Just Another Kid

Feb 19, 2006 13:19

Summary- Bam's known for a while that Ville has a little.. problem. But what happens when it starts getting out of control?
Rating- Mostly PG-13, but since it's me, there are NC-17 bits thrown in.
Caution- This is a bloody long story.
Right then... onward.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Nearly three hours later, Ville sauntered into the office with a smile. “Naughty boy, leaving me all alone in that big bed. I was so lonely.” He laughed as Bam jumped at his throaty purr. “What has you so captivated, my darling?”

Hastily closing the window, Bam turned away from the computer. “You do, now.” He smiled and grabbed Ville’s hips, tugging him down onto his lap. Fitting a hand to the back of his slim neck, Bam pulled him down into a deep kiss. “Enjoy your movie, babe?” He mentally kicked himself; he had slipped again.

“Movie?” Ville gave him an odd look, loosely draping his arms around Bam’s neck. “Are you feeling alright, BamBam? You’ve been weird lately.” He leaned down so their foreheads were against each other, peering into big blue eyes. “You look so sad, my love… Is it the tour?”

Feeling tears prick his eyes, Bam bit his tongue to fight them. “Yeah,” he whispered, pressing his face to Ville’s neck. He couldn’t lie under the scrutiny of those wide green eyes.

Ville pulled his fingers through Bam’s hair, hugging him a bit tighter. “Poor Bammie… I’ll miss you, too. But you know I’ll call you everyday. And you’ll come see me.”

Bam didn’t know whether to laugh or cry; he had just had this conversation with Ville mere hours ago. He didn’t even realize his traitor eyes had started leaking, he only clutched Ville tighter, listening as his lover hummed to him softly.

“Bam, why are you crying?” Ville leaned forward to kiss away the tears that had gotten past Bam’s defenses. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he demanded, hands cupping the boyish face.

Closing his eyes, Bam took a deep breath. “I can’t.” He grabbed Ville and kissed him again, almost desperately. When he finally pulled away, panting, the tears were gone.

Giving him an amused look, Ville moved so he was straddling Bam’s lap. “Well. Whatever did I do to deserve that?”

“Just… Stay the way you are this second, Vil. Okay? Don’t change.”

Smiling indulgently, Ville just nodded. “You are so very weird, my darling Bammie, but I love you for it. Now. Let’s go get drunk.” His smile turned teasing in a heartbeat, one brow raised slightly. “Unless you can think of something better to do…”

Bam grinned, cupping Ville’s ass and standing, the singer wrapped around him with his ankles locked at the small of his back. “Better than drinking? Hmm,” he said, pretending to think. “Nope. Can’t think of anything.”

“Fine,” Ville huffed, his eyes still sparkling in amusement. “I suppose I’ll have to wait and get you drunk. Then I can have my evil little way with you.” He laughed as Bam set him down, giving his ass a slap.

“Promises, promises.” Bam grabbed Ville’s hand and headed downstairs. He tried not to worry about Ville, how long it would be until he had another episode, what would happen on the tour. He tried to just concentrate on the beautiful, half drunk flirt before him.

“You aren’t paying me any attention, Bammie,” Ville complained, a pout on his perfect lips. He took a quick swallow of beer before crossing his arms over his chest. “Here I am, flirting away, using some of my best material, mind, and you haven’t heard one word.”

Smiling guiltily, Bam wrapped his arms around the slender waist, nuzzling into Ville’s neck. “I’m sorry, baby… You’re just so fuckin beautiful, I get all caught up in staring at you and I forget to listen.”

The pout melted into a wide smile, and Ville tipped Bam’s face up to kiss him hungrily. “Mm, that’s a good excuse, my love. You’re forgiven.” He pulled back to drain his beer, tossing the empty in the trash. “I must smoke.” Grabbing a fresh bottle, he walked to the door, hips swaying teasingly with each step.

Bam watched appreciatively, grinning when Ville tossed him a ‘come hither’ look over his shoulder. He followed him out the door and sprawled out on a lounge chair. “C’mere, Vil.” Putting his legs on either side of the chair so Ville could sit in between and lean against his chest, he sighed happily.

“Mm, my very favorite chair.” Ville half turned, lifting his face to be kissed again. He placed his cigarette between Bam’s lips, watching him take a long drag. Leaning back again, he arched his back a bit when Bam slid a hand under his shirt, pinching one nipple before raking his blunt nails down the thin chest. “Do you want me to jump you right here?”

In answer, Bam lowered his head to bite the spot where neck joined shoulder, then soothed the wounded skin with his tongue. He smiled a little; hearing Ville moan and feeling him shiver in his arms.

“I know your parents said they just want you to be happy, but- Ooh, Bammie… But I don’t think they’re quite ready to see this- Fuck!” Ville’s hips jerked up as Bam started to gently trace the length of him through his jeans.

