Forbidden Love - Ch.8

Feb 18, 2006 23:36

Hello Sweethearts!
I ment to do this earlier today, but I got sidetracked and look where that got me. Anyway, I come with a new chapter! Nothing else to really say, so read and ENJOY!!!

Title: Forbidden Love
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Bam, a college student, makes a bad first impression and tries to correct his wrong doings. While at the same time finds mixed feelings for a new comer at the college. However, these feelings aren't allowed.
Disclaimer: Don't own, just the ideas. Never happened.

Chapters 1 - 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:

Chapter 8

Silence continued to fill in around him as he laid in the middle of his bed, staring up at the ceiling. A sigh escaped his lips as he continued to get lost within his thoughts. Why did he do what he did? The same question continued to race through his head.

And to his teacher of all people, he thought as he sighed out in frustration. He could not continue to do this. With an attempt of clearing his mind, he quickly rolled to the edge of his bed before climbing off of it. Not bothering to change his attire, which he still had on all the way down to his shoes., he dragged himself out of his room. Next thing he knew what that he was only a few feet from his car. Once in front of the driver door, he pulled it open and saw a few shards of glass still upon his seat.

Once he had gotten home from school, he had broke the rest if his window so he would not have to worry about it later. Reaching out his hand, he swiftly wiped them away before climbing into the car. With the engine started, he pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the Auto Shop; but fixing his window was not on his mind. After a couple of minutes, he pulled up to his destination and quickly parked his car. Leaving it still running, he hopped out of the car and walked into one of the opened garage doors. Instantly he began scanning the floors until he found what he had been looking for.

“Dunn!” he shouted to get the man’s attention.

At the sound of his name being yelled, he looked up from what he was doing. “Bam.” he sighed out as he noticed who it was calling him. “You don’t see me coming to your working and shouting, do you?”

“Because I don’t have one.” he smirked as he walked over to his friend. “But that’s besides the point.” he added with a shrug.

“Then what’s the point of coming here?” Dunn questioned as he looked over at his friend.

“We’re going drinking.” bam declared, quickly ignoring the look his friend was giving him.

“Do you not see me at work?” Dunn questioned quickly but behind Bam’s act, he could tell something was wrong. He then sighed in defeat. “Just let me go give my boss an excuse on leaving.” he added while setting the tolls he had in his hand down.

Bam nodded his head in understanding before heading back in the direction of his car. Soon reaching his car, he pulled open the door and climbed into it again and began waiting for his friend. After a couple minutes of waiting, he saw Dunn exit the building. Once the both of them were in his car, he pulled out of the parking lot and was on his way.


She sighed softly as she leaned against the locker she was waiting by. After a couple more seconds, she turned her wrist and looked down at her watch. Where is he? she thought as she leaned forward slightly so she could scan the hallway floors again. At no sight of her friend, she shook her head before digging into her bag. After fishing around for a little bit, she finally found what she was looking for. With the small device within her hand, she pulled it out and turned it on. Then dialing a number she knew by heart, she held it up to her ear and listened it ring.

It continued to ring until the voice mail picked up. Not bothering to leave one, she hung up the phone. Glancing at her watch again, she saw that she only had a couple of minutes. Placing the phone within her pocket, she gripped onto her things before stepping in the half crowded hallway. Dodging her way through the students, she headed towards her classroom. Stopping slightly to allow another student to enter before her, she glanced down the hallways one last time before stepping into the room as well.

She swiftly made her way to an empty desk and quickly set her things upon the floor, at her feet. Once seated, she took out her phone again but instead on calling him, she decided on text messages instead. After sending a couple of messages, she sighed softly as the bell rang. Sometimes she worried about her friend and his actions. Turning her phone on silent, she placed it back into her bag.

“Good morning class.” the teacher’s voice soon filled the room as he greeted them.

Putting all of her attention onto the class, she decided she’d just give Bam a call once the class ended if he still did not show up. The next hour passed and before she knew it, the bell had rung and the students were gathering their things to leave. Picking up her bag as well, she put her things into it before climbing to her feet as well. Shouldering one of the straps to her bag, she stepped down the aisle behind some other students. She was halfway to the door when she was stopped.

“Miss Lee, may I have a word with you for a moment, please.” her teacher’s accented voice questioned gently from behind her.

Turning on her heel, she faced her teacher. “Sure.” she answered with a smile before stepping over to him.

I know, it's not much but I really couldn't get anything out for this chapter. So, whatcha think? Like it? Hate it? Feedback with your opinions/suggestions! They're always loved! *smiles* Until next time sweethearts! *hugs*

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