Bams hand, and together, they made their way out of the building to the warm reception of the crowd.
A week later, at the annual new-years HIM gig, Bam joined Ville for the last song - Love you like i do - and it was there, that Ville told Bam something that made his smile from ear to ear.
"I'm having another baby Bammie," Somehow, it looked like next Christmas, could top the one they just had.

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