Would You Be the One to Save Me? (Part 15)

Feb 18, 2006 21:31

gah! damn my idleness! sorry for the long wait! I haven't been on the computer much this week... "/ ah well. enjoy anyways!

Title- Would You Be the One to Save Me?
Author- PlayXDead07
Disclaimer- Never happened. Don't know anyone, don't own anyone... Maybe in my dreams, but not in reality. "/ Sucks to be me.
Summary- Ville is the new foreign exchanged student in highschool. Just when he thinks that he'll never fit in at a place like West Chester, he meets Bam Margera. The two immeadiately become friends... maybe even closer! But what Ville doesn't know is that behind that sexy smile of Bam's, there's a small secret... a secret that could kill him eventually! Can Ville be the one to save Bam? (Revised summary, do you like it? lol)
Rating- Pg-13 to R

~x~x~Ville's P.O.V~x~x~
"Your wrists... That's how they looked in my nightmare..." Ville gasped. He was breathing heavily, and knew he had to calm down fast before he had an asthma attack. Bam had a hurt look in his blue eyes... The kind of look a child has when their parent has just caught them in a lie. Ville placed his hand under Bam's wrist, and stroked the cuts with his thumb. He then turned his watery emerald eyes to Bam's face.

"What will it take to get you to stop doing this to yourself?" Ville asked, a note of desparation in his silky voice. "Bam, please talk to me..."
Ville held Bam's wrist and gazed into his eyes, both his touch and his eyes pleading with Bam... begging Bam...
Bam sighed heavily, then pulled his wrist away.

"No one can help me, Ville! My mom's dead! My family will never be the same without her! Do you know what that's done to my brother? Or my dad? I'm watching my entire family break apart, Ville! And there's no way I can stop it!" Bam yelled, tears welling up in his eyes. He turned away, about to run, when Ville caught him around the waist.
Ville had nothing to say. What was there to say? He wasn't sure that everything would turn out to be alright, and he didn't want to lie to Bam... so Ville just held him. He held him close against his chest, feeling Bam's muscles relax at his touch. Bam rested his head on Ville's shoulder, tears falling down his face. Ville knew that he was struggling not to break down... that's just how Bam was. Maybe their trip to Finland would be just what Bam needed to calm down and get his mind off of things. When they got back, everything would be just fine. Bam's family would all be alright, and Bam wouldn't have to worry anymore. Ville hugged Bam closer, hoping to God that he was right.
~x~x~x~x~x~4 days later~x~x~x~x~x~
After school, Ville and Bam walked with Ryan, Raab, Rake, and Dico on the path towards Castle Bam. Ville hadn't noticed any new cuts on Bam's wrists, and assumed that Bam would be just fine for a while. Bam hadn't shown any signs that he was depressed about anything, so Ville didn't worry too much.

"Then I threw the peanut butter at the ceiling fan." Raab was saying. "And that's how I saved Christmas."
The guys all laughed, and Bam shoved Raab into the bushes. Ville shook his head, smiling. Yeeah... they were all weird... but Ville loved them to death.
After saying goodbye to all the guys, Bam and Ville walked inside Castle Bam.

"Bam, hurry up and get your stuff. Our flight leaves in about 2 hours." Ville reminded Bam. He nodded and disappeared upstairs.
Ville already had all his stuff packed. He was so excited to go back to Finland and see all of his old friends! He wondered if there had been any major changes since he left... Hm, maybe Burton had finally gotten himself a girlfriend... or Mige cut his hair off... or-
Ville's thoughts were interrupted when a large bag had come flying down the stairs, nailing him in the head. Bam roared with laughter.

"Bam Margera, you ass hole!" Ville yelled, then got up to chase Bam. Bam was way ahead of him, and locked himself in Ville's room. Ville struggled to open his door, but failed. From inside, Bam was taunting him.

"Ooh! What's this? I found a little green notebook!" Bam let out a mock gasp. "It looks like a diary!"
Ville knew immeadiately what he was talking about.

"No! Bam, put it down!" he knew that his pleas would probably lead him nowhere, but he tried anyways. "Don't you DARE read it! Put it back!"

"Not a chance." Bam laughed. Ville growled as he heard Bam flipping through the pages of his green notebook. There was a long pause, in which Ville was certain he was reading something he had written. He felt his face grow warm as he remembered some of the things he wrote in that notebook... like his feelings for the skater... and even one of the fantasies he had about him! Oh God, he had to get Bam to stop reading it!
Ville was about to start pounding on the door, when it opened, and Bam stood there, holding his notebook, mouth open in shock.

"Did you write this?" Bam asked. Ville felt his heart race wildly in his chest as he thought about what Bam could have been talking about...
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