“I can stop if you want,” Bam offered teasingly, slowing the movement of his hand even more. He nearly laughed as Ville grabbed his wrist tight, keeping his hand in place and tilted his head, offering Bam his neck.

Ville growled softly, pressing into the tantalizing touch. “If you stop, I’ll fucking kill you.” He sighed when he felt the tip of Bam’s tongue run down his neck, gasped as teeth grazed his sensitive flesh.

Taking the cigarette from Ville, Bam put it out. He turned the other man to face him, never breaking his teasing contact. “Maybe we should take this inside.” He looked vaguely surprised when his lover shook his head quickly.

“No.” Ville flashed him a wicked smile. “I want to make love with you out here.” He pulled himself away from Bam with a low groan, standing. “Please?” Holding out a hand, he pouted when Bam shook his head. “Why?”

Bam smiled at the hurt look, taking Ville’s hand and kissing his palm. “No, no… Outside is fine. I just wanted to get some stuff first. Wait here, baby.” He hurried inside and sprinted up the stairs. Glancing out his window, he smiled.

Ville walked across the grass, well away from the lights of the house, his pale skin luminous in the moonlight. Bam watched him turn his face up to the sky, twirling round once or twice before dropping to the ground. He briefly worried that he would get out there and find Ville shivering, scared to be alone in the dark. But the lascivious sprawl of limbs, the long fingers creeping into his jeans, convinced Bam otherwise.

Watching Bam come running across the grass, Ville grinned and exhaled a long plume of smoke. “What took you so long, Bammie-boy? I almost started without you.” He smiled as his younger lover spread out a blanket, and scooted over onto it, stretching languidly. “Lovely idea…”

Bam dropped down beside him, shrugging a bit. “I want my baby to be comfortable,” he grinned. “That includes making sure nothing goes up that hot ass of yours but me.”

Smiling coquettishly, Ville slowly exhaled again, teasingly blowing the smoke into Bam’s face. “You think I have a hot ass, do you?” At the enthusiastic nod, he pitched his cigarette aside and lay back. “I bet you’d like to rip my pants off so you can touch it, hmm? So you can shove your hard cock into me and- Oh!”

Cutting him off by grabbing his hips, Bam tugged the singer underneath him, immediately rocking into his groin. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a little pricktease?”

Ville smirked. “Oh, come off it. When have I ever got you all hot and- Mm, yes… -bothered without following through? Oh, god.” He arched up under Bam, feeling the press of his cock hot and hard against his own. “Pants off. Now.”

Leaning down for a rough kiss, Bam quickly worked Ville’s pants open, shoving them down his slender legs. He ran his hands over the smooth skin, groaning softly at the sensation. “Oh, Ville, baby… That’s nice,” he murmured as a hot mouth attacked his neck, pale thighs spreading to allow him to touch everywhere.

“Your ones, too, Bammie.” Ville slowly undid Bam’s pants, sliding them down his legs teasingly slow. He pressed soft kisses down the length of one muscled leg, his hand stroking over the other. “Shirt,” he whispered, eyeing Bam hungrily.

Bam eagerly pulled his shirt over his head, sighing impatiently as Ville inched his own up. Leaning forward to kiss the pale skin as it was slowly exposed, Bam let his fingers slowly trace over the dark tattoos, loving the contrast of colors. “You’re so goddamn gorgeous.”

Tugging him up for a sweet kiss, Ville looked deep into big blue eyes. “Who would ever believe a bratty little jackass skater could say such wonderful, sweet things?”

“No one, that’s why I can say ‘em.”

“You’re such a punk.” Ville smiled and lay back, trailing his fingers over his hard cock. “I don’t think I want to have sex tonight.” His smile widened as Bam groaned and swore softly. “I think I’d rather suck you off instead.”

Moving down to press his face into the crease of thigh and hip, Bam nuzzled the soft skin there. He smiled a little as Ville gasped, knowing the singer was ticklish there. “How bout I suck you, then you roll over for me like a good boy…”

Ville let out a dark, low chuckle. “I thought you liked it when I’m a bad boy.” A soft cry escaped him as Bam’s hot mouth closed over him, and he tangled one hand in the unruly curls. “Little teeth, sweetheart… You know how I like it.”

Grinning around Ville’s length, Bam pulled back as he moaned loudly. “Damn, Willa. Shut up! The neighbors are gonna come running, thinking I’m killing you.”

“The neighbors can come where ever they like, darling, as long as I get to come in your hot little mouth. Suck me.”

Laughing softly, Bam complied, gently scraping his teeth over hot silky skin. The low hiss that escaped his lover’s lips made him shiver, and he gripped Ville’s hips tightly. He smoothed his hands over the jutting bones, giving him loving caresses with his tongue.

