Vampires Will Never Hurt Me

Feb 19, 2006 12:51

Title: Vampires Will Never Hurt Me
Chapter: 4
Rating: PG ~> NC-17
Summery: Like must marry like for there to be happiness. What happens when that rule is broken?
A/N: Hey.... Ummm... This is my first VAM fic so... Be gentle? Construct Crit is good... So if this sucks, tell me in a nice way. (O.T., if you recognize any of my icons, tell me and I'll credit.)
Also; Whenever Ville and Janie are alone, they're speaking Finnish. All other times will be indicated… I don’t have the patience to do all the translations.
Disclaim/Time to save my ass: This never happened… Untrue
Also; This chap was inspired partly by Lord of the Rings… Those of you who’ve seen it will notice.

Janie walked up to the hotel suite, knocking this time. She heard Ville’s voice beckon her inside, so she assumed she wasn’t interrupting anything. To her, the smell of sex was evident in the hallway. Stepping inside, she saw the bathroom door closed, and Bam, sprawled out shirtless on the bed. “Nice.” She hissed in Finnish. “Very nice.”
Bam looked around and headed for the bathroom. “Ville? Should I know her?”
Ville stepped out of the bathroom, straightening his shirt. “Janie.” He said sternly, despite the smile on his face. “Play nice.”
Janie pretended not to hear him and instead, began to circle Bam, talking in Finnish so he couldn’t understand. “None of my pets are quite this exquisite.”
Ville scowled. “He’s not a pet and you are not a vulture. Sit down. Have a drink, and for Bathory’s sake, behave yourself!”
Janie giggled and took the neglected Vodka from the nightstand, before finally settling on the couch.
Ville sighed and smiled at Bam. “Ignore her. She’s crazy.”
Janie merely smirked and took a drink of the clear liquid. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
Bam looked at each of them before falling back on the bad, laughing. “Me and Dunn in 800 years.”
Ville chuckled. “Yes… That seems about right.”
Bam pulled on his shirt and wrapped his scarf around his neck. “Well. I’m gonna let you girls talk. I should be heading home anyway.” He wrapped his arms around Ville’s waist and kissed him. It was chaste, but far from innocent. They held each other for a moment before Bam sent a smile and a nod in Janie’s direction and walked out.
Janie looked at the door for a moment before turning her attention back to the man in front of her. “Love.” She sighed, as if the word was an unfortunate disease. “Have you learned nothing?”
Ville sat next to her and shook his head. “Why can’t you understand?” He took a drink from the bottle. “Why can’t you understand how much he means to me?”
“I do understand. That’s the problem. You love him. He’s your world. And there lays the problem. Weather from one of his stupid stunts, sickness, or just old age, He. Will. Die. You will have to bury him. And you will be alone. I’ve seen this happen to you before Ville. With Lizzie. You open your heart and you lose everything. I’ve seen the way he holds your heart, and a heart made of dust is far too easy to destroy. You and I have been friends since we were ten years old. I know you better than anyone. Please. Try to understand what I’m saying.”
Her eyes were so filled with emotion that Ville had to look away.
“I understand. I remember all too well. But it’s worth it. The pain I’ll feel one day when I lose him will be nothing after all the joy of being with him as long as I can. I’ll take the consequences."
Janie sighed and stared at the floor. Her long nails tapped on the bottle as she chose her next words carefully.
“There is…. A way… You can avoid the heartbreak. You can keep him with you.” She looked pointedly into his eyes and spoke softly. “Forever.”
Ville’s brow furrowed before realization dawned on him. “No. No no no. I won’t. Don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind. But I can’t do that to him.”
“Are you kidding me? He would love it!”
“At first yes. But what about when everyone around him is gone? There’s a fire in his eyes. I won’t be the one to put it out.”
I'm not sure about this chap... It's on the line between beautiful and corny/chiche.... Tell me what you think....
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