(no subject)

Feb 19, 2006 12:37

Title: Through the looking glass
Author: Me
Pairing: Vammy
Disclainer: I don’t won shit so :p
Info: I got this idea from the video “In the Shadows” from the Rasmus. A/U Ville is living his life in 1917 Finland. But there is a secret in his new house waiting just for him.

Chapter 3

Chapter 2 http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1408115.html#cutid1

After a few minutes the doctor removed the leeches and Ville started to redress.

“You should be right as rain now. If the evil spirits return come back and we shall try it again.” The doctor sealed up the jar and took it away.

Snapping up the final button he faced the doctor again. “Thank you for your help.”

“Anytime, now I want you to go home and pray oh and do not forget to pay the bill. Medicine is an expensive practice.”

Paying the doctor far more then was reasonable Ville walked outside. It had seemed colder then before. The tiny snowflakes of the morning were now replaced by larger clusters falling from the gray sky. Wrapping his coat tightly around him Ville hurried home.

Stepping inside and carefully removing his shoes not to track snow around his eyes gazed into the sitting room. Ville knew it was wrong but he couldn’t help it he was drawn to it. Taking a few steps in he closed his eyes and faced the mirror. I’m cured he thought but did he really want to be? Opening his eyes to the mirror he saw only his reflection. Maybe it really was over.

The wind outside howled and the walls creaked. There was going to be a bad storm tonight. Ville checked the supplies making sure he had enough firewood and food to last several days if they were snowed in.

Ville kept himself busy. If his mind was elsewhere then it would not be pining over the man he barely knew. Night fell and finding himself not so hungry he decided just to skip dinner and head for bed.

Not being able to sleep he focused his attention on the constant falling snow. Wishing and wishing and then finally he heard it, the voices he had been waiting for. Running as fast as he could threw the darkened house he stood in front of the mirror.

Before him Ville could see a bed and upon it was Bam, eyes closed listening to music. Paying close attention the voice singing it sounded a lot like him. But how could that be? Stepping closer Ville put his hands on the mirror like he had before. “Bam?” The figure didn’t move. Concentrating harder Ville tried again. “Bam!”

This time it worked. Bam jumped up from the bed and looked right at him. Ville’s pulse quicken, hands shook, but he didn’t move away. The figure approached him slowly. Confusion and a little fear evident on his face. Ville watched as Bam’s hands moved onto his. The glass turned from cold to warm. He could feel the contact of Bam’s flesh upon his.

“Can you hear me?” Ville called out. The figure before him looked like he was straining to hear what was being said to him.

“Ville how the hell did you get in there?”

He could feel his knees starting to shake. How did he know my name? Before he could answer Ville’s fingers felt the glass turn colder as the image faded away.

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