“Oh, my sweetheart, yes…” Ville writhed, clutching at Bam’s shoulder, at one of his hands. His hips bucked up once before they were gently but firmly pushed back to the blanket.

Bam’s cheek hollowed with the effort, tongue moving quickly. He smiled a bit, hearing Ville breathe his name, and gently rolled his balls in one hand. Hearing the soft whine that he knew signified an impending orgasm, he squeezed gently and used his teeth again.

Panting, Ville felt heat coil in his lower belly, his hand snaking into Bam’s hair. “Bammie, so close…” He groaned as Bam bobbed his head faster, felt his toes curling. “I’m gonna fucking come, lover.”

Sucking hard, Bam swallowed as Ville came hard with a breathy moan. He gently lapped at the head, catching any stray drops before leaning up to press a soft kiss to the center of the heartagram on his flat tummy. “Good?”

Ville tugged Bam up, holding him tight and kissing him hard. Rubbing his thigh gently against the erection hot against his leg, he pulled back to looks into blue eyes. “Very.” He just held his boyfriend close for a moment, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, the quick beat of his heart, before kissing him gently.

The gentle kisses slowly became more urgent, Bam grinding against Ville’s thigh. “Please, baby… I need you so bad.” He sucked in a breath as his lover rolled onto his stomach, on his knees and leaning forward on his elbows. Running a hand down Ville’s back and over his ass, Bam leaned down to drag his tongue up his spine.

Teasingly pushing his hips back, Ville wiggled slightly against Bam’s groin. “What are you waiting for, then? Take me.” He heard the crinkle of the packet being torn open, shivering slightly at the anticipation and turned his head to watch his lover coat his hard cock with lube. “Mm… I want that.” Slowly licking his lower lip, he lifted his eyes to Bam’s. “I want that bad, sweetheart.”

“Fuck…” Bam groaned softly, positioning himself carefully. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as Ville thrust back onto him impatiently. “Shit, Ville, how long do you want this to last?”

“I don’t care; I just want you to fuck me silly.” Ville smirked as his words had their desired effect, making Bam moan and begin thrusting into him hard. Pushing back against him, Ville groaned softly as pressure hit his spot again and again.

Bam bit his bottom lip hard, grabbing Ville’s hips and pulling him back hard against him. He gasped as muscles gently clenched around him. “Vil, god, babe, do that again…” Panting, thrusting for what felt like ages, he cried out softly as his lover expertly squeezed him to release. He flopped onto his back, catching his breath, seeing Ville’s smug smile. “Goddamn…”

Crawling over him, Ville leaned down to kiss Bam slowly, gently stroking his fingers through the short curly hair. “Enjoy yourself?” He laughed softly at the mumbled, unintelligible response. “Good. Now, come here.”

Easily cuddling himself into Ville, Bam nuzzled into his neck and curled an arm around his waist. He glanced up, grinning at the satisfied smile, the half lidded eyes staring up at the stars. “Ville?”


“If… If there was something wrong, you’d tell me, right? I mean, if you were like, stressin about something, even if it happened a long time ago, or whatever… You’d tell me?”

Ville glanced down into concerned blue eyes. “Of course, Bammie. You know that.” He gently caressed his boyfriend’s cheek, holding him close. “You’re not telling me something, darling. What’s wrong?”

Getting lost in pale green eyes, Bam sighed softly. “It’s nothing.”


Hesitating, Bam just shook his head, pressing a soft kiss to one pale cheek. “I’m just worried about you on tour. Don’t worry about it. I’m bein a fuckin girl, is all.” He flushed slightly under the intense gaze he received, knowing damn well that Ville always knew when he was lying.

“Why did you ask if I enjoyed my movie earlier?” Ville asked suddenly, frowning just a bit. “I didn’t watch anything, I just… took a nap.” A brief look of confusion crossed his face; he had woken up, but had no real recollection of going to sleep. The last thing he remembered was watching TV with Bam, downstairs.

“I thought you were watching a movie,” Bam said, trying to think quickly. “I didn’t know you were sleepin.” Seeing Ville about to press the issue, he quickly cut him off with a kiss, hoping to distract him. “Let’s go back to the house and do some shots before bed.”

Allowing Bam to dress him, Ville grinned. “I’m quite capable of dressing myself, Bam. I’ve been doing it for some years.” He returned the favor, and let himself be pulled to his feet. Suddenly throwing his arms around Bam, he hugged him hard. “I love you, BamBam. So much.”

Bam blinked in surprise, returning the embrace. “Aw, love you, too, ya fuckin pussy.” He laughed as he was shoved hard, and lead the way back to the house.
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